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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in general school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2 National reforms in general school education

Last update: 31 December 2024
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After Ukraine chose the European integration vector of development, an important step was the launch of the New Ukrainian School (NUS) reform. The basis for the reform of education in general, and general secondary education in particular, was the Law on Education(закон України ‘Про освіту’), the Law on Complete General Secondary Education (закон України ‘Про повну загальну середню освіту’). 

The fundamental provisions of the Law on Education include: competency-based education; a new structure of general secondary education; definition of such types of education as formal, non-formal and informal education; transparency of educational institutions, including financial; election of the head of an educational institution on a competitive basis; academic freedom of a teacher's professional activity; introduction of the educational ombudsman institute, etc.

In 2020, the Law on Complete General Secondary Education was adopted. This law introduced the following innovations: guarantees of equal access to complete general secondary education; enrolment of pupils in primary schools according to the territory of residence; the opportunity for learners to build their own educational trajectory; expanding opportunities for teacher training, etc.

The main goal of the NUS reform is to develop pupils’ key competences that meet the requirements of modern society, including critical thinking, inclusiveness, civic responsibility and readiness for lifelong learning. This ensures the harmonisation of Ukrainian education with the principles of the European Education Area.

The initiative of the NUS reform belongs to the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine (MESU) in 2016. In the same year, the MESU published the Conceptual framework of reforming the general secondary school. Thus, in 2018 MESU has launched the largest-scale reform of general secondary education in Ukraine, which will last until 2030.

The key components of the NUS reform are:

  • New content of education based on the formation of competences necessary for successful self-realisation in society.

  • A motivated teacher who has the freedom to create and develop professionally.

  • End-to-end parenting process that forms values.

  • Decentralisation and effective management that gives schools real autonomy.

  • Pedagogy based on partnership between learners, teacher and parents.

  • Focus on the needs of the pupil in the educational process, child-centredness. 

  • A new school structure that allows for good learning of new content and life skills.

  • Fair distribution of public funds that ensures equal access of all children to quality education.

  • A modern educational environment that will provide the necessary conditions, facilities and technologies for pupils, teachers and parents to learn not only in the classroom.

The NUS reform envisages a new school structure:

  • primary school (grades 1-4);

  • gymnasium (grades 5-9, basic secondary education);

  • academic lyceum (grades 10-12, specialised secondary education, while there are grades 10-11). 

To ensure the successful implementation of the NUS reform the MESU prepared an Action Plan (План заходів) and developed a new State Standard of Primary Education (Державний стандарт початкової освіти).

On 1 September 2017, an all-Ukrainian experiment (Всеукраїнський експеримент) to pilot the new State Standard for Primary Education was launched in 100 schools in Ukraine, and its mass implementation began next year (1 September 2018).

In order to test the newly developed State Standard for Basic Secondary Education (Державний стандарт базової середньої освіти), an all-Ukrainian experiment (Всеукраїнський експеримент) was launched in 2021 in the 5th grade of 136 pilot general secondary education institutions.

On 1 September 2022, pupils across Ukraine moved to the 5th grade of the NUS reform lower secondary school.

There is a plan to start piloting the reform in grades 10 in the 2025-2026 school year, and its massive implementation in specialised secondary schools will start as planned for the 2027-2028 school year. To introduce the new content of education, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved the State Standard for Specialised Secondary Education (Державний стандарт профільної освіти).

In order to track the progress of the reform of general secondary education, monitoring studies are being conducted.

The State Scientific Institution ‘Institute of Educational Analytics’ (SSI ‘IEA’), the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA) and the State Service for Educational Quality (SSEQ) conduct them. Some monitoring studies are organised with the support of international partners: OECD, UNICEF, Transforming Education GPE, KFW, DEUTSCHE ZUSAMMENARBEIT, etc. Despite the introduction of martial law in Ukraine, in 2022 15-year-old learners took part in the PISA-2022 international study.

The results of the above-mentioned studies contribute to management decision-making and are published on the websites of the SSI ‘IEA’SSEQ and UCEQA.


Strategic plan of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine until 2027 ‘Education of Winners’ (Стратегічний план діяльності МОН до 2027 року ‘Освіта переможців’): On 11 March 2024, the MESU presented the directions of rebooting the education system in general and the NUS reform in particular. 

