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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
First-cycle programmes


7.Higher education

7.2First-cycle programmes

Last update: 28 March 2024

Study programmes for the acquisition of education levels and higher education degrees must comply with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). A study programme in one academic year comprises 60 (ECTS) credits.

First cycle programs (undergraduate studies) are organized as a three-year, comprises 180 ECTS, for most study programs. Pursuant to the Law on Higher Education, the programs of the first cycle can be organized as an integrated undergraduate and master’s studies, comprising 300, or 360 ECTS. A person who complete an integrated undergraduate and master’s study programme has the right to apply for enrollment in doctoral studies directly.

Programs from the fields of regulated professions (Medicine, Architecture, Pharmacy, Higher Medical School) are organized in accordance with a special regulation of the European Union related to regulated professions  Directive 2005/36EC and Directive 55/13EC

A person who has obtained a proper level education required for attaining IV-1 sub-level of National Qualifications Framework is entitled to enroll in undergraduate academic and applied studies.

Enrolment conditions

Enrolment in studies is conducted on the basis of:

1)   general performance concerning the completion of individual grades for attaining IV-1 sub-level of National Qualifications Framework;

2)   results achieved at external Matura or vocational exam;

3)   performance from two subjects of third and fourth grade relevant for continuance of education;

3a)  achieved success at national or international competition in subjects of importance for continuing education;

4)   “Luča” diploma awarded for excellent study performance.

For enrolment in certain study programmes, an admission exam may be introduced. For persons with disabilities the principle of affirmative action is applied on the occasion of enrolment in a study programme.

Matura or vocational exam is valued with at least 15% of total number of points acquired on enrolment by evaluating all noted criteria. On professional-artistic study programmes of undergraduate studies of faculties and art academies, a candidate without completed secondary school can be enrolled, provided that they pass an admission exam in compliance with this Law.

More detailed conditions and criteria, method and procedure of enrolment in the first year of undergraduate academic and applied studies is prescribed by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation,

A foreigner is entitled to be enrolled into study programmes in Montenegro, under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens, in compliance with this Law and statute of institution.

Studying agreement

A student and an institution conclude a studying agreement, closely defining their reciprocal rights and obligations. In addition to the studying agreement, students also sign statements with regard to meeting the principles of academic ethics. Contents of the agreement for public institutions is determined by the Ministry of Education, Science and Innovation,

Agreement includes the obligation of institution to provide continuance and completion of education in case of discontinuing the work of an institution or a study programme.