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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Mobility in higher education
Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.2Mobility in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Student Mobility


With their Erasmus+-Program (2014-2020), at which the GC of Belgium participates, the EU aims to improve the skill levels and employability of young people and to modernize education and youth work. Erasmus+ promotes cross-border partnerships and combines the Lifelong-Learning-Programs Comenius, Erasmus, Leonardo Da Vinci and Grundtvig (2007-2013). The Youth Office of the GC coordinates Erasmus+ in the German-speaking Community of Belgium.

The program offers students two types of activities: study stays at a foreign university and practical placement in a foreign business or organization.  At the same time, there is a new opportunity of graduate placement, which must be completed within one year after graduation.

Erasmus Belgica

Since 2004, the program Erasmus Belgica offers students the opportunity to complete a practical placement or a study period within Belgium. Erasmus Belgica is a partnership project of the Flemish , French and German-speaking Communities.

Prince Philippe Fund

The Prince Philippe Fund promotes joint initiatives between French-, Dutch- and German-speaking higher education institutions in Belgium. In the higher education, the student exchange and the common development of teaching materials are in the focus of this program.

Academic Staff Mobility

The possibilities of teacher mobility also expand with the EU Erasmus+-Program. Teachers can teach at a partner institution or attend courses, seminars and trainings in other European institutions with the goal of their further professional development. Youth Office in the CG is also responsible for Teacher Mobility.

There is also the possibility of the formation of knowledge alliances with projects that promote creativity, innovation, job-related learning, entrepreneurship and employability and support for higher education. Projects that contribute to the creation of curricula, develop innovative methods of training or implement the EU recognition instruments in practice are also supported. 

Contact for the Academic Staff mobility is also the Youth Office in the CG.