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National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 25 September 2024
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New measures for students in priority education areas

Running period: starting with the 2024-2025 school year

Status : In force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth


  • Providing better learning conditions for students and better teaching conditions for teachers;
  • Promoting academic success and personal fulfilment for students in priority education areas.

Main measures adopted:

  • The generalisation of class splitting (between 12 and 15 pupils maximum), now effective for the last year of pre-primary school as well, and up to the second year of primary school;
  • Secondary school students in priority education areas can take part in educational activities at the school from 8am to 6pm. The activities on offer are designed to broaden their interests through academic, educational, cultural, artistic and sporting workshops before or after school. As part of this, two extra hours of sport per week may be offered to those students who are furthest away from any form of sport. 

Funding and material resources:

Funding: not specified.

Material resources: not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.



Strengthening the teaching of certain subjects at "collège"

Running period: starting with the 2024-2025 school year

Status : In force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: Raise the academic level of all students.

Main measures adopted:

  • French and maths lessons are now organised in groups for the first and secod year of "collège". Teaching alternates between time in groups and time as a whole class (up to 10 weeks a year). The composition of the groups changes during the year to take account of pupils' progress through the collège ;
  • For all students in "collèges", 30 minutes of moral and civic education per week are now clearly identified in the timetable. This teaching is provided by history and geography teachers. Students in their second year of "collège" take part in citizenship, media and information education and sustainable development projects, up to a maximum of 18 hours per year.

Funding and material resources:

Funding: not specified.

Material resources: not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.


New national assessments

Running period: starting with the 2024-2025 school year

Status : In force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: Better meet the needs of pupils throughout their school career.

Main measures adopted:

  • National assessments in mathematics and French have been introduced for pupils in third and fifth year of primary school. School teachers now have assessments at each level of primary schools.
  • National assessments in mathematics and French for students in their second and fourth year of lower-secondary education may be carried out in voluntary "collèges". These will complement the assessments already carried out throughout "collège" and "lycée".

Funding and material resources:

Funding: not specified.

Material resources: not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.



France 2023-2024: An Olympic and Paralympic year at school

Running period: All through the school year 2023-2024

Status : Ongoing

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: All schools are asked to encourage pupils to take part in physical activity and sport, and to promote the values of Olympic and Paralympic sport: commitment, excellence, equality, respect, friendship, inclusion and sharing.

Main measures adopted:

  • Encouraging pupils to take part in physical activity and sports as a guarantee of well-being, good health, readiness to learn and access to a wide range of sporting activities;
  • A popular ticketing programme for school children, with more than 190,000 tickets for the Paralympic Games reserved for schools, based on an educational project from among different calls for expressions of interest ;
  • "La Danse des jeux" (‘Dance of the Games’): A competition - run jointly by Paris 2024 as part of the Cultural Olympiad, the Ministry of National Education and Youth, school sports federations - is associated with the deployment of this choreography. 
  • The 'Generation 2024' label makes possible to develop structuring projects with local sports clubs, to take part in Olympic and Paralympic events, to support high-level sports students and to open up sports facilities in schools.

Funding and material resources:

Funding: not specified.

Material resources:

  • ‘Generation 2024’, the Paris 2024 education platform, offers resources to which the Ministry of National Education and Youth contributes, as well as information on the highlights of the school year.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms:

  • There is a selection process for the ticketing programme, as well as a competition associated with the choregraphy “La Danse des jeux”, but no other evaluation and monitoring mechanism is specified.

References: 2023-2024 : une année olympique et paralympique à l'École | Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse


An internship for all students in "seconde générale et technologique"

Running period: From June 2024 onwards.

Status : In force

Responsible authorities: Upper secondary schools

Reasons/objectives: Improve the career guidance policy for young people and make the link between schools and all employers more dynamic.

Main measures adopted:

  • An internship is introduced for all pupils in the first year of upper secondary school for a period of two weeks (the second half of June). This compulsory observation placement can take place in companies, associations, government departments, public institutions or local authorities;
  • An agreement is signed between the school and the employer, available in electronic form on the platform. Internship offers are published on the same platform.

Funding and material resources:

Funding: not specified.

Material resources:

  • The platform is published by the Ministry of Labour (General Delegation for Employment and Vocational Training).

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms:

  • Not specified

References: Un stage en juin pour les élèves de seconde générale et technologique | Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse


Raising salaries and improving career prospects for educational teams

Running period: From the beginning of the 2023-2024 school year

Status : In force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: Improve conditions of the teaching profession, make it more attractive in the long term and recognise teachers' commitment to serving pupils.

Main measures adopted:

Unconditional pay rises for all teachers:

  • Doubling of statutory bonuses;
  • Increase in the attractiveness bonus at the start of a career;
  • Measures to boost purchasing power.

Better prospects for career development:

  • Easier promotion to the "hors-classe" and exceptional classes;
  • Recovery of seniority for competitive examination winners.

Complementary and attractive missions for volunteer teachers:

  • Teaching or educational tasks carried out in the presence of pupils;
  • Student support or guidance assignments or innovative teaching assignments carried out during the school year;
  • Attractive remuneration for additional tasks.

Funding and material resources:

  • Not specified

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms:

  • Not specified

References: Revalorisation des rémunérations et amélioration des perspectives de carrière des équipes éducatives | Ministère de l'Education Nationale et de la Jeunesse



Expansion of the programme to combat bullying in schools called pHARe

Deadline: Announced on 4 September 2023

Status: In force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: The pHARe program will be extended to secondary schools, and a vast plan to raise awareness among teachers will be launched from the start of the 2023-24 school year, in order to combat bullying at school.

Main measures adopted:

First introduced in 2021 and extended to all primary schools (écoles) and lower secondary schools (collèges) at the start of the 2022-23 school year, the programme to combat harassment at school, called pHARe, is a comprehensive plan to prevent and deal with harassment. From the start of the 2023-24 school year, there are plans for:

- Mandatory roll out of pHARe in 100% of primary schools (écoles) and lower secondary schools (collèges) and upper secondary schools (lycées).

- A harassment coordinator to be appointed by the school Head of each collège.

- The introduction of a new regulatory framework enabling a bully/student who has committed harassment to be transferred to another school.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: the effectiveness of the implementation of pHARe is monitored at national level, in académies (i.e. regional branches of the Ministry) and départements (i.e.territorial authority and administrative district), in close collaboration with the prefects (state representative in the départements). Steering committees chaired by the recteur (Head of académie) enable the harassment advisors in académies and départements to communicate on the implementation of pHARe and current situations. In the académies and départements, at least one liaison officer is appointed full-time. In each département, an intervention team is set up by the Director of départements’ services from the ministry of education (Dasen) can visit schools to help resolve complex situations.

