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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 28 August 2024

Tertiary professional schools

The management of tertiary professional schools (vyšší odborné školy) is in the responsibility of school heads (ředitelé).

Higher education institutions

A public higher education institution (vysoké školy) is headed by a rector (rektor) who decides and acts on the affairs of the institution. In cases when a special regulation presupposes the activity of a statutory body, it is under the rector's responsibility. The rector may appoint the vice-rector (prorektor) to act on their behalf in certain matters.

Administration and management of individual faculties is under the responsibility of the dean (děkan). The dean may appoint the vice-dean (proděkan) to act on his/her behalf in certain matters.

Financial management and operation are in the responsibility of the bursar (kvestor). He/she is appointed and dismissed by the rector who stipulates to what extent he/she may act on behalf of the institution.

Self-governing bodies of a public higher education institution are governed in their activities by general regulations, but they also have their own internal regulations. The regulations include a statute, standing orders and election procedures for the academic senate, disciplinary regulations for students or other regulations as required by the specific situation of each institution.

Requirements for appointment

Tertiary professional schools

Requirements for the appointment of head of tertiary professional school (vyšší odborná škola) are set by the Act on Education Staff and they are the same as for heads of schools at lower levels. Among others, they should have the teaching qualification. The length of required practice for heads of tertiary professional schools is 5 years.

Higher education institutions

There are no qualification requirements for the position of a rector (rektor). According to the Higher Education Act, the rector of public or state higher education institution (vysoká škola) is appointed and dismissed by the President of the Republic on the recommendation of the academic senate submitted through the Minister of Education. The same person may only perform the office of a rector for two consecutive four-year periods.

Conditions of service

Tertiary professional schools

The competences and conditions of service of the head of a tertiary professional school (vyšší odborná škola) are the same as for heads of schools at lower levels.

Higher education institutions

According to the Higher Education Act, the pay of the rector (rektor) of a public higher education institution is set by the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports (the rector is an employee of a public university), that of the rector of a state higher education institution (vysoká škola) by the relevant Minister. The rector of a public or a state school can only be dismissed by the President of the Republic.

The pension conditions are set by the Act on Pension Insurance as for other employees.

Other conditions of service of the management staff for higher education institutions are set by the Labour Code.