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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training
Bosnia and Herzegovina

Bosnia and Herzegovina

12.Educational support and guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 3 March 2025

Defining the target group (a)

In order to make the education system more flexible in order to offer additional educational opportunities to those who have given up a certain level of qualifications or have not achieved it at all, there are many opportunities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

Primary schools in all areas of Bosnia and Herzegovina, among other things, perform the tasks of primary education for adults. Within the framework of the reform of secondary professional education and training in Bosnia and Herzegovina, modular curricula and programs are being developed, which enable participants to have easier horizontal and vertical mobility. Vocational and technical secondary schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina, through programs of part-time classes and part-time exams, enable all participants to acquire a certain qualification, but also the possibility of requalification and requalification in the framework of certain professions. In addition to the above, with the aim of obtaining primary and secondary professional education for adults, centers for professional education and staff training also operate in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

For all participants who decide to acquire qualifications at higher education institutions, access is not limited by age. The flexibility of transferring and transferring credits during the period of study between higher education institutions is made possible by the ECTS system, which has been introduced at all universities in Bosnia and Herzegovina.

In Bosnia and Herzegovina, programs are implemented that enable adults to complete primary school and thereby reduce illiteracy. Within the framework of the "Adult Education Support" Project, the relevant educational authorities in BiH have signed memorandums of understanding until 2016 with the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ) with a focus on the area of ​​subsequent acquisition of basic education for adults. Although we are working on raising awareness of the still present problem of illiteracy and promoting the program for the subsequent acquisition of basic education for adults, there is still a lack of interest in literacy among certain populations such as: members of the third age group, housewives in rural areas, nomadic and katun population, and the Roma population.

Special support measures

The employment office organizes various programs and trainings for adult education for vulnerable groups (long-term unemployed, women, people with special needs, etc.).

In the field of education of Roma children, stimulating measures and allocation of budget funds were undertaken at lower levels of government for the purchase of textbooks and provision of snacks for Roma children involved in the educational process, as well as stipends for pupils and students of Roma nationality. An increased number of Roma children included in the education system was observed. There is no segregation of Roma in schools in Bosnia and Herzegovina.