References :  pHARe : un programme de lutte contre le harcèlement à l'école ; Dossier de presse : Unis pour notre école – Rentrée scolaire 2023-2024


20 measures for the ecological transition at school

Deadline: Announced on 23 June 2023

Status: Implementation at the start of the 2023-2024 school year

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: The 20 measures for the ecological transition at school are designed to give students a better understanding of the issues involved in the ecological transition as part of their teaching. They encourage students' civic commitment and promote the work of eco-delegates throughout the country. They make schools places in ecological transition, in their operation and in their buildings, in conjunction with local authorities.

Main measures adopted:

- From the start of the 2023-24 school year, a set of skills relating to the ecological transition will be published.

- From the start of the 2024-25 school year, technology teaching and “moral and civic education” will incorporate the challenges of the ecological transition.

- A free online course (Le b.a.-ba du climat et de la biodiversité du Cned) will be available to teachers, students and ministry staff. The acquisition of skills relating to the ecological transition will be assessed in the 3rd and 4th years of lower secondary education (i.e. grade 8 /quatrième & grade 9/troisième).

- A comprehensive range of training courses in education for sustainable development will be rolled out in all académies (i.e. administrative divisions of central authorities).

- By 2027, all national education staff will be trained in the challenges of the ecological transition.

- The Educational Innovation Fund, which will receive 500 million euros over the five-year period, will be used to support sustainable development education projects.

- The process of adapting vocational diploma reference framework will be accelerated. Vocational diplomas will be created and renovated to take into account the challenges of the ecological transition.

- From the start of the 2023-24 school year, the discovery of careers will be extended to all lower secondary schools, making it possible to publicise and promote careers related to the ecological transition.

- Create 18,000 educational areas by 2030.

- Create 300 river educational areas from the start of the 2023-24 school year.

- From the 2024 session, a vote will be organised so that the eco-delegates themselves can choose the winners of the Eco-Delegate Action Prize, based on the jury's pre-selection, in order to highlight the commitment of the eco-delegates and raise awareness of the projects.

- Eco-delegates will receive better support and training.

- As part of the Universal National Service, work will be done to raise awareness of environmental issues.

- By 2030, the number of civic service missions in the environmental field will have increased tenfold.

- Continue to roll out the E3D label (École/Établissement en Démarche de Développement Durable i.e School with a sustainable development approach):

  • Double the number of labels awarded, i.e. 20,000 by 2025;
  • Reaching 100% of schools with the label by 2030.

- Education for sustainable development (EDD) will be systematically integrated into the work of the committees for education in health, citizenship and the environment.

- A guide entitled « Agir pour la transition écologique dans les écoles, collèges et lycées » will support the E3D certification process.

- At the start of the 2023 school year, the poster "Mes 8 gestes pour la planète" (My 8 gestures for the planet) will be distributed to all schools.

- By 2024, new documents will be added to the Bâtir l'École (i.e. Building the School) collection, notably on nature at school and greening projects, school catering and the specific features of overseas France.

- As part of the ÉduRénov programme, the Ministry will be involved in the thermal renovation of 10,000 schools by 2027.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References : 20 mesures pour la transition écologique à l'École ; Plan climat, biodiversité et transition écologique, éducation au développement durable : l'école premier lieu de l'engagement pour la transition écologie


Redefining the teaching profession: the stages and progress of the consultation cycle

Deadlines: Consultations launched on 18 January 2023, synthesis in March, for introduction at the start of the 2023 school year

Status : Concertations in progress

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/objectives: The objective of this new concertation is twofold: to substantially improve teachers' pay with the ultimate aim of improving the quality of education for all pupils. This concertation will make it possible to better identify and recognise all of the teachers' missions that contribute to the success of students.

Main measures adopted :

The additional budget for national education in 2023 represents 3.6 billion euros. The aim of the consultation is therefore to specify the modalities of this upgrading, which has two components: the first for all teachers and similar staff and the second to allow the remuneration of certain missions, on a voluntary basis.

  • The revaluation of salaries, known as the "base" revaluation

This upgrading will concern all teachers, as well as CPEs and psychologists in the national education system, by setting priorities with regard to the attractiveness of the profession and career development. Thus, compared to 2020, teachers will earn on average 10% more on 1 September 2023, and those at the very beginning of their career will benefit from a minimum salary of 2,000 euros net. This revaluation must pursue the objective of aligning the remuneration of primary school teachers with that of secondary school teachers and must not lead to professional inequalities between women and men.

  • The pay upgrade linked to the exercise of new missions, known as the "Pact".

Teachers who so wish will be able to take on new tasks, such as short-term replacement in order to reduce the number of hours lost. This could also include individualised pupil monitoring, guidance or vocational integration support or coordination tasks. Additional remuneration will be provided for voluntary teachers carrying out these tasks according to the needs determined in each school or establishment. Consultation with the trade unions will make it possible to specify the additional tasks that will be offered to teachers and how they will be organised within schools. Thanks to this new pact, volunteer teachers will benefit from an increase in pay corresponding to 10% of the average salary, i.e. €3,650 per year.

Funding: €3.6 billion.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJ: Revalorisation of the teaching profession: stages and progress of the consultation cycle

Extension of the exhaustive evaluations to grades 4 and 8

Deadline: Announced end of 2022

Status: Established in September 2023

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/objectives: Following the September 2022 experiment, CM1 and 4e classes will be added to the comprehensive evaluation system known as "Repères".

Main measures adopted :

From the start of the 2023 school year, all pupils in CM1 and 4e will take national assessments in French and mathematics that will provide teachers with pedagogical benchmarks. Like the other comprehensive assessments, they will enable teachers to better assess the level of their pupils in order to support them.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJ: Collège: what will change for pupils in 6e at the start of the school year 2023

Collège: what will change for 6th graders at the start of the 2023 school year

Deadline: Announced in February 2023

Status: to be implemented in September 2023

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/Objectives: Although the results of pupils leaving primary schools have improved over the past five years, particularly in terms of their ability to read aloud fluently, they are still insufficient: at the start of the 6th grade, 27% of pupils do not have the expected level in French and nearly a third in mathematics. The aim is to establish a new class of 6th graders that can ensure that each student masters the fundamental knowledge and remedies the academic difficulties.

Main measures adopted :

  • A focus on writing in the fourth and fifth grades

In order to prepare for entry into secondary school, the daily practice of writing will be reinforced: it will have to be done for at least two hours a day. All forms of writing will be promoted in the classroom: writing, writers' notebooks, science reports and copying.

