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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Management Staff for Higher Education   

Requirements for Appointment

In Ireland the day-to-day operations of higher education institutions are under the directorship of a president (or provost in the case of Trinity College Dublin). The appointment to the position of president of an institution is a matter for its governing authority in accordance with the provisions of the Universities Act (1997) and the Institutes of Technology Act (2006). Presidents are senior academics with proven management and leadership skills. The president directs the academic, administrative, and financial affairs of the institution, in respect of which he/she is answerable to the governing authority. The president is the ‘chief accounting officer’ of the institution; leads its strategic planning; sets its tone and culture; and takes responsibility for the most senior appointments, such as that of the dean, registrar and treasurer/financial controller.

Conditions of Service

Universities and institutes of technology are autonomous institutions and therefore the recruitment and selection of non-academic staff is a matter for the institutions themselves in accordance with the relevant legislation (Universities Act 1997, Institutes of Technology Act 2006) and required qualifications for the specific posts.  

All non-academic staff recruited by the institutions will be in accordance with national employment legislation.