Preschool education, primary and secondary school education
Primary and secondary schools in Montenegro are governed by school boards, whereas institutions in the field of preschool education, pupil dormitories, pupil and student dormitories, or student dormitories and adult education institution are governed by governing boards:
School board, or governing board of an institution in the field of preschool education, primary education, secondary general education and education of children with special educational needs is composed of: one representative of the Ministry, one representative of employees and one representative of parents
School board, or governing board of an institution in the field of vocational education is composed of: one representative of employees, four representatives of the Ministry, or four representatives of the municipality for institutions founded by municipalities, one representative of social partners and one representative of parents
Governing Board of a post-secondary non-tertiary vocational school consists of two representatives of employees, four representatives of the Ministry and one representative of social partners
Governing Board of the pupil dormitories, student dormitories and student and pupil dormitories is composed of three representatives of the Ministry, or three representatives of the municipality for institutions founded by municipalities, one representative of employees and one representative of users of services (tenants)
School board, or governing board of combined secondary schools and educational centres is composed of two representatives of employees, four representatives of the Ministry, or four representatives of the municipality for institutions founded by municipalities and one representative of social partners
Governing board of adult education institutions is composed of: three representatives of the Ministry, or the municipality for institutions founded by municipalities, and one representative of employees and social partners.
Representatives of the Ministry are appointed and dismissed by the Minister. Representatives of employees are elected by secret ballot cast by teaching and/or expert council. Representatives of parents are elected by secret ballot cast by Parent Council. The Parent Council is formed for the purpose of achieving organized interests of the parents. Members of the Council are the parents of children of different educational groups, i.e. parents of pupils of different grades, who are elected at the parent-teacher meetings, in the manner and according to the procedure established by the statute of the institution.
The Parent Council has the following competences:
elects representatives of parents into school or governing board
gives an opinion on draft annual work plan of the institution
consider the report on work of the institution
participates in the procedure for proposing elective subjects
gives an opinion on the programme of organising pupils’ excursions
reviews internal and external reports on determining the quality of the educational and educational work of the institution
considers complaints from parents and students about educational work
performs other tasks, in accordance with law and the statute of the institution.
The work of the Council is more closely regulated by the statute of institution.
Meetings of the school board, or governing board can be attended by representative of the Pupil Parliament, or learners and representative of students. Pupil Parliament is composed of the representatives of pupils of all classes in the school. The authorisations and manner of work of the Pupil Parliament are more closely determined by the statute of school.
Members of the school board, or governing board are elected for four years, except for the representatives of parents who are elected for two years.
School board, or governing board of an institution:
adopts development programme
adopts annual work plan and report on its implementation
reviews programmes and results of extracurricular activities
decides on the organisation of a school sports society or club
adopts statute, act on internal organisation and job classification and other general acts
adopts annual financial plan
adopts public procurement plan
decides on leasing school property in accordance with law
adopts a periodical and annual statement of account
proposes the change of name and seat of institution
decides, as a second instance body, on the rights of pupils or service users, in accordance with law
performs other duties, in accordance with law and statute.
School board, or governing board decides by majority vote of the total number of members, unless the statute of institution lays down that certain issues are decided on by a different majority. Members of the school board or governing board are obliged to represent the interests and attitudes of the authorities that elected them.
The structure of the school board, or governing board at private institutions is established by their own act.
An institution is managed by head. Institution’s head also acts as a pedagogical director.
A public institution’s head is appointed for a period of four years. Same person cannot be appointed as head of a public institution more than two times in a row. A public institution’s head is appointed on the basis of a public call and the submitted institution development programme. The call for appointing a head is announced by the school board, or governing board, two months before the term of office of the head holding the position has expired. Besides application, a candidate is obliged to submit the public institution development programme.
A public institution’s head is appointed and dismissed by the Minister.
A private institution’s head is appointed and dismissed by the founder.
Heads are in charge of their institutions and are responsible for planning, organising and managing the work of the institutions, organisation of rational and efficient implementation of educational programmes, ensuring equality among pupils in exercising their right to education, in accordance with their abilities, preparation of the proposal of the annual work plan and its implementation, work of teacher or expert council, selection of teachers, professional associates and other employees at the institutions, proposing the institution’s act on organisation and job classification, exercising professional and pedagogical supervision, deciding on the rights and obligations of employees in accordance with law, encouraging professional training and development of teachers of teachers and proposing their promotion, adopting a plan to improve the quality of educational work of their institutions, cooperation with parents and the community, etc.
Heads submit the report on their work to the school board, or governing board, at least once a year or more often if necessary.
Higher Education
In accordance with the Law on Higher Education, in exercising their activities, higher education institutions acquire property rights and dispose of funds; regulate internal organisation, in accordance with this Law and Statute; choose and employ academic and other staff; establish special profitable organisational forms for educational and research purposes; conclude contracts with other institutions in Montenegro; conclude contracts with institutions at the international level; have other rights necessary for the performance of their activity, in accordance with this Law and Statute of the institution.
The governing body of the university is the governing board. The Governing Board determines the business policy of the university. The Governing Board of the public university has 15 members comprising the representatives of academic staff, other employees, students and representatives of the founder. Representatives of the founder within the governing board of the public university make 1/3 of total board members. Student representatives in the governing board of the public university are appointed by the Student Parliament in accordance with their rules. The Governing Board is appointed for a period of four years, with the exception of student representatives appointed for a period of two years. The competences, the manner of appointment and dismissal, as well as the manner of operation and decision-making of the Governing Board are closely regulated by the statute of the public university.
The governing body of a public institution which is not a university is determined by the statute of the institution.
The governing body must include the representatives of academic staff, other staff and students. The competence, number, composition, duration of the term of office, manner of appointment and dismissal, as well as the manner of work and decision making of the bodies of the institution’s governance are closely regulated by the statute of the institution. The Governing Board of the private university is appointed by the founder. Representatives of students must be members of the governing board. The competences, number of members, composition, method of appointment and dismissal, method of work and decision of the board, as well as the period for appointment of governing board of a private university is be determined by the founder, in accordance with its statute.
The management body of the university is rector. Rector is responsible for the work of university, as well as for management within the business policy established by the Governing Board of the university.
The management body of an organisational unit within the public university is dean or director, appointed by the governing board of the university in accordance with the statute. The manner of appointment of dean, or director, their authorisations, the period of appointment and other issues are regulated by the statute of the public university.
The management body of an institution which is not a university is determined by the statute of that institution. The manner of appointing the management body, authorisations, term of office and other matters are regulated by the statute of the institution.