  • Facilitating students' entry into secondary school

From September 2023 onwards, school teachers will work in the 6th grade to promote the transition from school to collège and support the learning of basic skills. In addition, each pupil will benefit from a weekly hour of support or further study in mathematics or French, based on key skills, in order to remedy the difficulties of the most fragile and to cultivate the excellence of those who are most at ease. Finally, the 'Homework done' scheme will be made compulsory in order to give pupils more autonomy and thus reduce inequalities in learning

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJ: Collège: what will change for pupils in 6e at the start of the school year 2023

Digital Education Strategy 2023-2027

Deadline: Announced 27 January 2023.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports 

Reasons/objectives: It is necessary to strengthen the digital skills of students, because it is first and foremost an issue for democratic life, but it is also an issue for the professions of the 21st century. Digital technology is transforming all sectors of the economy: most young people today will be working in a profession transformed by digital technology in the future.

The Digital Education Strategy for 2023-2027 aims to address several challenges:

  • Strengthen national and local cooperation between education stakeholders around educational projects that use digital technology where it is relevant;
  • Develop students' digital skills, on issues of digital citizenship, by developing critical thinking and strengthening media and information literacy; then, provide them with a reinforced digital skills base; finally, promote the attractiveness of specialities and baccalaureates leading to digital professions
  • Provide teachers with digital tools and resources to put digital technology more at the heart of their practices, and encourage their use by offering more training and support;
  • Ensure the robustness, security, accessibility, quality and environmental responsibility of the Ministry's IT tools.

Main measures adopted: These 4 axes are each the subject of several key actions:

1. A renewed ecosystem

  • Strengthening digital governance for education at national and local levels ;
  • Sharing indicators for steering and evaluation purposes ;
  • Define a typical individual student's equipment (middle and high school).

2. Developing citizenship and digital skills

  • Ensuring the acquisition of digital skills throughout the school career;
  • Enabling students to become informed citizens in the digital age

3. The educational community supported by relevant, sustainable and inclusive digital tools

  • Supporting the development of digital resources;
  • Simplify access to digital services by creating a "resource account";
  • Putting digital technology at the service of inclusive schools;
  • Better training of educational teams in digital pedagogy;
  • Supporting teachers in digital education ;
  • Organise digital education services according to an interoperable platform logic;

4. A departmental information system at the service of users

  • Increase efficiency by expanding and supporting mutualisation;
  • Improve fluidity and quality by integrating the principles of agility and user experience;
  • Develop eco-responsibility.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJ: Digital Strategy for Education 2023-2027.


Anchoring the culture of evaluation

Deadlines: Some measures are implemented in September 2022, others will be implemented in September 2023.

Status: Currently being implemented.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/objectives: In order to enable more detailed monitoring of pupils' achievements during their compulsory education, pupils in CM1 and 4e will be assessed at national level in an experimental process for the year 2022-2023, which will be generalised at the start of the following school year. The gradual implementation of the evaluation of secondary schools since the 2020-2021 school year is continuing. Finally, after the introduction of an experimental evaluation of schools (primary level) in 2021-2022, the process will be generalised from 2023-2024.

Main measures adopted:

1.    Pupil assessment:

Since 2018, national assessments in French and mathematics have marked out each pupil's career (beginning of CP, mid-CP, beginning of CE1, beginning of 6e, 2nde - 1st, 2nd, 4th and 10th grades, respectively). Designed with the Direction de l'évaluation, de la prospective et de la performance (Depp), they measure the knowledge and skills essential to each pupil's mastery of fundamental knowledge. In this respect, they are essential supports for identifying and responding immediately to academic difficulties, strengthening dialogue between teachers and families, and informing collective work within the school and improving the monitoring and support provided by inspectors.

In the same vein, two new assessments - at the beginning of CM1 and at the beginning of 4e (4th and 8th grade) - are being tested at the beginning of the school year, before being generalised in 2023-2024.

2.    Evaluation of schools and establishments

Based on tools designed at national level by the Conseil d'évaluation de l'école (School evaluation council – CEE), the evaluation of schools and establishments is implemented by the rectors in a five-year cycle. It concerns all public and private schools under contract (approximately 50 000 schools and 11 000 secondary schools). It covers all the competences specific to schools and must involve all the beneficiaries of the public service, the staff responsible for its implementation and the school's partners. After the first two years of deployment, evaluation will be continued in 2022-2023 for secondary schools, and initiated in the first level for schools.

The aim of school evaluation is to improve the learning of pupils, their progress and their well-being. It combines self-evaluation and external evaluation.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS : Dossier de rentrée 2022-2023

Improving English language learning

Deadline: Implemented in September 2022.

Status: in force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons / Objectives: An emergency plan has been launched from the start of the 2022 school year to ensure that 80% of pupils in 3e reach level A2 of the CEFR framework within the next three years. In the spring of 2022, all pupils in 3e took the Ev@lang collège placement test in English for the first time. The results of the assessment did not meet expectations.

Main measures adopted:

Without calling into question the teaching of other modern foreign languages, an action plan for English has been put in place for the start of the 2022 school year. It will then be applied to the teaching of other modern languages. As with French, mathematics and moral and civic education, the modern language programmes will be supplemented from this year by annual progression benchmarks from CP to 3e. The progression benchmarks will enable teachers to better situate their teaching in relation to the level of language required over the nine years of English language learning. Teaching resources including item banks and exercise banks will be made available to secondary school teachers, who will thus have standardised test tools enabling them to train pupils regularly as they progress through their teaching.

As part of the Modern Languages Plan, early language learning is supported and the creation of so-called 'bilingual' schools is encouraged. These bilingual schools offer a reinforced foreign language pathway, with lessons 'from' and 'in' a foreign language, ranging from 3 hours to 50% of lessons. By the start of the 2021 school year, around 238 000 pupils were already benefiting from a reinforced foreign language course, mainly in English and German.

The Ministry has developed an innovative digital voice assistant solution for learning English in primary schools: Captain Kelly. Based exclusively on oral interaction, this digital solution aims to assist the school teacher in conducting English language activities to build the lexical and syntactic knowledge of the pupils and train their comprehension and pronunciation in English.

The experience of mobility is an essential lever for advancing pupils' communication skills in a foreign language. It places pupils in language interactions and allows them to understand the importance of speaking several languages. Thanks to the eTwinning exchange platform, mobility can first be virtual before taking the form of a physical trip.