Priority 2 ‘NUS Reform’ has identified four strategic goals for the further implementation of the NUS:

1. Pupils learn in a safe, modern and inclusive educational environment.

2. Pupils receive quality education in accordance with the principles and approaches of the NUS.

3. The content of education is adapted and transformed to meet the challenges of war.

4. Teaching teams of educational institutions work in partnership and implement the principles and approaches of the NUS.

The implementation of these goals receives facilitation by the initiatives implemented by the MESU both in previous years and this year.

Strategic goal 1: Safe, modern and inclusive educational environment

On 01 November 2024 the MESU together with the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Emergency Service, the National Police, regional and Kyiv City Military Administrations, local self-government bodies and general secondary education institutions, are participating in a Pilot project to strengthen the security of the educational environment in general secondary education institutions under martial law (Експериментальний проєкт щодо посилення безпеки освітнього середовища в закладах загальної середньої освіти в умовах правового режиму воєнного стану). As of November 2024, 950 inspectors of the educational security service of the National Police of Ukraine have started performing their duties directly in general secondary education institutions. It is planned that by the end of 2024, the sub-divisions of the educational security service of the National Police of Ukraine will cover up to 2,000 general secondary education institutions, and in the 2025/2026 school year, it is planned to cover 3,000 schools.

On  2 May 2024, the MESU published a letter ‘On the Electronic Database ‘Security Passport of an Educational Institution’ (лист МОН ‘Щодо електронної бази даних ‘Паспорт безпеки закладу освіти’), according to which an electronic security passport will be created for each general secondary education institution in Ukraine, which will be available in software and hardware complex AICEM, administered by the SSI ‘IEA’. To create an electronic security passport, school representatives must enter data in up to 5 subsections: ‘Information’; ‘Location’; ‘Territory’; ‘Security equipment’; ‘Fire safety’. Police officers and employees of the State Emergency Service will have access to the electronic safety passport. Its implementation is expected to help create a safer educational environment and correct existing problems in educational institutions.

Ukraine is implementing a comprehensive School Offline policy. Since the organisation of the educational process offline is important, a safe environment is a key condition for learning. Therefore, special attention was paid to the creation of shelters in schools. Thanks to the allocation of UAH 2.35 billion, 57 projects of shelters in schools in the frontline and border regions received financing. Another UAH 1 billion has been allocated to purchase school buses to ensure the safe transportation of children, which will allow at least 25,000 learners to safely reach their schools.

School Nutrition Reform 

On 14 May 2024, bythe order the MESU approved ‘The Standard Educational Programme for Advanced Training of Heads of Educational Institutions in the Field of Implementation of School Nutrition Reform’ (Наказ МОН України Про затвердження Типової освітньої програми підвищення кваліфікації керівників закладів освіти за напрямом ‘Впровадження реформи шкільного харчування). As part of the school nutrition reform, more than 500 canteens in educational institutions have been modernised, which allowed to update the menu and take into account modern nutrition standards. In particular, a subvention of UAH 1.5 billion was allocated for the modernisation of catering facilities. This will enable the implementation of 173 projects selected on a competitive basis. All primary school pupils will receive free meals, for which the Government has allocated UAH 2 billion in 2024. The food meets the requirements of a healthy diet, which is especially important for providing quality meals to children from vulnerable groups. The reform also includes improvements to the food quality control system to ensure transparency and safety of the process.

In addition, the MESU has developed the Standard Educational Programme for Advanced Training of Heads of Educational Institutions in the Field of Implementation of School Nutrition Reform (Типова освітня програма підвищення кваліфікації керівників закладів освіти за напрямом ‘Впровадження реформи шкільного харчування’), which covers topics ranging from understanding goals to practical catering skills, including menu updates, quality control and collaboration with parents. The course focuses on the development of managerial, communication and innovative competencies of the head of an educational institution. 

We expect that the programme will improve the quality of pupils' nutrition and develop healthy eating habits in children. The course will be available on the online platforms of the Institutes of Postgraduate Teacher Education.

Strategic goal 2: Quality education in accordance with the principles and approaches of NUS

Pilot of the updated format of the state final evaluation for 4th grade pupils

On 24 January 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On Conducting a Pilot State Final Evaluation of Primary School Graduates in the Form of External Independent Assessment’ (Наказ МОН ‘Про проведення пілотної державної підсумкової атестації випускників початкової школи у формі зовнішнього незалежного оцінювання’).

In April-May, the updated format of the state final attestation (SFA) for 4th grade pupils was piloted, with 2,000 pupils participating, according to the order.

