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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.8Teaching and learning in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Curriculum, subjects, number of hours

Programmes of Post-Secondary Non-Tertiary Education are realized on the basis of the curriculum.

Curriculum establishes: a) purpose of the programme, b) goals of the programme, c) subjects and contents, d) duration and basic forms of programme execution, e) number of classes, f) number of hours for each subject and g) didactic requirements for the programme execution. In the curriculum development, the emphasis is put on achieving defined objectives, learning outcomes and occupational standards.

Curricula include the application of modular methodology that enables rapid response to changes in society and technology. Curriculum establishes mandatory general subjects and professional and theoretical subjects and practical classes. General subjects, professional and theoretical subjects, as well as practical lessons are presented by weekly and annual number of hours in accordance with the curriculum for each subject and grade.

Theory teaching class, exercises and practical work class in school takes 45 minutes.

Teaching methods and materials

The appropriate title is acquired on the basis of successful mastering of the curriculum which, as a rule, is realized in the duration of at least one year through obligatory attendance of classes and passed exams.

The curriculum can be implemented through instructional, consultative teaching, online teaching, teaching lasting at least the hours provided by the curriculum, based on the decision of the teachers' council.

The organization of classes, the manner of taking exams and other issues important for acquiring master's degrees in craft occupations will be realized in accordance with the laws on crafts and other acts relevant to the field.