All pupils in 3e have taken a placement test called Ev@lang. The objective is to allow pupils to evaluate their level of English and to provide teaching staff with a tool to monitor their learning. The different tests allow students to be positioned from level A1 to level B1+ of the CEFR in the language activities of reception: oral comprehension and reading comprehension. Linguistic knowledge (grammar and vocabulary) is also tested. Nearly 800,000 students in France and in French schools abroad have taken the Ev@lang collège test, i.e. 90% of the total number of students in 3e. Nearly half of the students have the expected level at the end of 3e (A2). About 32% of the students are even above A2 level and 20% are at B1 level and above. However, one in two pupils (50.5%) do not achieve A2 level at the end of Cycle 4, although 20% of them still reach A1+ level.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS : Dossier de rentrée 2022-2023

Consolidating the reform of the general and technological lycée: mathematics education

Deadline: Implemented in September 2022.

Status: in force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: From the start of the 2022 school year, mathematics will be reinforced in the core curriculum of the 11th grade in general education, with an additional 1.5 hours per week for students who do not take the specialised course.

Main measures adopted:

Strengthening mathematics in the 1st year of general education from the start of the school year 2022

Analysis of the lycée reform has shown the need to strengthen the teaching of mathematics in 1ère for students who did not choose the mathematics speciality. In 2022-2023, a specific mathematics course will be offered in addition to the 2-hour science course in Première, which will now be 3.5 hours. It will enable students who do not take the mathematics speciality in Première (11th grade) to consolidate their learning and mastery of fundamental mathematical concepts. In Terminale (12th grade), they will be able to follow the complementary mathematics option more easily.

The pedagogical approach proposed in this course is based on concrete situations: civic education (financial education, tax scales, propagation of a rumour); physics (speed of a mobile, radioactive decay); biology (medical tests, elimination of a substance in the blood, growth curves); earth sciences (ocean levels); economics (marginal cost, turnover).

When chosen by a pupil, the specific mathematics course is assessed as part of the continuous assessment for the baccalauréat, integrated into the mark awarded for the science course in 1ère, with no change in coefficients.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS : Dossier de rentrée 2022-2023

Improving the working conditions and career paths of staff

Deadlines: In force.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education and Youth

Reasons/objectives: The Ministry of Education and Youth is implementing new measures to attract new talent to the national education ministry, to better meet the aspirations of its staff by encouraging their mobility and enhancing their skills, and to improve the conditions in which they work through its travel policies.

Main measures adopted:

- Attracting talent and diversifying recruitment profiles

The Ministry wishes to attract all the talents that are interested in its professions. The aim is to diversify profiles, making it possible to recruit young higher education graduates, but also to offer attractive second careers for people who wish to join the national education system. A project has thus been launched to improve the rules for taking over services on appointment for people who have previously worked in the private sector. In 2022, this improvement has already concerned certain teachers, principal education advisers and newly appointed national education psychologists who have worked in the private sector. The work on improving classification rules will be continued.

- Encouraging professional and geographical mobility

Several measures have been taken to diversify the career paths of staff already working in the Ministry. Two decrees published in June 2022 now allow school teachers to work in higher education institutions, and vocational high school teachers to work in middle schools, general and technological high schools and higher education institutions. Geographical mobility also takes greater account of teachers' backgrounds and skills through the development of profile posts, both at national level and in the academies.

In addition, an experiment in recruitment to profile posts (PoP) from a national pool was launched this year in primary education, in order to better identify and develop specific skills that meet particular needs. It concerned 244 posts and was based on the publication of job descriptions for which motivated teachers could apply. The posts offered corresponded to posts requiring specific skills in relation to the school project, posts for pupils with special needs, or geographically isolated posts. In total, 70% of the 244 posts offered were filled (i.e. 168) by teachers with specific skills which, without this scheme, would not have been promoted by the institution. The experiment, which will be continued in 2023, also aims to increase the number of profile posts offered in secondary education.

- Improving the reimbursement of travel expenses

An interministerial measure to increase the mileage allowance of public servants by 10% has been in effect since 1 January 2022. This measure has been supplemented to cover staff who do not benefit from this scheme. Trainee teachers and educational staff and replacement staff who are highly mobile have had their allowances increased as of 1 January 2022. Similarly, from September 2022, contractual staff on work-study contracts, as part of a master's degree in teaching, education and training (Meef), will receive an allowance of €700 gross per year to compensate for travel costs between their place of training and the school or teaching establishment.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS : Dossier de rentrée 2022-2023

French Presidency of the European Union 2022

Deadline: 1er semester 2022

Status: In force.

Reasons/objectives: Each Member State holds the Presidency of the Council of the European Union for six months on a rotating basis. From 1 January to 30 June 2022, France will hold the Presidency of the Council of the EU. The Council Presidency organises meetings, works out compromises, issues conclusions and ensures the coherence and continuity of the decision-making process. It ensures good cooperation between all Member States and the Council's relations with the European institutions, in particular the Commission and the European Parliament.

Main measures adopted: 2022 will be the European Year of Youth, while the European Union has set itself the objective of establishing a genuine European education area by 2025. The main priorities of the French Presidency of the EU will be :

  • Youth mobility: on 19 and 20 January, a sequence dedicated to youth mobility celebrated the 35th anniversary of Erasmus+ and highlighted the diversity of projects supported by this European programme, whether for school pupils, vocational training, apprentices, students or young people involved.  
  • Education for sustainable development: an informal meeting of education and youth ministers on 27 January provided an opportunity for an exchange between European ministers and young European delegates on the participation and involvement of young people in the issue of sustainable development. The French Presidency is leading discussions on the Council recommendation on education for sustainable development.
  • Teacher training and career paths: a European conference on 3 and 4 March developed the issue of mobility for teachers and student teachers and publicised the new European Erasmus academies initiative for teachers. This priority will be included in the conclusions of the Council of Ministers in early April.
  • Investment in education: following the debates led by the Finnish and Slovenian Presidencies, the French Presidency has also taken up the issue by organising a ministerial conference on 19 February, in order to consider the positive externalities linked to investment in education and to share good practices at European level. A joint meeting of education and finance ministers will also be organised on this theme at the Council of Ministers on 5 April, in order to highlight the contribution of investment in education to strengthening the Union's potential growth.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: The French Presidency of the European Union 2022

Law creating the function of school head

Deadlines: Law n°2021-1716 enacted on 21 December 2021.

Status: Adopted and in force starting october 2022.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/objectives: Recognition of the function of the directeur d’école (primary education school head).

Main measures adopted: The law allows for the creation of the position of the directeur d’école (primary education school head). This law clarifies and strengthens the role of management within the school council, by providing that the school headmaster ratifies and implements the decisions taken within the council. Moreover, it gives him/her real decision-making power by making him/her a delegate of the local education authority for the proper functioning of his/her school.

