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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Second-cycle programmes


7.Higher education

7.3Second-cycle programmes

Last update: 3 April 2024

Branches of study

Second cycle study programs are provided by licensed higher education institutions in compliance with the Law on Higher Education from the following areas:

  • natural sciences

  • technical and technological sciences

  • medical sciences

  • social sciences

  • humanistic sciences

  • agricultural sciences

  • interdisciplinary sciences

Second cycle  study programmes are organized as two year courses – 120 ECTS.

Students who complete undergraduate study programmes such as Teacher training, Teacher training in Albanian Language, Architecture  and Pharmacy organized in duration of five years, 300 ECTS, as well as  Medicine and Dentistry organized in duration of six years, 360 ECTS,  can be enrolled  in doctoral studies directly.

From the academic year 2020/21, master studies at public higher education institutions are free of charge.

Admission requirements

Enrolment in Master’s academic and applied studies is carried out on a competitive basis, in accordance with the results achieved during undergraduate or applied studies comprising at least 180 ECTS credits and on entry exam, in accordance with the Law on Higher Education and Statute of institution.

Content, method and procedure of taking the entry exam and more detailed criteria and their evaluation, as well as the methods and procedure and the level of compliance of completed undergraduate studies for enrolment in the first year of Master’s academic and applied studies is laid down by an act of institution.

A foreigner is entitled to be enrolled into study programmes in Montenegro, under the same conditions as Montenegrin citizens, in compliance with this Law and statute of institution.


An institution is entitled to determine study programmes to be carried out and courses to be taught and independently develop and carry out study programmes.  

Studies at institutions are carried out on the basis of an accredited study programme. Higher education institutions offer second cycle programs or so-called postgraduate study programs. Master's study programs can be academic and applied.

Until the adoption of the amendment and changes to the Law on Higher Education in June 2017, when most of the study programs were organized according to the scheme 3 + 1 + 1 + 3 (undergraduate 180 ECTS + specialist 60 ECTS + master 60 ECTS + doctoral 180 ECTS), postgraduate studies were mainly realized in two phases. The first phase relates to the program of specialist studies, while the second relates to the master program. Specialist studies last one year comprising 60 ECTS. Master study program last for one year, comprising 60 ECTS or two years comprising 120 ECTS depending on the duration of the undergraduate  study program and the concept of the postgraduate studies.

With the amendments to the Law on Higher Education in 2017, a reform of the study model was implemented at higher education institutions in Montenegro, which replaced the 3+1+1+3 study model with the 3+2+3 model, except for regulated professions.
Study programs that can be implemented at institutions of higher education are: bachelor, master's (postgraduate) and doctoral, which can be interdisciplinary and are organized from at least two areas. Bachelor and postgraduate study programs can be accredited as academic and applied, while doctoral study programs can be accredited as academic.
Study programs must contain practical teaching, as well as learning outcomes for the scientific field to which the study program belongs, i.e. competencies for performing activities. Practical teaching amounts to at least 25% in relation to the total workload of the student by subject, i.e. year, depending on the learning outcomes for a particular study program.

The organisation and implementation of Joint Master’s study programmes with other higher education institutions that deal with scientific or artistic fields is understood to include accredited study programmes in the same scientific / artistic fields and a concluded agreement concerning the conditions and methods of organising Joint studies.

Teaching methods

Lectures at Postgraduate level can be delivered by academic staff with academic titles.

Along with the theme of master application, each student proposes a mentor with his/her written consent. Based on the submitted application, with the consent of the Commission for Postgraduate studies and the received opinion of the Board for Monitoring Master’s studies, the Council of the Faculty appoints a mentor and a Commission for the evaluation of the suitability of a topic and a candidate. The mentor guiding the writing of the Master's thesis helps master candidate in choosing the methods for scientific research work, the choice of literature, preparing the structure of the paper, as well as provide them with other professional assistance.

Each mentor may simultaneously supervise a maximum of five Master’s students.

Progression of students

Master studies are organised and carried out in accordance with the Rules of Study based on the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). In accordance with ECTS rules, the scope of the Study programme amounts to 120 ECTS.

In accordance with the amended and changed Law on Higher Education, from 2020/21 academic year begins the realization of two-year master's studies. However, some higher education institutions still realize one-year master study programs, 60 ECTS credits.

Students who are enrolled in undergraduate, specialist, master's and doctoral studies before the entry into force of the new Law on Higher Education, are entitled to complete their studies according to the study programme that was in the effect at the time of their enrollment, in line with the Law under which they are enrolled, not later than the end of academic year 2020/2021.

Students who are enrolled at the University of Montenegro according to programms adopted on the basis of the Law on the University, are entitled to complete their studies according to the programme that was in the effect at the time of  their enrollment in the first year of studies, until the end of academic year 2021/2022.

The above-mentioned students may join study programmes organized in accordance with this Law in a manner and under conditions prescribed by a special act passed by the Senate of the University, i.e. the professional body of the institution.


This part is the same as for the Bachelor studies, please see Employability within Bachelor section.

Student assessment

The Commission for the defence of Master’s thesis, after the conducted procedure, makes a decision on whether the MA/MS candidate defended his/ her thesis successfully and with which grade. While deciding on the grade, the quality of the thesis and the defence are taken into account.

The grade is established by a majority vote of the Commission and must be in line with the ECTS scale:

GRADE A - outstanding performance

GRADE B - performance above the average standard

GRADE C- performance meets the average standard.

Each Master's thesis can be defended only once.

If the Commission for the evaluation of the Master's thesis or the Council of the Organisational unit decides not to approve a Master's thesis, master candidate may submit a new application for a topic of the Master's thesis.


By completing master studies the following degrees are acquired:

  • degree of applied master’s studies after completed applied master’s programme, comprising 120 ECTS credits, and after obtaining a degree of applied undergraduate studies and defending a master’s thesis or after completing an integrated undergraduate and master’s study programme of 300 ECTS credits and defending of a master’s thesis;

  • degree of academic master’s studies, after completed academic master’s programme, comprising 120 ECTS credits, and after obtaining a degree of academic undergraduate studies and defending a master’s thesis or after completing an integrated undergraduate and master’s study programme of 300 ECTS credits and defending a master’s thesis.

With the master degree Diploma Supplement is enclosed, as public credential issued by a higher education institution providing a more detailed insight into the level, nature, content, system and rules of studying as well as the results achieved during the studies by an individual to whom the diploma was issued.  It is prepared according to the basic model determined for the single European Higher Education Area.

Qualifications acquired after completing master study program regardless applied of academic are accommodated in VII2 sublevel of the National Qualification Framework. 

Degree Equivalence

Degrees acquired after completing four-year, five-year or six-year higher education, according to curricula adopted prior to entry into force of Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic Montenegro, 60/03 and Official Gazette of Montenegro 45/10, 47/11 and 48/13) are equivalent to degrees of master’s studies in terms of the right to employment.

Degrees acquired after completing postgraduate academic and applied specialist studies under the Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of the Republic Montenegro, 60/03 and Official Gazette of Montenegro 45/10, 47/11 and 48/13) and Law on Higher Education (Official Gazette of Montenegro 44/14, 47/15 and 40/16) are equivalent to degrees of master’s studies in terms of the right to employment.

The above noted degrees are recognized for enrollment in the second year of master’s studies in compliance with the Law on Higher Education.