In particular, pupils took 3 subjects as part of the SFA: Ukrainian language, mathematics and reading. Based on the results of the experiment, experts from the Ukrainian Centre for Educational Quality Assessment (UCEQA) will adjust the materials to scale up the updated assessment in schools across Ukraine in 2025.

Strategic goal 3: Adaptation and transformation of educational content


On 10 October 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On approval of the conceptual framework for reforming specialised secondary education (academic lyceums)’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Концептуальних засад реформування профільної середньої освіти (академічні ліцеї)’). The reform of upper secondary education requires more radical changes due to several factors

  • the addition of an extra year of study;

  • an increased need for individualised educational pathways due to specialisation;

  • the necessity to separate lyceums from primary schools and gymnasiums (lower secondary schools) to implement the principles of specialisation. 

The concept includes a roadmap for transforming the network of general secondary education institutions (GSEIs), an implementation plan for the upper secondary education reform, SWOT and PESTEL analyses of the reform process and a risk matrix with potential response scenarios.

On 25 July 2024, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Regulations ‘On approval of the State standard of specialised secondary education’ (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження Державного стандарту профільної середньої освіти’). It will be implemented in grades 10-12 of academic lyceums, VET and professional pre-higher education institutions (in the part of complete general secondary education). The pilot of Standard will take place in 2025 with full adoption for learners starting on 1 September 2027. Preparations for the reform will include:

  • approving the Standard educational programme and model curricula for various integrated courses and subjects;

  • piloting; 

  • restructuring the educational institution network (including the establishment of academic lyceums). 

The State Standard for Specialised Secondary Education allows the creation of individual educational pathways, enabling learners to pursue an academic or professional track.

On 9 August 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On amendments to the Standart educational programme for grades 5-9 of general secondary education institutions’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про внесення змін до типової освітньої програми для 5-9 класів закладів загальної середньої освіти’). The goal is to make the Standard educational programme more flexible for the implementation of various curricula, variable integrated courses or subjects or a combination of them. 

On 30 July 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On approval of the conceptual framework for reforming historical education in the system of general secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження концептуальних засад реформування історичної освіти в системі загальної середньої освіти’). The peculiarity of the reform is that the study of history should take place within 6 cycles:

  • the first cycle of primary education (grades 1-2): adaptation and game;

  • second cycle of primary education (grades 3-4): basic;

  • first cycle of basic secondary education (grades 5-6): adaptation;

  • the second cycle of basic secondary education (grades 7-9): basic subject training;

  • first cycle of specialised secondary education (grade 10): specialised adaptation;

  • second cycle of specialised secondary education (grades 11-12): specialised.

On 8 August 2024, the MESU approved the Order ‘On approval of the updated model training programme ‘Defence of Ukraine. Integrated Course’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження оновленої модельної навчальної програми ‘Захист України. Інтегрований курс’). The updated ‘Defence of Ukraine’ programme (for grades 1011) focuses on fostering patriotic awareness and values while developing practical life-saving skills. A key feature is common content for all learners both genders, ensuring equal opportunities to acquire essential skills. In June and July 2024, 102 trainers completed training under the new programme. These trainers will share their knowledge with regional teachers, increasing their qualifications.

On 13 June 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On amendments to the Methodological recommendations on certain issues of education in general secondary education institutions under martial law in Ukraine’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про внесення змін у методичні рекомендації щодо окремих питань здобуття освіти в закладах загальної середньої освіти в умовах воєнного стану в Україні’) for re-crediting the learners’ results of education in schools abroad. Learners, temporarily residing abroad, received guidelines for recognising their academic achievements in educational institutions at their location. These guidelines apply to subjects included in both the host country's curricula and the Ukrainian school curricula. Tables of aligning the grading scales of the host country with Ukraine's 12-point system were developed. 

National strategy for the development of financial literacy

On 1 May 2024, the National securities and stock market commission approved the Resolution ‘On approval of the National strategy for the development of financial literacy until 2030’ (Постанова Національної комісії з цінних паперів та фондового ринку ‘Про затвердження Національної стратегії розвитку фінансової грамотності до 2030 року’). The Strategy aims to enhance financial awareness among the population, boost citizens’ confidence in making financial decisions and promote rational financial behaviour. The key aspect of its implementation is providing high-quality basic financial education through initiatives to improve financial literacy among pupils. This includes creating educational resources, updating curricula and introducing a new mandatory course ‘Entrepreneurship and Financial Literacy’. This course will start in 2025 for 8th grade and in 2026 for 9th grade in all schools across Ukraine.