In addition, the law recognises the specificity of the function of school head by giving this position functional authority. Following the promulgation of the law, school head benefit from a management post, a specific management allowance, accelerated career advancement and a total or partial teaching discharge. These leaves are determined according to the number of classes and the specificities of the school. Specific training for school head is offered throughout their career and training is compulsory every five years.

In order to strengthen their support, one or more school head referents will be created in each local education authority. In addition, when the size or specificities of the school justify it, the State can provide school head with the means to guarantee administrative assistance. Finally, although they will still be able to give their opinion and make suggestions, the task of drawing up special safety plans (PPMS) for pupils and staff is now mainly assigned to the local education authorities and the municipalities.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: Légifrance; Vie publique

Health Protocol for the 2021-2022 school year

Deadline: Announced September 2021, updated January 2021.

Status: in force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: For the 2021-2022 school year, the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport intends to maintain a strategy that favours teaching in the presence of students, for their success and well-being, while limiting the circulation of the virus within schools and educational establishments. This is done by the implementation of a health protocol decided in conjunction with the health authorities and based in particular on the opinions issued by the Scientific Council and the High Council for Public Health (HCSP).

Main measures adopted: In order to implement proportionate measures, the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, in conjunction with the health authorities, has established a scale of four levels for the next school year:

  • level 1 / green level
  • level 2 / yellow level
  • level 3 / level orange
  • level 4 / red level

Each level has established modalities for each of the following dimensions of the protocol:

  • home doctrine;
  • physical and sports activities;
  • contact-tracing;
  • the wearing of masks for staff and pupils;
  • limiting the mixing of students;
  • the rules of social distancing;
  • cleaning and disinfection of premises and equipment;
  • school catering;

A regular analysis of the situation is carried out by the Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport, based in particular on indicators provided by Santé publique France for different territorial levels. Depending on the epidemic situation, the transition from one level to another may be triggered at national or territorial level (départment, local educational authority, région) in order to guarantee responsiveness and proportionality of measures. Since 14 March, the level 1/green protocol (the lightest protocol) has been applied in primary schools as well as secondary schools. Given the favourable evolution of the health situation, the obligation to wear a mask indoors has also been lifted for all staff as well as for secondary school students.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Health protocol for the 2021-2022 school year.

The Culture Pass for schoolchildren

Deadlines: Announced on 21 May 2021, decree n°2021-1453 and order implementing decree n°2021-1453 published on 6 November 2021, implementation from January 2022.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Culture

Reasons/objectives: To roll out the 18 year old Culture Pass to all students from 4e (eight grade) to Terminale (twelfth grade).

Main measures adopted: The Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sport wants schools to offer every pupil access to culture. To this end, the Ministry has launched the School Culture Pass in partnership with the Ministry of Culture. Since January 2022, the Culture Pass is open to all pupils from 4e to the final year of secondary school in public and private education under contract. It allows for a gradual and accompanied sensitisation of the student to culture, which is conducive to the development of his/her autonomy until he/she reaches the age of majority. An overall amount of 200 € per student (spread over 5 years of schooling) will allow each student to benefit from individual or group outings accompanied by their teachers. The aim is to reach 100% of pupils concerned by an artistic and cultural education action each year. The Culture Pass for secondary school students complements the Culture Pass currently offered to all 18-year-olds.

The School Culture Pass will have two complementary and progressive versions:

  • A so-called collective share, which will enable a teacher to finance artistic and cultural education activities for his or her class.  The amount of the collective share is fixed, for each school, in proportion to the number of pupils enrolled in each level of education concerned.
    • 25 € per student from 4e and 3e
    • 30 € per student in CAP and second year
    • 20 € per pupil in the first and last year of secondary school
  • An individual share, paid to each student aged 15 to 17, to enable them to finance activities, outings or purchases of equipment (cinema, concert or theatre tickets, museum entrance tickets, books, etc.) or digital goods of their choice. ) or digital goods of their choice. The amount of the individual share is fixed at :
    • 20 € per 15 year old student
    • 30 € per student aged 16 and 17

Thus, in total, a pupil from class 4e to class Terminale will receive 120 € for the collective part and a young person between 15 and 18 will receive 380 € for the individual part. On average, therefore, 800 € per class and per school year will be financed in the name of the EAC.

Each student has a personal digital account that allows him/her to acquire cultural goods and services directly online. The personal digital account is credited every year. The sums paid in are personal. They cannot be transferred. The amounts must be used before the age of 18. Unused amounts cannot be carried over to the next school year.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: Eduscol: Le pass Culture: un dispositif pour les élèves et leurs professeurs, MENJS: un Pass culture pour les collégiens

Cordées de la réussite: enabling students to build and implement a career plan

Deadlines: Renewed every year, project strengthened by the France Relance plan.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

Reasons/objectives: The aim of the Cordées de la réussite is to fight against the self-censorship of students by providing continuous support from the 4th grade onwards, up to the baccalaureate and beyond.

Main measures adopted: A "Cordée de la réussite" is based on the partnership between :

  • a "tête de cordée" which may be a higher education establishment: grandes écoles, universities or high schools with a CPGE or STS
  • and so-called "roped-off" schools: general, technological or vocational secondary schools that are part of priority education networks, priority neighbourhoods for urban policy or rural areas far from metropolitan areas.

A roped-off school and the "têtes de cordée" schools set up actions to give each student the means to succeed in the development of his or her career plan, regardless of the path envisaged, whether it be the pursuit of studies in higher education or professional integration.

The Cordées de la réussite charter is signed by the ministries in charge of National Education and in charge of Higher Education. This charter commits all players involved at national or local level in the Cordées de la réussite scheme: pupils, students, mentors, secondary schools and higher education institutions, associations, partners from the economic world and local authorities.

The scheme can be implemented as early as the 4th grade. It concerns both secondary school students and high school students. There is a continuity of follow-up from secondary school to high school. Priority is given to the scheme:

  • Pupils attending schools in priority education or priority urban districts (QPV) and in particular in educational estates;
  • secondary school students in rural and isolated areas whose educational ambitions are often limited by their distance from major cities;
  • vocational high school students, who, with the transformation of the vocational track, should be able to benefit from more personalised and progressive courses

There is no selection among the students of a corded school. All those who wish to benefit from the cordées de la réussite can do so. It is not necessary to have very good academic results. Pupils who lack self-confidence and who would not dare to do so on their own initiative are encouraged to join by the teaching and educational team. Pupils with disabilities are also concerned by this scheme, which is fully inclusive.

