The Constitution of Montenegro guarantees the right to education under equal conditions, compulsory and free primary education, as well as the autonomy of universities, higher education and research institutions.
Fundamental national principles in the field of education largely relate to further harmonization of national legislation with the EU acquis, international conventions and UN recommendations, as well as to strengthening the commitment, readiness and capacities for full and effective implementation of regulations and assumed responsibilities.
In accordance with the General Law on Education, education aims to:
provide opportunities for comprehensive development of individuals, regardless of their gender, age, disability, social and cultural background, national and religious affiliation, and physical and psychological constitution
meet the needs, interests, desires and ambitions of individuals for lifelong learning
enable the achievement of internationally comparable levels of knowledge, skills and competences
develop awareness, needs and abilities to preserve and promote human rights, rule of law, natural and social environment, multiethnicity and diversity
develop awareness of national affiliation to Montenegro and its culture, tradition and history
enable involvement and partaking of individuals at all levels of work and action, in line with their own abilities
contribute to achieving Montenegrin strategic goals.
All laws governing the field of education are grounded on the General Law Education, including the Law on Preschool Education, Law on Primary Education, Law on Gymnasium, Law on Vocational Education, Law on Education of Children with Special Educational Needs, Law on Higher Education, Law on Adult Education.
Moreover, to achieve the fundamental principles in the entire education system, we are also committed to the following:
improving the governance system (providing greater involvement of stakeholders in decision-making and partnership building)
developing and implementing educational programmes and programmes of raising awareness in order to recognize and adopt values, principles and standards of sustainable development
building institutions and capacities at all levels
ensuring the provision of adequate financial support from the state and local budgets for implementation of policies and sustainability strategies
providing continuous development of research, academic, business and administrative capacities to promote and stimulate innovation
establishing a statistical system that would generate a proper basis for adopting sustainable development policies and their assessment.