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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in early childhood and school education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.1Mobility in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil and student mobility

Preprimary and primary education

At this level, more often than not, mobility is considered to be "virtual", based essentially on partnerships and networking of the establishment with establishments in foreign countries. Exchanges are made remotely, using ICT. The eTwinning program is an example of a European electronic twinning platform between European schools, colleges and high schools. The dedicated website presents the documents and information necessary for the creation of a twinning and the use of a secure exchange platform.

Secondary education

The Voltaire program

The Voltaire program allows young French and German people to spend six months in the partner country. ninth and tenth graders who study German and have a satisfactory level in this language are concerned. The exchange allows correspondents to reside together, first in Germany, then in France. With the agreement of the French head teacher, the courses taken in Germany are recognized and the semester spent abroad compensates for those which were not taken in France.

The Brigitte Sauzay program

The Brigitte Sauzay program allows French and German students to do an exchange lasting three months. These students discover the school system, family and daily life and the culture of the other country. They improve their knowledge of the partner's language. The program is not recognized in the student's educational path.

The ProTandem program

A convention linked to the organization of exchanges of young people and adults in initial and continuing vocational training has existed between France and Germany since 1980. Its objectives are:

  • allow participants to follow part of their training in the other country;
  • allow them to benefit from training methods specific to each country by a stay of sufficient duration;
  • introduce participants to the professional and socio-cultural life of the partner country;
  • create links between French and German trainees and between partner organizations;
  • bring together young people and adults from both countries;
  • promote the mobility of young people and adults.

The Lefèvre and Charles de Gaulle programs

Within the framework of Franco-British cooperation, a scholarship program is launched for all regions and all the countries of the United Kingdom for a period of five years. It involves supporting existing school partnerships by funding class mobility and individual student mobility.

The Charles de Gaulle scholarships offer a scholarship of £ 5,000 per partner institution to develop the skills and employability of young people aged 17 to 19 as part of a Franco-British partnership involving student mobility.

The Lefèvre program allows French and British schools to finance reciprocal mobility projects and collaborative work throughout the year, thanks to a grant of £ 5000 per partner establishment.

Franco-Swedish mobility program "European education - One year in France"

Created in 1988, this program enables Swedish pupils in the first or final years to complete an individual school year in a French lycée. For the 2018-2019 school year, around twenty Swedish students should be retained. The selection procedure for French schools wishing to welcome a Swedish student begins in November 2017.

Comenius program

Comenius allows college and high school students, who are at least 14 years old, to spend three to ten months in an establishment and with a host family abroad. Their school must participate in a Comenius school partnership.

Teacher mobility

Mobility programmes

Jules Verne program

This program is intended for teachers of primary and secondary education of all disciplines. It allows them to teach in a foreign establishment in a country of their choice from the available partnerships. The program is operated by the Ministry of National Education and Youth (MENJ). The main objective of the participating teachers is to teach in French. However, in agreement with the teacher concerned and with the French and foreign educational authorities responsible, part of this teaching may be provided in a foreign language. The duration of the exchange is one school year, renewable twice.

Franco-German exchange of primary teachers

The purpose of this exchange program is multiple. It is a question of developing the teaching of the German language at the elementary school, and at the nursery school, within the framework of the Franco-German network of bilingual nursery schools, but also to support the linguistic and cultural improvement of the candidates who engage. The program allows French students to benefit from courses provided by German teachers as well as to participate in the dissemination of French language and culture in Germany.

Teachers provide a service identical to that of their counterpart in the country concerned and report to local school authorities. They may have to intervene in several schools. Teachers remain in an active position in France and are paid for the positions they hold. Certain bonuses and allowances related to the exercise of certain functions are not paid to the teacher during the exchange school year, but he benefits from the temporary expatriation expenses allowance, which is intended to compensate for travel and accommodation costs. Their post not being declared vacant, any teacher must, at the end of the exchange, return to his post in France. The teachers agree to contribute to the development of the teaching of German upon their return.

Exchange with Quebec teachers

This program is intended for teachers of preprimary and primary education (from the last grade of preprimary education to the fifth grade) working full-time in front of a class (teachers assigned to a position of replacement or performing supplements cannot submit an application). It is also intended for teachers of pupils with special needs. All teachers must prove five years of seniority including a minimum of two years of effective service as a holder in the body for which the exchange is requested on September 1 of the school year of application. The exchange lasts one school year. The French teacher continues to receive his salary in France in euros (with the exception of bonuses and allowances linked to his position). Social security contributions are normally deducted there.

Professional stays of French teachers in Germany, Austria, Spain, Ireland, Italy, Portugal and United Kingdom and hosting of European teachers

This program, operated by the International Center for Educational Studies (CIEP), is aimed at secondary education language teachers, including teachers of non-linguistic subjects and European and Eastern languages sections of public education. The program lasts two consecutive weeks on average, i.e. ten days of actual lessons (including one week during the school holiday period). The objective here is multiple: continuous training of teachers; enrichment of teaching practices; strengthening language skills; support for the diversification of modern languages; support for building a partnership and establishing reciprocity between teachers from both countries. The teacher receives a lump sum allowance upon return from the stay, after receipt of the survey completed by the teacher and the upload of the stay certificate signed by the host establishment.

Linguistic, educational and cultural improvement courses

This program, operated by CIEP, is aimed at primary and secondary education teachers, including teachers of non-linguistic disciplines and of European sections and oriental languages. These internships take place during the summer school holidays, two weeks on average, or ten days of actual lessons (equivalent to 60 hours of training). The languages concerned for the first degree are German, Italian and English and, for the second degree, German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese. All costs related to training, accommodation and food are the responsibility of the MENJ. Transport between the teacher's home and the place of the internship is at his expense.

CODOFIL - Stay in Louisiana

Are concerned the titular and contractual teachers of primary and secondary education of public and private education under contract. This program, operated by CIEP, lasts one year (renewable twice) and aims to teach French in "immersion schools" in Louisiana in the United States. The teachers recruited are called upon to teach the French language or certain subjects in French (within the framework of the so-called “immersion” program) in Louisian elementary and middle school establishments. The teachers of FLE, letters and modern languages teach FLE.

In 2018, the annual amount of remuneration paid to teachers by the Louisiana authorities amounted to $ 43,933 the first year, $ 45,655 the second year and $ 46,139 the third year. The salary scale of teachers in the program is reassessed annually based on the progression of the median salary of American teachers in Louisiana.