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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Initial education for academic staff in higher education


8.Teachers and education staff

8.4Initial education for academic staff in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

According to the Law On Institutions of Higher Education, the prerequisite for academic careers is a doctoral degree or a masters degree.

In professional higher education programmes, because of necessity for prospective professionals to acquire practical skills and knowledge, the Law allows that a person who has higher education without scientific degree may hold the position of docent, lecturer and assistant in profile subjects of professional study programmes if she/he has a sufficient length of practical service and experience appropriate to the subject to be taught.

For instance, under the supervision of the Ministry of Culture there are four accredited higher educational institutions: Latvia Academy of Culture, Latvia Culture College at Latvia Academy of CultureArt Academy of Latvia and Jāzeps Vītols Latvia Academy of Music where visual artists, designers, conductors, concert-masters, choreographers, stage-designers, theatrical directors are engaged in the study process (on arts education study programmes please refer also to the Compendium of Cultural Policies and Trends in Europe). 

The Academy of Sports Education of Latvia employs also sports couches, sports managers and recreation specialists. National Academy of Defence of the Republic of Latvia staff includes highly professional military personnel with military service experience teaching specific subjects and providing expertise on equipment.

Professionals of the respective field are involved in providing different higher education study programmes as for instance, in theology, medicine, pharmacy, dentistry, engineering etc.