For 2021-2022, the additional allocation of €10 million under the France Recovery Plan will contribute to the ramping up of the scheme. The objective set by the President of the Republic will be achieved during the school year: 200,000 secondary school students will benefit from the scheme (80,000 in 2019). More than 800 'Cordées de la réussite' (compared with around 400 in 2019) will develop partnerships between 3 800 secondary schools.

Financing: An additional budget of €10 million has been released as part of the France Relance plan.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Les cordées de la réussite: enabling students to build and implement a career plan

My disability journey

Deadline: Announced on 12 October 2021.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: State Secretariat for the Disabled

Reasons / objectives: To give parents a dedicated entry point for information and guidance on the schooling of their child with a disability.

Main measures adopted: At the start of the 2021 school year, 400,000 children with disabilities were enrolled in the school system in France. In order to better support them, understand the terms of their schooling and identify the assistance and resources that can be mobilised for their learning, their parents now have a dedicated entry point for information and guidance on their child's schooling. The website has been enhanced with a complete section dedicated to schooling, to facilitate their involvement in their child's schooling, as recommended by the French National Authority for Health (HAS).

The platform now offers content to answer the many questions that parents may have regarding the schooling and educational orientation of their disabled child. It is also intended for the pupils themselves, as well as for all the information relays (departmental centres for the disabled - MPDH, teachers, associations, etc.).

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: The "My disability pathway" platform launches an education section


Consolidating republican principles in school

Timeframe: Implementation of measures from September 2021.

Status: Announcement of measures in August 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports.

Reasons / Objectives : Because the school is central to the Republic, its mission is to transmit to students the principles and values that underpin the republican pact and guarantee that they can become free, enlightened and equal citizens.

Main measures adopted: At the start of the 2021 school year, all schools, middle schools and high schools will receive one of the resources on secularism and republican values, including the vademecum "Laïcité à l'École" and "L'Idée républicaine" (a collection of studies, texts and fundamental legal principles drawn up by the Council of Wise Men on Secularism and the Values of the Republic).

As of the 2022 session, competitive examinations for the recruitment of schoolteachers, certified teachers and principal education advisers will include an oral admission test on the candidate's motivation and ability to project himself or herself into his or her future position. The second part of this test will assess the candidate's ability to embrace the values of the Republic and the requirements of public service, and to communicate and share these values and requirements. A set of specifications for the training of teaching and educational staff in secularism and the values of the Republic was published in the summer of 2021. Together with a set of skills, it concerns both initial and in-service training. In the Inspe, it will take the form of a specific module, which is a necessary condition for the accreditation of training models. Training in secularism and the values of the Republic will also be reaffirmed as a priority in the 2022-2025 master plan for in-service training for national education staff, which will be published at the end of 2021.

Lastly, at the start of the 2021 school year, a "regalian square" will be set up in each education authority to improve the public response in four strategic areas: protection and promotion of the values of the Republic, the fight against communitarianism, the fight against school violence and the fight against harassment/cyber-bullying. In each of these areas, a dedicated team will closely monitor reports and provide a rapid response to any outbreak of conflict.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Dossier de rentrée scolaire 2021-2022.

Grenelle de l’éducation: raising the salaries of teachers

Deadlines: Consultation started in September 2020, completed in February 2021.

Status: Announcement of measures in May 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: An agenda of consultations on the working conditions of staff was proposed in September 2020 to the representative trade unions of the ministry in charge of national education, articulated around four axes of evolution: recognition, cooperation, openness and protection. This consultation aims in particular to improve the management of the Ministry's human resources and to enhance the attractiveness of jobs and careers.

The Grenelle de l'éducation is a consultation process whose conclusions were delivered in February 2021, based on the contribution of all stakeholders: teachers, supervisory staff, families and students, elected officials and local authorities, associations and businesses, and trade unions. The issues of upgrading, training, career paths, digital education, local HR, and occupational health were among the topics discussed at the various meetings that ended in February.

Main measures adopted:
A budget of 400M euros has already been released to implement salary upgrades from 2021 as part of a global effort to improve the working conditions of staff and the education system. Among other things, it provides for an attractiveness bonus for teachers at the beginning of their careers, a computer equipment bonus for teachers and psychologists in the national education system, a higher rate of promotion to the "hors classe", or an upgrade for school principals.  The Grenelle de l'éducation resulted in 12 commitments aimed at personalizing the career paths of teaching and non-teaching staff, developing a team spirit within schools and the Ministry of Education, and improving the public service of national education.

Main measures concerning the upgrading of teachers' salaries :

  • An attractiveness bonus has been awarded since May 2021 and will be upgraded and extended in 2022. Its amount is between €500 and €1,400 per year and concerns all tenured teachers in public and private education under contract, school principals, principal education  advisors(CPEs) and national education psychologists, at the beginning and middle of their careers, in order to offer increased remuneration to young teachers and to facilitate the development of the first years of their careers. In total, 520 million euros will have been devoted to making staff more attractive at the beginning and middle of their careers.
  • In order to make the careers of teachers, PsyENs, CPEs and secondary education head teachers more fluid, the rate of promotion to the hors-classe has been increased from 17 to 18 per cent in 2021 and 2022, and the terms of access to the exceptional class have been extended in 2022. Work on this subject will continue in September 2021.
  • From 2021 onwards, teachers in front of pupils and psychologists in the national education system will receive a computer equipment bonus of €150 net for a total cost of €179 million.
  • 45 million will be earmarked in 2021 for other staff category measures as part of Social Agenda. Almost half of this envelope will be dedicated to the upgrading of school principals. From 2021, an exceptional allowance of €450 will be paid to all principals in recognition of their duties. They will also benefit from additional deductions from their teaching hours.
  • The allowance for working in a reinforced priority education network (REP+) has been increased by 400 euros net at the start of the 2021-2022 school year. A variable portion will be paid at the beginning of 2022, with a maximum amount of 600 euros.
  • In 2021, the function allowance for senior staff has been increased to €1,150 per year

Financing: from 2021 to 2022, 1.1 billion euros will be directly allocated to the upgrading of national education personnel

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: a new Directorate of Management and creation of the Observatory of Compensation and Staff Welfare (Orbe)

References: MENJS: Grenelle de l'éducation; MENJS: Dossier de rentrée scolaire 2021-2022

Grenelle de l'éducation: academic schools for continuing professionnal training

Deadlines: May-June 2021: call for expressions of interest; June-December 2021: prefiguration phase for academic schools of continuing professionnal training and adaptation of academic training plans; 1 January 2022: opening of academic schools; 1 September 2022: implementation of the first academic training programmes.

