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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Quality assurance


11.Quality assurance

Last update: 16 October 2024
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Quality Assurance

Evaluation within the education system in Ireland is largely operated at a national level. The legal framework for the evaluation of the education system lies in the  Education Act 1998 and, in relation to ECEC, in the Child Care Act, 1991 (

The Education Act was the first comprehensive educational legislation in the history of the state and it formalised and provided legislative basis to most of the practices that were in operation prior to its inception.

In accordance with the Education Act 1998, the overarching responsibility with regard to evaluation and assessment in schools rests with the Minister for Education : '......It shall be a function of the Minister…to monitor and assess the quality, economy, efficiency and effectiveness of the education system provided in the State by recognised schools and centres for education …..and to publish, in such manner as the Minister considers appropriate, information relating to such monitoring and assessment. (Section 7/2/b) Under the Child Care Act 1991, responsibility for evaluation and assessment in ECEC services lies with the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth.

On behalf of the Minister for Education, the Department of Education co-ordinates and develops policy and decisions relating to the monitoring and assessment of schools. In so doing, it takes into account advice from the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment (NCCA) which, in accordance with Section 41 of the Education Act, has a key advisory role in developing mechanisms for assessing standards of knowledge and skills. The Department is centralised and maintains an infrastructure to implement national policy at regional, provincial and local level. Ireland does not have regional or provincial variations in relation to evaluation of the education system. Section thirteen of the Education Act, 1998 outlines the role and functions of the Inspectorate of the Department in relation to the quality assurance of the education system at primary and post-primary level.

Traditionally, evaluation of the education system has been a combination of:

  • The work of the Department of Education’s s' Inspectorate;
  • Review of the outcomes of the State examinations in post-primary schools;
  • Departmental reviews and examinations within the higher education institutions;
  • Review or self-evaluation undertaken by individual schools, centres for education, other institutions, and teachers at all levels of the system.

On behalf of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, the Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY) develops policy and oversees the monitoring and evaluation of ECEC services. Tusla is the Child and Family Agency and is the statutory regulator responsible for the registration, inspection and enforcement of regulations on ECEC services. Tusla’s powers as statutory regulator are set out in the Child Care Act as amended by the Child and Family Agency Act 2013. In addition, at the request of the Minister for Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth, education-focused inspections of ECEC services are carried out by the Department of Education Inspectorate.

External evaluation by the Department of Education Inspectorate and by Tusla is one measure that is used in Ireland to help to ensure improvements in the quality of educational provision. The evaluation of primary schools, post-primary schools and centres for education is one of the statutory responsibilities of the Inspectorate under Section 13 of the Education Act 1998. This external evaluation complements other initiatives, such as school self-review, the work of the support services for schools, improvements in curricula, national assessments based on sampling and state examinations. In addition, international post-primary student assessments, statistics on student attendance and participation at all levels are important components of the knowledge base. The Inspectorate also contributes regularly to system evaluation by undertaking evaluation of educational programmes designed to meet particular needs, by participating in Value-forMoney (VFM) reviews and by assessing policy implementation and impact.

The framework for school assessment is underpinned by both school self-evaluation and external evaluation carried out by the Inspectorate of the Department of Education. It is a policy requirement that schools engage systematically in self-evaluation. School self-evaluation and external evaluation are complementary processes, both focused on improvement. The school self-evaluation process gives schools a means of identifying and addressing priorities, and of ensuring a whole-school focus on improving specific aspects of teaching, learning, management and leadership. External evaluations take note of schools’ identified priorities and assess their teaching, learning, management and leadership practices.

In ECEC, the external evaluations carried out by Tusla and by the Department of Education Inspectorate are the primary mechanism for assurance of the quality of ECEC provision. Under First 5 (the Whole-of-Government Strategy for Babies, Young Children and their Families), the Irish Government has committed to develop a revised self-evaluation framework so that services can assess their own performance along the quality spectrum, from compliance to excellence.

Lifelong Guidance Policy Developments 2023/24


Changing patterns of work in an increasingly globalised and digital world demand that individuals learn, upskill and reskill throughout their lives. Guidance facilitates people to manage their own educational, training, occupational, personal, social and life choices, so that they may reach their full potential and thereby contribute to the development of a better society. 

Following a National Consultation on Lifelong Guidance and publication of a Report on Emerging Key Messages, the National Strategic Framework for Lifelong Guidance and accompanying Strategic Action Plan (2024-2030) were published in December 2023. 

These publications signify an unprecedented cross-government approach to evolving lifelong guidance policy and practice across several sectors in Ireland. Indeed, the National Policy Group for Lifelong Guidance comprises five government departments: 

  • Department of Education (DE);
  • Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science (DFHERIS); 
  • Department of Children, Equality, Disability, Integration and Youth (DCEDIY); 
  • Department of Social Protection (DSP) and; 
  • Department of Enterprise, Trade and Employment (DETE). 

Each represented department provides a unique perspective and is committed to collaborating to achieve the vision outlined in the framework.

The strategic framework recognises that individuals may benefit from access to guidance, delivered in different ways, to meet individual needs throughout their lifespan, irrespective of their situation, prior experience, level of education and other factors. 

The framework and action plan chart a course for lifelong guidance over a seven-year period. Our vision is to have a more unified guidance system, which will allow all individuals to have access to high-quality, holistic and appropriate lifelong guidance aligned to their requirements at different phases of their lives. Four pillars are identified as key concepts to inform the trajectory for the development of lifelong guidance in Ireland: 

1. Visibility and awareness of lifelong-guidance services and information provision; 

2. Standards and quality throughout the lifelong-guidance system; 

3. Access, inclusion and universal design, and; 

4. Career-management skills and lifelong career mobility.

The framework also identifies objectives and anticipated outcomes towards which the national policy group are committed to delivering. 

Implementation of the strategic framework by the national policy group began in January 2024. Progression of the short-, medium- and long-term actions is supported by an advisory group consisting of 12 key stakeholder organisations.