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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in early childhood and school education


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.1Mobility in early childhood and school education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil and Student Mobility

The sectoral programmes "Comenius" and "Leonardo da Vinci" are one of the main financial sources for students' mobility in school education.

  • The are two main types of mobility: Cultural exchange - usually lasting 2 to 4 weeks and is focused on intercultural communication and language learning;
  • Placement - which is usually from 2 to 6 weeks and is focused on the development of vocational skills.

According to the education programmes' rules the responsible institutions for sending students are the educational institutions themselves (general, secondary and vocational schools or in some cases non-govenmental organisations). The types of hosting institutions vary in type, especially for the "Leonardo da Vinci" sectoral programme.

Due to the short periods of mobility formal recognitions are not necessarily provided. Some of the sending institutions recognize the transnational placements as a formal placement required by the national authorities as a condition for graduation. The placements within "Leonardo da Vinci" are recognized by the sending and hosting institutions through the issuing of an Europass Mobility document.


Lately, the mobility of students and teachers is conducted primarily through participation in the programme 'Erasmus +'. It includes three main Key actions:

  • Educational mobility for citizens 
  • Cooperation for innovation and exchange of good practices 
  • Support for policy reform 

"Erasmus +" supports activities in the areas of school and vocational education and training.  It helps to improve the quality of Bulgarian education through the exchange of best practices and allows for continuous qualification of Bulgarian teachers to teach interesting and draw away students.

“Erasmus +” shall support the educational mobility for teaching or non-teaching staff that:

  • to be part of the European Development Plan for the sending organization;
  • to be addresses the needs for professional development of staff;
  • to be implemented through the measures for selection of participants, preparation and    monitoring of mobility;
  • to ensure the recognition of learning outcomes of the personnel involved;
  • to be guarantee for dissemination of results to the educational community.

The designs for educational mobility promote transnational mobility of students from vocational schools and teachers. 

Teacher Mobility

The sectoral programmes "Comenius" and "Leonardo da Vinci" are also among the main financial sources for teacher mobility in early childhood and school education.

The programmes do not provide remuneration for teachers. In most cases the mobility is focussed on the exchange of teaching methods and good practices in class work. The recognition of acquired skills is implemented at the discretion of the head of the sending educational institution. 


Educational mobility for teachers in school education for training purposes supports the professional development of teachers, managerial personnel in the field of school education and other school staff in the form of:

  • participation in structured courses or training abroad;
  • observation period in a partner school or other organization working in the field of school education.

The Programme is based on an integrated approach ensuring effective interaction between all sectors of education and training.

Educational mobility in the school education aimed at the teaching allows principals, teachers or other school staff to teach at the partner schools in other European countries.

She also aims to build the sustainable partnerships between education and business for stimulating innovation and competitiveness while promoting employment, with special emphasis on combating youth unemployment.

Extremely useful to work on the projects through which the by European funds to encouraging mobility of students from vocational schools, teachers, educators and people working in organizations in the field of education and training. And another very important thing giving these projects - create friendships, building leaders, their participants feel part of a team. The students and teachers meet people with ambition to know more, to give more to others.