Status: Announcement of measures in May 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: Continuing professionnal training is a key element in the development of skills and the professional mobility of staff. In the context of the Grenelle de l'éducation, it is proposed to launch a call for expressions of interest to create an academic school for continuing professionnal training in those academies that wish to do so.

Main measures adopted:
The academic school of continuing professionnal training will be responsible for steering and leading the entire academic training policy, under the responsibility of a director and involving the Inspe and the territorial network of Canopé. The objectives of the Academic School are to:

  • to structure, make coherent and enrich the continuing professionnal training offer throughout the academic territory
  • strengthen the means of continuing professionnal training and improve communication
  • better ensure the continuum of training and facilitate access to degree courses, in partnership with the Inspé in each academy.

All of these objectives will enable all staff to benefit from ambitious, high-quality continuing professionnal training throughout their careers, likely to create a common culture for all staff, in close proximity to them and attentive to their needs.

Funding: not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: not specified.

References: MENJS: Grenelle de l'éducation

Fighting bullying in schools

Timeframe: Implementation at the beginning of the school year in September 2021.

Status: Announcement of measures in August 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / objectives : Because the school offers each student a framework that allows him or her to develop and progress, it cannot accept racism, anti-Semitism, school or sexist violence, or LGBTphobia. The institution's commitment must therefore be complete and permanent.

Main measures adopted: At the start of the 2021 school year, after a two-year experimental phase, the pHARe program will be generalized to all academies and in all schools and educational establishments. pHARe is a harassment prevention program that will equip schools and educational establishments with a comprehensive intervention strategy. The program has the following objectives:

  • provide all schools and colleges with a structured and efficient prevention plan;
  • ensure the safety and well-being of students by directly influencing the school climate;
  • provide security for educational teams by guaranteeing the traceability and predictability of public action;
  • enable the creation of a protective community trained and fully engaged in anti-harassment work in each school.

In addition, the Ministry is pursuing its policy of combating homophobia and transphobia, by including it in the interministerial dynamic coordinated by the interministerial delegation for the fight against racism, anti-Semitism and anti-LGBT hatred (Dilcrah). The year will thus be marked by the implementation of the National Action Plan for Equal Rights, against anti-LGBT+ hatred and discrimination 2020-2023, by the setting up of a working group on the prevention of LGBTphobia in each academy, the production of guidelines to harmonize the reception of trans students, and finally the training of personnel through courses dedicated to the accompaniment of issues related to sexual orientation and gender identity.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Dossier de rentrée scolaire 2021-2022

Je réussis au lycée - I'm succeeding in upper secondary education

Timeframe: Implementation in September 2021.

Status: in force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: Additional resources will be granted for the start of the school year in September 2021, in order to set up a reinforced support action, particularly in general, technological and professional high schools. All high school students who encounter difficulties will thus be able to benefit, throughout the year, from reinforced support or from small groups.

Main measures adopted: The aim of this scheme, provided by their teachers, is to support pupils entering the second year or the first year of the CAP who are in difficulty after having lived through their 4th and 3rd years under the constraints of the health situation. They should be able to benefit from reinforced support to enable them to fully "get their feet wet" in the lycée. The scheme will also apply to students in the first and final year of secondary school who need it. 1,500 full-time equivalents are planned in the form of additional hours to set up this scheme. This program will be open to all schools, in the service of student success.

Funding: 1,500 full-time equivalents in the form of overtime are planned to fund this scheme.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Dossier de rentrée scolaire 2021-2022.

Boarding schools of excellence

Timeframe: since 2021

Status: in force

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: The aim of the Boarding Schools of Excellence is to support secondary school pupils as closely as possible to their educational and teaching needs in order to bring them to their full potential. alsoimprove territorial coverage to guarantee equal access for all pupils to the boarding school of excellence, in particular pupils from priority urban areas and ruralBoarders benefit from personalised educational support: revision of lessons, support for personal work. They are also offered sports and cultural activities to be enjoyed collectively.

Main measures adopted: 1,500 places (200 places to be delivered in 2021 / 1,300 in 2022) will be created or renovated. Currently, 54 boarding schools have been selected to benefit from the stimulus plan funds.

Funding: €50 million

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: not specified

References: MENJS: Dossier de rentrée scolaire 2021-2022; MENJS: vivre sa scolarité dans un Internat d'excellence

Sports practice

Deadlines: Implementation in September 2021.

Status: in force - circular of 23 June 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/objectives: As a key element in learning a specific culture, the rules of life in society and respect for others, the regular practice of a physical and sports activity (PSA) must be encouraged in all school areas and times, with and beyond physical and sports education (PE), a compulsory discipline, and school sport, which constitute the common thread.

Main measures adopted: The ministerial priorities focus on eight areas:

  • Reinforcement of fundamental knowledge through sport, based on the sports skills of "knowing how to swim" and "knowing how to ride a bike";
  • Promotion, development and increase of physical activity time for young people;
  • Creation of a specialised course in physical education, sports practices and cultures at general secondary school;
  • Creation of a professional "sport" stream within the vocational stream and of an optional professional unit "sport sector" in six specialities of the vocational baccalaureate;
  • Development of physical and sports education and sports activities for young people with disabilities;
  • Strengthen educational communities in priority areas;
  • Improving the schooling of high-level sportsmen and women and their career paths within the national education system;
  • Special attention to the accessibility of sports facilities

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Circular of 23 June 2021 on sports practice

New optional course of French and ancient culture

Deadlines: Implementation in September 2021.

Status: In force - order of 23 June 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / Objectives: Pupils interested in the languages and cultures of Antiquity (LCA) currently benefit from a pathway that can be followed from the fifth grade to the final year. In order to give greater recognition to the contribution of LCA to pupils' learning, this pathway has been extended by the introduction of a new optional course in 'French and ancient culture' for the sixth form.

Main measures adopted: The optional teaching of French and ancient culture (FCA) provides pupils in the sixth form with historical and linguistic tools for a more thoughtful approach to the formation and structure of French, while offering them elements of ancient culture and civilisation.

Funding: Not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Not specified.

References: MENJS: Nouvel enseignement facultatif de Français et culture antique pour la classe de sixième; MENJS Éduscol: Français et culture antique; MENJS: arrêté du 23 juin 2021.

Continuous assessment in the general and technological baccalauréat

Deadline: Introduction from September 2021 for the June 2022 session of the general and technological baccalaureate.

Status: in force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons/Objectives: Following consultations with the Comité de suivi de la réforme du lycée général et technologique, the Commission spécialisée des lycées and the Conseil supérieur de l'éducation, the Ministry of National Education has decided to make adjustments to the assessment procedures for the general and technological baccalaureate from the 2022 session.

