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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education
Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Requirements for appointment

Two categories of management staff are envisaged in the only university in the German-speaking Community:

- a director

- one department manager per department

The heads of department report to the director.

Together, the director and the department heads form the management of the university. They are responsible for the daily administration and organisation of the university in the administrative, technical, financial and pedagogical fields.


The post of Director shall be filled exclusively on the basis of a five-year full-time mandate.

The condition is that he/she has a second degree diploma in higher education, a command of German and French and that he/she has submitted an application in due time and form. The school authority decides which of the applicants is to carry out the mandate.

If the last evaluation report concludes with the remark "very good" and the mandate holder has submitted a written application for renewal of the mandate six months before the end of the mandate, the AHS Board of Directors can decide to extend the mandate without a new call for applications.

Head of Department

The post of Head of Department is awarded on the basis of a five-year half-time or full-time mandate.

The mandate shall be awarded primarily to a staff member who is already working at the institution, whereby the staff member must fulfil the following conditions:

- he/she must hold at least a second degree diploma in higher education

- he/she has proof of a thorough command of the German language;

- he/she has at least five years of useful professional experience. This useful professional experience must have been gained in the context of a professional activity related to the duties carried out. Part-time services shall be credited in proportion to full-time employment;

- it has received at least the mark "good" in the last appraisal or evaluation report; if no report is available, this condition shall be deemed to be met

- he/she has submitted his/her application in the form and by the deadline specified in the call for candidates.

If the position cannot be filled by a staff member of the higher education institution, the position shall be advertised publicly and awarded to a person who fulfils the conditions set out herein.

Conditions of Service

See above.