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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Fundamental principles and national policies


2.Organisation and governance

2.1Fundamental principles and national policies

Last update: 19 September 2024

State policy in the education sector

The Law on Education (закон України ‘Про освіту’) is the main legislative instrument defining the basic principles of Ukrainian state policy in the field of education. This framework law regulates the social relations arising from the exercise of the constitutional right to education. It also outlines the rights and obligations of individuals and legal entities involved in the exercise of this right and defines the powers of state and local authorities in the education sector. The components of the Ukrainian education system are regulated by special laws, such as the Law on Early Childhood Education and Care (закон України ‘Про дошкільну освіту’) (2001), the Law on Complete General Secondary Education (закон України ‘Про повну загальну середню освіту’) (2020), the Law on Vocational Education and Training (закон України ‘Про професійну (професійно-технічну) освіту’) (1998), the Law on Out-of-School Education (закон України ‘Про позашкільну освіту’) (2000), the Law on Higher Education (закон України ‘Про вищу освіту’) (2014), etc.

Education has been established as a state priority ensuring innovative, socio-economic and cultural development of society. Financing education is considered an investment in human potential and sustainable development of both society and the state. 

The Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine defines state policy in the field of education, while its implementation is the responsibility of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine, the central executive authority for education and science. Other central executive authorities and local self-government bodies also contribute to the implementation of this policy within the scope of their powers.

State policy in the field of education is formulated and implemented on the basis of scientific research, international commitments, domestic and foreign experience, taking into account forecasts, statistical data and development indicators. This approach aims to meet the needs of individuals and society as a whole.

The documents used for state forecasting and strategic planning for the development of education include the Forecast for the Development of Education in Ukraine, the Strategy for the Development of Education in Ukraine, relevant state, regional and local target programmes, and the activity plans of education authorities. The pertinent authorities disseminate these documents to the public through their official websites. Examples of such strategic government and departmental documents include the Vision of the Future of Education and Science of Ukraine (Візія майбутнього освіти і науки України), the Strategy of the Higher Education Development in Ukraine for 2022-2032 (Стратегія розвитку вищої освіти в Україні на 2022–2032 роки) and the Strategic Action Plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine by 2027

In addition to the above-mentioned documents, there are several others of particular importance. These include the Action Plan for the Implementation of the Recommendations of the European Commission Presented in the Report on Ukraine's Progress within the Framework of the European Union Enlargement Package 2023 (Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження плану заходів з виконання рекомендацій Європейської Комісії, представлених у Звіті про прогрес України в рамках Пакета розширення Європейського Союзу 2023 року’). Also significant are the National Strategy of the Inclusive Education Development until 2029 and its Operational Plan for 2024-2026 (Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про схвалення Національної стратегії розвитку інклюзивного навчання на період до 2029 року та затвердження операційного плану заходів з її реалізації на 2024-2026 роки’), the Strategy for the Implementation of Gender Equality in Education until 2030 and its Operational Plan for 2022-2024 (Розпорядження Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про схвалення Стратегії впровадження гендерної рівності у сфері освіти до 2030 року та затвердження операційного плану заходів на 2022-2024 роки з її реалізації’), and the National Strategy for Financial Literacy Development until 2030. These and other government and departmental documents also serve as indicators of Ukraine's progress towards integration with the European community, both in terms of values and legislation.

The state creates conditions for civic education aimed at developing competencies related to the exercise of the rights and responsibilities of the individual as a member of society. It also promotes understanding of the values of a civil (free democratic) society, the rule of law, and human and civil rights and freedoms.


Fundamentals of public education policy and principles of educational activities

According to Article 6 of the Law on Education, the fundamentals of public education policy and principles of educational activities are as follows: 

  • Human centricity;

  • Rule of law;

  • Ensuring the quality of education and educational activities;

  • Ensuring equal access to education without discrimination on any grounds, including disability;

  • Developing an inclusive educational environment, including in educational institutions that are most accessible and closest to the place of residence of persons with special educational needs;

  • Providing universal design and reasonable accommodation;

  • Scientific basis of education;

  • Diversity in education;

  • Integrity and continuity of education system;

  • Transparency and publicity of management decision-making and implementation;

  • Responsibility and accountability of educational management bodies and educational institutions, other educational entities to society; 

  • Institutional division of functions of control (supervision) and functions of ensuring the activities of educational institutions;

  • Integration with the labour market;

  • Inseparable connection with world and national history, culture and national traditions;

  • Freedom to choose the types, forms and pace of education, curriculum, educational institution, and other educational entities;

  • Academic integrity;

  • Academic freedom;

  • Financial, academic, personnel and organisational autonomy of educational institutions within the limits defined by law;

  • Humanism;

  • Democracy;

  • Integrity of education, upbringing and development;

  • Encouraging patriotism, respect for the cultural values of the Ukrainian people, their historical and cultural heritage and traditions;

  • Fostering a conscious need to comply with the Constitution and laws of Ukraine, intolerance to their violation;

  • Fostering respect for human rights and freedoms, intolerance to humiliation of person's honour and dignity, physical or psychological violence, as well as discrimination on any grounds;

  • Development of civic culture and a culture of democracy;

  • Encouraging healthy lifestyle, building ecological culture and respect for the environment;

  • Non-interference of political parties in the educational process;

  • Non-interference of religious organisations in the educational process (except in cases specified by this law);

  • Diverse and well-balanced information on political, ideological and religious issues;

  • Public administration;

  • Public partnership;

  • Public and private partnership;

  • Promotion of lifelong learning;

  • Integration into the international educational and scientific space;

  • Intolerance to corruption and bribery;

  • Accessibility for every citizen of all forms and types of educational services provided by the state.

The foundation of the education system in Ukraine is based on the principle of providing equal opportunities for all.