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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in adult education and training


12.Educational support and guidance

12.7Support measures for learners in adult education and training

Last update: 28 March 2024

Definition of the Target Group

In accordance with the Law on Adult Education, adults with special educational needs, i.e. adults with learning other difficulties caused by emotional, social, linguistic and cultural barriers, adults with disabilities, immigrants, etc. are included in the educational programme, i.e. the programme of education adapted in terms of conditions, contents and performance, in accordance with this Law and a special regulation.

Target groups that benefit from education and training support provided within the activities of the Employment Office of Montenegro are persons with scarce occupations, persons without occupation, persons with disabilities, long-term unemployed persons and other persons whom the newly acquired skills and competences lead to faster employment.

The Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro 2016-2020 lays down special measures for employability and self-employability of Roma and Egyptians. A new Strategy for Social Inclusion of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro 2021-2025 has been adopted.

Special Measures of Support

Education and training programmes prepared by the Centre for Vocational Education provide an opportunity for an unemployed person who is in the Employment Office records to acquire a professional qualification or a key skill. The objective of this measure is to increase the employment of the unemployed persons by means of acquiring knowledge, skills and competences necessary to perform the tasks required by particular occupation. The Office finances total expenses of implementing the adult education and training programmes.

Workplace training is a measure of support of the Employment Office, which enables an unemployed person who is in the Employment Office records to acquire new knowledge and skills on the job. The objectives of both measures are to increase the employability and to meet the staffing needs.

Training for independent work is a measure of the Employment Office, which provides an unemployed person that does not have work experience at a certain level of education (due to insufficient professional skills acquired in the education process, changes in the work technology in certain occupations and areas of work, prolonged employment, etc.), with an opportunity to be trained for independent work at that level of education.

Over the past few years, the Employment Office has been providing a grant scheme for financing projects in the field of rehabilitation and employment of people with disabilities. Most of the projects financed by this grant include a component of education and professional training for disabled people with a view to their employment and better integration in the labour market. Programmes of education for acquiring professional qualifications are adapted to persons with disabilities in terms of scope of contents, organization and duration of education.

The Centre for Vocational Education has prepared a new primary school curriculum for adults, for 16 compulsory and 7 elective subjects, in line with the reformed nine-year primary school programme. The programme of elementary functional literacy and the programme of primary school for adults are carried out by educational institutions that have a license to work in adult education. The programmes are attended by illiterate persons and persons who have not completed primary education, mostly the representatives of Roma and Egyptian population.

The Centre for Vocational Education has prepared the Programme of education for acquiring professional qualifications for Associates in the social inclusion of the Roma and Egyptians in the field of education and the Programme of education for acquiring the professional qualification Teaching assistants, adopted by the National Council for Education, with a view to supporting the inclusion of Roma and Egyptian population in various education and learning activities.