Strategic goal 4: Teaching teams work in partnership and implement the principles and approaches of the NUS

Development of a new professional standard for teachers of general secondary education institutions

On 29 August 2024, the MESU approved the Order ‘Professional standard ‘Teacher of a general secondary education institution’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Професійний стандарт ‘Вчитель закладу загальної середньої освіти’). The new standards contain the conceptual principles of the NUS reform. They outline possible pathways for acquiring professional qualifications based on the level of education and speciality obtained. The standard includes the structure of competency descriptions with the descriptors of the National Qualifications Framework and streamline the number of competences required to perform relevant job functions.

Providing professional support and assistance to teachers (supervision) in general secondary education

On 14 June 2024, the MESU issued the Order ‘On approval of the Procedure for providing professional support and assistance to teachers (supervision) in general secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Порядку надання професійної підтримки та допомоги педагогічним працівникам (здійснення супервізії) у загальній середній освіті’). The goal of supervision is to provide a range of professional support and assistance to teachers in accordance with the requirements of professional and educational standards.


National strategy for building a safe and healthy educational environment in the New Ukrainian School

On 6 September 2023, the MESU  issued the Order ‘On approval of the model professional development programme for teachers and principals of general secondary education institutions on creating a safe and healthy educational environment in an educational institution’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Типової програми підвищення кваліфікації педагогів і керівників (директорів) закладів загальної середньої освіти зі створення безпечного і здорового освітнього середовища в закладі освіти’). In 2023, the strategy focused on key priorities: 

  • ensuring safe conditions in GSEIs through the construction, reconstruction, and major repairs of civil protection shelters; 

  • providing transportation for learners to educational institutions; 

  • equipping school buses to accommodate children with special needs (SEN), including those using wheelchairs.

Teachers participated in online training courses such as ‘Risk prevention from explosive objects’ and ‘Teaching children mine safety’.

On 3 October 2023, the MESU developed the Methodological recommendations for the arrangement of catering units in general secondary education institutions (Методичні рекомендації з облаштування харчоблоків у закладах загальної середньої освіти) for the National strategy for building a safe and healthy educational environment in the NUS realisation. The Ministry of Health approved a four-week seasonal menu for children aged 6 to 18, which has been prepared and posted on the website of the ‘ZNAIMO’ school nutrition reform platform in the Menus and technological cards section.

Adaptation and transformation of educational content

On 15 August 2023, the MESU and the Ukrainian Institute of Education Development (UIED) developed Recommendations on the use of modified Ukrainian language learning programmes in 5-11th grades of general secondary education institutions (Лист Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про рекомендації щодо використання модифікованих програм вивчення української мови в 5-11 класах закладів загальної середньої освіти’). The recommendations provide guidance for teaching Ukrainian to learners, who have missed significant periods of education or studied under non-Ukrainian educational programmes. These modified learning programmes aim to help learners achieve essential learning outcomes, particularly the knowledge, skills and abilities required for further school progress. The recommendations include adapted Ukrainian language curricula for 5-11th grades, which educators can customise to suit the needs and interests of their learners during educational activities.

On 18 August 2023, the MESU issued the Standard educational programme for children who left Ukraine as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and are studying simultaneously in educational institutions of the host country and Ukraine (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Типової освітньої програми для навчання дітей, які виїхали з України внаслідок повномасштабного вторгнення російської федерації і здобувають освіту одночасно в закладах освіти країни перебування та України’). This programme allows pupils, who left Ukraine due to the full-scale invasion, to study only Ukrainian-focused subjects while attending schools both in their host country and Ukraine. The programme reduces weekly study hours, ranging from six hours in primary school to eight hours in secondary school.

On 21 August 2023, the MESU developed the Order ‘On ensuring the education of learners who left Ukraine as a result of the full-scale invasion of the Russian Federation and are studying in educational institutions of the host country and Ukraine’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про забезпечення навчання учнів, які виїхали з України внаслідок повномасштабного вторгнення російської федерації і здобувають освіту в закладах освіти країни перебування та України’). This order reduces the burden on children abroad, introduces distance learning of Ukrainian studies subjects in selected schools (5 schools in each region and the city of Kyiv).

Innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level ‘Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for GSEIs in the context of the implementation of the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education’

On 2 April 2021, the MESU issued the Order ‘On the implementation of an innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic ‘Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for general secondary education institutions in the context of the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про реалізацію інноваційного освітнього проєкту всеукраїнського рівня за темою 'Розроблення і впровадження навчально-методичного забезпечення для закладів загальної середньої освіти в умовах реалізації Державного стандарту базової середньої освіти’). Under the order pilot project participants continue their studies. Educational sessions for pilot schools covered topics such as:

  • managing the educational process in NUS classrooms during martial law, integrating online, traditional and independent learning methods; 

  • core subject teaching in 6-9th grades under martial law conditions; 

  • building effective communication to support the implementation of the state standard in GSEIs. 

Educators developed methodological guidelines for organising the educational process in 7-9th grades of pilot schools. Experts conducted a comprehensive review of 63 educational materials for pilot schools.

Pedagogical internship in GSEIs

On 2 April 2023 the MESU developed the Order ‘On approval of the model training programme for pedagogical workers to acquire (improve) competencies in mentoring activities’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Типової програми підвищення кваліфікації педагогічних працівників щодо набуття (вдосконалення) компетентностей із здійснення наставницької діяльності’) to improve the professional level of educators-mentors. In the school year 2022-2023, pedagogical internships were introduced in 1,078 general secondary education institutions, where 1,823 interns completed their internships.

Creation of a reserve of government employees to work in the de-occupied territories of Ukraine

On 17 October 2023, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine approved Regulations for establishing a personnel reserve for staffing educational institutions in de-occupied territories of Ukraine (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про затвердження Порядку формування кадрового резерву працівників для роботи у закладах освіти на деокупованих територіях України’). The personnel reserve enables a response and staffing of educational institutions with managerial, administrative, teaching and school staff to resume operations in de-occupied territories. The SSI ‘IEA’ manages the formation of the reserve using the Software of hardware complex ‘Automated Information Complex of Educational Management’ (SHC ‘AICEM’).


Transforming the network of special GSEIs to meet the needs of persons with SEN

On 30 August 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine made changes to the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education, which took into account the needs of persons with SEN (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про внесення змін до Державного стандарту базової середньої освіти’). Recommendations have been developed to help teachers organise the educational process in special educational institutions, taking into account the conditions of martial law.

Improving the activities of Inclusive Resource Centres to provide services to learners with SEN

On 30 August 2022, the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine adopted Resolution ‘On amendments to resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine on activities of special general secondary education institutions’ (Постанова Кабінету Міністрів України ‘Про внесення змін до постанов Кабінету Міністрів України з питань діяльності спеціальних закладів загальної середньої освіти’). The capabilities of inclusive resource centres were expanded for the duration of the hostilities. The resolution gives an additional support for children with SEN who have relocated (internally displaced persons). Inclusive resource centres provide recommendations on organising the educational process for children who have experienced psychological trauma.

Digitalisation of the educational environment

In the context of organising the educational process in a distance format, educators have actively enriched the All-Ukrainian School Online platform. In 2022, they developed 1,361 lessons, experts made reviews of 811 new lessons and completed 73 courses. The platform offers teachers educational and methodological materials on information literacy. For pupils, there was an introduction of  mobile application for primary school ‘Learning Without Waiting’, featuring mathematics content. Additionally, digital interactive versions of textbooks have been created for primary school pupils. To support teachers, an online course titled ‘Professional activity of teachers in the digital educational space’ was developed.

Creating an effective model of educational services in healthcare institutions

On 1 September 2022, a platform ‘School of Superheroes’ was launched. Eight educational centres have been established in healthcare facilities to provide educational services for children receiving inpatient treatment or rehabilitation support.

All-Ukrainian project on career guidance and career development ‘Choose the profession of your dreams’

The online career guidance platform (онлайн-платформа з профорієнтації) continued to operate in 2022. The project website contains online career guidance content, including: 9 vocational guidance video lectures on intelligence types, 35 multimedia online lessons in the international SCORM format, 20 video tours with employers. There is a special course ‘School of career counsellor: psychological and pedagogical aspect of career guidance’ for teachers.  977 teachers of GSEIs took it.