Main measures adopted:
The general balance between continuous assessment (40 of the 100 coefficients) and terminal assessment (60 of the 100 coefficients) within the general and technological baccalauréat is maintained. However, there is no longer a cumulative assessment of the same course through continuous assessment and final assessment. The new baccalauréat is thus strengthened, to encourage each student to be involved throughout the year in his or her learning.

Thus, 60 of these 100 coefficients are obtained in the context of early tests or final tests alone (early tests in French at the end of première, the two tests for the specialised subjects taken in terminale, philosophy and the Grand oral), and 40 of these coefficients are obtained through continuous assessment based solely on the overall average obtained from the annual averages of the school reports of the final cycle, divided between all the subjects in the core curriculum, the specialised subjects abandoned at the end of première and moral and civic education.

Common assessments will be abolished in favour of continuous assessment to accompany learning and conducted within the framework of the class. National benchmarks will be distributed to teaching teams to ensure that pupils are treated equally.

Funding: not specified.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: not specified.

References: MENJS : Ajustement pour le baccalauréat général et technologique à compter de la session 2022

Preparatory course for the teaching profession

Timeframe:  Implementation at the beginning of the school year in September 2021.

Status: In force from September 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports, Ministry of Higher Education, Research and Innovation

Reasons / Objectives: From September 2021, students who enrol in a Bachelor's degree and wish to become pre-primary and primary school teachers will be able to follow a specific Bachelor's degree course in order to prepare for a Master's degree in 'teaching, education and training', specialising in pre-primary and primary education.

Main measures adopted: The preparatory course for the teaching profession (PPPE) is attached to a generalist degree course. It is taught partly in a upper secondary education school and partly in a university during the three years of the bachelor (L1, L2 and L3). This preparatory course for the teaching profession allows students to prepare to become school teachers with general and multi-disciplinary courses taught in high school, specialisation and in-depth research-based courses taught at the university corresponding to the chosen degree course and observation and practical training courses in primary schools in the 1st and 2nd years of the degree. An international mobility internship takes place in the third year of the degree.

From the start of the 2021 academic year, 24 preparatory courses for the teaching profession will be tested throughout France, with classes of 30 to 40 students for each course.

Funding: Unknown.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Unknown.

References: MENJS – Devenir enseignant : Quelle formation pour devenir enseignant ? De la licence au master MEEF

Law creating the function of school head teachers

Timeframe: Law presented to Parliament on 12 May 2020, adopted in first reading by the National Assembly on 24 June 2020, adopted in first reading by the Senate on 10 March 2021, currently in the National Assembly for second reading.

Status: Under parliamentary debate.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / objectives: Recognition of the role of the head teacher in primary schools.

Main measures adopted: At present, school heads are teachers who may be partially or totally relieved of teaching duties (depending on the size of the pre-primary or primary school), who have no recognised status or function. The proposed law seeks to recognise the function of school headmasters and improve their conditions of service. Some recent developments have increased their responsibilities and workload.

Funding: Unknown.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Unknown.

References: Vie publique : Loi Rilhac créant la fonction de directeur d’école ; Assemblée Nationale : proposition de loi visant la Fonction de directrice ou directeur d’école

Improved identification of students in stress, psychological distress or danger in the context of the health crisis

Timeframe: Circular published on 16 February 2021.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports; Ministry of Solidarity and Health

Reasons / objectives: The current health situation and the strict rules it implies have a strong impact on the daily life and social relationships of students. Family situations may also be affected due to the economic situation or the consequences of the health rules on certain professional activities of the parents. All of these elements can, for some pupils, be a source of anxiety and have psychological consequences.

Main measures adopted: It is up to the staff of the national education ministry, and in particular the doctors, nurses, social workers and psychologists, to mobilise in order to better prevent, identify and support pupils in situations of psychological fragility. Several tools, in particular those developed by the Robert Debré Hospital (Paris), have been made available to national education staff.

The circular of 16 February 2021 specifies the procedures for strengthening this vigilance of the psychological health of pupils and the mechanisms for identifying children in distress.

Funding: Unknown.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Unknown.

References: MENJS : Circulaire du 16 février 2021.

Measures for inclusive education

Timeframe: PAI circular published on 10 February 2021; CAPPEI circular published on 12 February 2021.

Status: In force.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports

Reasons / objectives: Two measures announced in February 2021 to strengthen arrangements for inclusive education in the context of the health crisis.

Main measures adopted: The individualised attendance project (PAI) aims to guarantee individualised attendance and support in collective structures for children and adolescents with health problems that develop over a long period and require special arrangements. According to the new circular of 10 February 2021 framing this already existing system, in a crisis context, the recommendations of the health authorities apply to pupils benefiting from a PAI.

Furthermore, the terms and conditions for the organisation of professional training, the examination and the validation of experience leading to the Certificate of Professional Aptitude for Inclusive Education Practices (CAPPEI) have been set by the circular of 12 February 2021. This circular aims to strengthen the skills of professionals working with pupils with special needs, particularly in the context of the health crisis, as part of their professional training.

Funding: Unknown.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Unknown.

References: MENJS : circulaire du 10 février 2021 visant le PAI pour raison de santé ; MENJS : circulaire du 12 février 2021 visant la formation professionnelle menant au CAPPEI

Young people in bookstores

Timeframe: Circular published on 1 February 2021.

Status: Currently in force in part of the country (some regions), being generalised until the end of the calendar year 2021.

Responsible authorities: Ministry of National Education, Youth and Sports; Ministry of Culture.

Reasons / objectives: The 2021-2022 stimulus plan provides for the widespread use of Jeunes en librairie in France.

Main measures adopted: This artistic and cultural education programme benefits secondary school students, high school students and apprentices in all fields of study and young people in custody. It finances projects led by teachers, accompanied by booksellers. The projects have several educational and cultural objectives relating to the promotion of reading and raising young people's awareness of the role of the links in the book chain, particularly bookshops. The projects include the individual purchase of books by each student or apprentice during a visit to the bookshop. For many young people, this is their first visit to a bookshop, or their first visit without a family member accompanying them.

Jeunes en librairie already exists in part in the regions of Nouvelle-Aquitaine, Hauts-de-France and Mayotte. As part of the 2021-2022 stimulus plan, the programme will be generalised thanks to a budget of 3.5M euros allocated by the ministry in charge of culture, the economic effects of the crisis also justifying this measure for the cultural sector.

Funding: 3,5M euros.

Evaluation and monitoring mechanisms: Unknown.

References: MENJS : Jeunes en librairie, circulaire du 1er février 2021.