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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance


11.Quality assurance

Last update: 27 November 2023

The ongoing effort to raise the quality of education in order for Bulgaria to remain competetive in a fast-changing market environment has created the need to establish reliable methods for quality assurance.

Quality assurance in early childhood and school education is carried out at national, regional and school level. All three methods of evaluation are compulsory and are used both for evualuation of educational institutions and individual teacher evaluation.

Quality assurance in higher education is somewhat more autonomous, since every higher education institutions has its own internal system for evaluating quality of teaching and student performance. However, each institution's internal system is then evaluated by an external body - the National Evaluation and Accreditation Agency (NEAA)

In order to assure the quality of adult education and training, a new methodology has been applied since the beginning of 2009 for evaluating the proposals for professional orientation and adult education organized and financed by the National Employment Agency. The methodology is applied to evaluation of proposals for vocational training, training for acquiring key competences, motivation training and teaching reading and writing. It assesses the three main factors for providing training: teaching curriculum, teaching staff and facilities. The evaluation of proposals for vocational training is made by external experts nominated by the social partners.