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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Management staff for higher education


10.Management and other education staff

10.5Management staff for higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Rector is the main administrative person of higher education institution. This person is responsible for the operation and results of the institution, implementation of education legislation, and effective usage of various resources. However, there is other administrative staff (like pro-rector, executive director and dean in higher education institutions) providing assistance in administration and management of the institution.

Rector decides singly how to utilize intellectual, financial and material resources of education institution and determines salaries of staff to be no less than fixed by the Cabinet of Ministers.

Requirements for appointment

Rector is the highest official of higher education institution who must implement its general administration and may represent it without special authorisation. Rector must be elected by Constitutional (Satversme) Meeting of higher education institution for a term not exceeding five years but no more than twice in succession, and be approved in the office by the Cabinet of Ministers. A professor may be elected as the rector of a university-type institution. As regards non-university type institutions, it may be a professor or a person holding doctoral degree.

Conditions of service

The procedures for hiring and dismissing from work the general staff (including administrative staff) of an institution of higher education are determined by the institution of higher education, observing the provisions of the Law on Institutions of Higher Education and other regulatory enactments.

Responsibilities included in the work-load of administrative staff are determined by the Senate of higher education institution. The Cabinet of Ministers determines lowest salary rates per month: for a rector it is 1835 Euro, for pro-rector and a dean the lowest salary rate is 1225 Euro per month. 

Legislative references

Law on Institutions of Higher Education (1995)

Regulation on Pedagogues Work Remuneration / Pedagogu darba samaksas noteikumi (2016)