Developing a system for assessing competences acquired at the level of basic secondary education

On 1 April 2022, the MESU issued the Order ‘On approval of methodological recommendations for assessment of learning achievements of learners of 5-6th grades, who are studying in accordance with the new State standard of basic secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження методичних рекомендацій щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів 5-6 класів, які здобувають освіту відповідно до нового Державного стандарту базової середньої освіти’). GSEIs involved in piloting of the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education to test the criteria for formative assessment. The testing resulted in the Methodological recommendations for assessment of learning achievements of learners of 5-6th grades (Методичні рекомендації щодо оцінювання навчальних досягнень учнів 5-6 класів). The main types of pupil learning assessment conducted by schools include formative, ongoing and summative: thematic, semester and annual. Educational institutions have the autonomy to choose the forms, content and methods of assessment based on decisions made by the pedagogical council. Formative assessment can be implemented not only using levels or grades but also through self-assessment, peer assessment and teacher assessment. The teacher assessment includes specific tools such as checklists, scales, teacher observation diaries or portfolios of pupil learning outcomes. 

Establishment of a network of examination centres for conducting educational assessments using digital technologies

In 2022, the preparatory stage for establishing a network of examination centres focused on developing foundational documents. A draft model Regulation for an examination centre as a structural unit of a regional education quality assessment centre was created, along with proposed changes to the structure of regional centres. Financial calculations were prepared to support the launch and operation of nine examination centres in the following year. 

Innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level ‘Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for general secondary education institutions in the context of the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education’

On 2 April 2021, the MESU approved the Order ‘On the implementation of an innovative educational project of the all-Ukrainian level on the topic ‘Development and implementation of educational and methodological support for general secondary education institutions in the context of the implementation of the State standard of basic secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про реалізацію інноваційного освітнього проєкту всеукраїнського рівня за темою ‘Розроблення і впровадження навчально-методичного забезпечення для закладів загальної середньої освіти в умовах реалізації Державного стандарту базової середньої освіти’). Under the order and considering the experience gained from the previous year of pilot schools participating in the project, Instructional and Methodological Recommendations (Інструктивно-методичні рекомендації щодо організації освітнього процесу та викладання навчальних предметів та інтегрованих курсів) were developed. These recommendations guide the educational process and the teaching of subjects and integrated courses for the successful continuation of the NUS reform at the lower secondary education level. The organisation of learning in 2022 faced significant challenges due to the large-scale invasion of Ukraine by the Russian Federation. This led to a temporary suspension of studies, followed by a shift to distance learning. The recommendations explained how to implement corrective learning approaches, going beyond the traditional revision of material covered in the previous year. 2022 marked the first year where all pupils advanced to the 5th grade of the NUS, entering the lower secondary education stage. This transition introduced the teaching of distinct school subjects.

The MESU continues to encourage teachers to develop model curricula for lower secondary education. In 2022, a comprehensive review process evaluated these programmes. 12 model curricula for 5-9 grades in GSEIs received the ‘Recommended by the Ministry of Education and Science’ designation. In response to the full-scale armed aggression by Russia against Ukraine, the content of curricula for History, Civic education, Law studies, Defence of Ukraine, Health education and World literature underwent revisions and updates. 

Pilot project to update the content of computer science education ‘Updated Computer Science - IT Industry’

On 2 December 2022, the MESU issued the Order ‘On piloting the updated content of computer science education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про пілотування оновленого змісту інформатичної освіти’). The MESU and the Ministry of Digital Transformation of Ukraine launched a large-scale project to transform the content of computer science education. The project began in September 2022, involving 50 schools, 70 teachers and over 3,000 learners from GSEIs. The revised course content focuses on key areas such as digital literacy, media creation, computational thinking and programming, data analysis and modelling, and digital citizenship. Educational materials align with the standards and conceptual foundations of the NUS. 

Pedagogical internship in GSEIs

In 2022, 529 GSEIs introduced a teacher internship programme, with 923 interns completing their internships. Ukrainian Institute for Education Development developed methodological guidelines (Методичні рекомендації) to provide support for organising the internship programme, including the activities of mentor teachers. 

Professional development of teachers implementing the State Standard for Basic Secondary Education

On 2 December 2022, the MESU approved the Order ‘On approval of the model professional development programme for teachers of general secondary education institutions implementing the new State standard of basic secondary education’ (Наказ Міністерства освіти і науки України ‘Про затвердження Типової програми підвищення кваліфікації вчителів закладів загальної середньої освіти, які впроваджують новий Державний стандарт базової середньої освіти’). On 1 September 2022, learners of the 5th grade of GSEIs began studying according to the adopted State Standard for Basic Secondary Education. Teachers were comprehensively trained to implement this standard in the educational process. To support this, several standard programmes were developed:

In 2021-2022 school year, 160,000 teachers of grades 5-6, 7,956 heads and 9,805 deputy heads completed professional development training.