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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Adult education and training funding


3.Funding in education

3.3Adult education and training funding

Last update: 9 January 2024

Main funding principles

There are several sources of funding of adult education: state budget, local government budget, EU structural funds (information regarding which is included in the addendum to the Operational Programme “Human Resources and Employment” and the addendum to the Operational Programme “Entrepreneurship and Innovations”), learners own funds, employers’ investments, non-governmental organisations’ support, and other EU, Swiss and Norwegian financial assistance instruments, including EU Programme Erasmus+ and Nordic Council of Ministers programme Nordplus. Thus, budget is framed in accordance with policy documents of each programme.

The underlying principle in financing of adult education is shared responsibility. There is also an exception for several programmes that have been offered free of charge for inhabitants because of social and/or political urgency (e.g. implementation of the Official Language Law by providing language courses, ‘second chance’ education programmes, etc.). Usually there are two or more donors involved in financing adult learning on negotiated terms (state and EU, state and enterprise, state and individual).

According to the Ministry of Education and Science data the European Social Fund (ESF) funding during the period of 2007-2009 was 9,9 mil. lats from which 57 thousands adults have benefitted by using learning opportunities. In 2010-2013 public funds for adult education increased more than four times and number of beneficiaries may reach 119 thousands. Funds were distributed between different economic sectors and used for education, training and re-qualification of unemployed person, job seekers, employees, business start-ups, entrepreneurs, culture and agriculture sector employees, as well as education sector professionals.

According to the Education Law (Article 17(3)22) one of the competences of local governments in education area is implementation of the adult education policy in their territory. Local governments provide support for adult education:

  • by funding and co-funding existing institutions engaged in providing non-formal adult education (adult education centres, folk schools, cultural centres, general secondary education institutions in which non-formal adult education programmes are implemented, etc.);
  • by providing space or offering rent discounts of the facilities;
  • by implementing or co-financing different EU projects funded geared towards the implementation and development of non-formal adult education;
  • by providing grants to non-governmental organisations that ensure access to education service for inhabitants. 

Latvia's tax system does not directly promote employer investment in training. Approximately 4% of all enterprises have a training budget and vocational training is mainly available only in some large scale enterprises. 

Fees paid by learners

The ‘second chance’ education programmes in order to complete basic or secondary education in Latvia is financed by the state budget and is free for the all students. Data on the individual's and private company’s involvement in the financing is limited because the collection of information is associated with their wish to voluntarily provide information. 

Financial support for adult learners 

Support for Unemployed Persons and Persons Seeking Employment Law lists supportive activities for unemployed persons and job-seekers that cover the following: 

In case of vocational training, re-training and improvement of qualification for unemployed persons:

  1. training costs,
  2. establishment (adjustment) of necessary facilities for training and practice for persons with disabilities,
  3. costs of assisting personnel for persons with disabilities,
  4. costs of final examinations,
  5. costs of health inspection (for persons with disabilities). 

In case of training at the employer:

  1. subsidy for training in the amount of 50 % from the minimum wage,
  2. training expenses, including those for additional experts and trainers,
  3. establishment (adjustment) of necessary facilities for training and practice for persons with disabilities,
  4. costs of assisting personnel for persons with disabilities,
  5. costs for health inspection (for persons with disabilities). 

In case of activities for certain groups of persons, especially for disabled persons - subsidised work places for disabled unemployed persons (for at least 2 years):

  1. remuneration in the amount of at least the minimum wage;
  2. 50% of the minimum wage for mentor who is responsible for person in the work process,
  3. costs of the production and acquisition of technical aid (equipment, technical systems), as well as of the establishment (adjustment) of workplaces for the unemployed persons with disabilities,
  4. costs of assisting personnel for persons with disabilities,
  5. to cover expenditures for health inspection. 

In addition, every person in Latvia is entitled for tax allowance for educational expenditure. 

Subsidies for private providers

A private adult education institution may implement adult education programmes when receiving a license from the respective municipality. Private adult education institution may also define a tuition fee unless it has won a tender for public procurement; then it does not have the right to collect any fees from trainees. All public and private institutions willing to implement educational programmes must observe the same regulations.