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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Fundamental principles and national policies
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

2.Organisation and governance

2.1Fundamental principles and national policies

Last update: 27 November 2023

The fundamental principles are established by the Constitution of BiH and the constitutions of the entities and cantons. Article 4 of the Constitution states that education is accessible to all citizens on equal terms in accordance with their capabilities, and that compulsory education is free for all.

Preschool education is regulated by entity and cantonal laws on preschool education, which are consistent with the Framework Law on Preschool Education.

Primary and secondary education is also regulated by entity and cantonal laws on primary and secondary education, which are consistent with the Framework Law on Primary and Secondary Education.

Secondary vocational education is regulated by entity and cantonal laws on vocational education, which are consistent with the Framework Law on Vocational Education.

Higher education is regulated by laws on higher education of entities and cantons, which comply with the Framework Law on Higher Education.

All cantons have adopted the laws on adult education and lifelong learning, while the Republika Srpska adopted earlier the Law on Adult Education. The institution that deals with this kind of education is the Institute of Adult Education of the republika Srpska.
Education legislation of responsable ministries on education in B&H you can find on MoCA.