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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in adult education and training


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.3Mobility in adult education and training

Last update: 27 November 2023

Learner mobility

In previous years adult learning mobility was extensively promoted through the EU Lifelong Learning programme subprogram Grundtvig and Leonardo da Vinci activities. According to the State Education Development Agency information for the ten years period (2000-2010) more than 700 beneficiaries receive support for the different adult education mobility activities such as in-service training, visits and exchanges, assistantships, Grundtvig learning partnerships, workshops, senior volunteering projects, preparatory visits and participants in workshops.

Now, there are a funding opportunities available under Erasmus+ programme for which adult education organisations can apply:

  • Mobility for adult education staff,
  • Partnerships,
  • Partnerships in more than one sector,
  • Sport activities. 

Thus, organisations involved in adult education can apply for funding to offer their staff in charge of adult education opportunities to carry out staff training or carry out teaching/training assignments. Staff can benefit from increased professional and career development through structured courses and training events, job shadowing and observations.

Adult education organisations can apply for funding to run collaborative projects aimed at improving adult education provision. It enables organisations to work together in order to improve provision for adult learners or staff and share innovative practices across participating countries.

Organisations involved in higher education, vocational education and training, school education, adult education, and youth can apply for funding to run collaborative projects aimed at improving provision across more than one sector. 

Last, but not least, sport activities are aimed at improving grassroots sports provision to tackle threats such as doping and match fixing and to increase inclusion and promote sport for all.

Another important international programme open for adult participants from Latvia is Nordplus programme. Nordplus is the largest ongoing programme run by the Nordic Council of Ministers and the most comprehensive example of Nordic/Baltic co-operation. Nordplus Adult, Nordplus Horizontal and Nordplus Nordic Languages sub-programmes are designed to support and develop formal, non-formal and informal adult learning.

Teacher and trainer mobility

Teacher mobility is ensured through Erasmus+ programme and Nordplus programme activities.