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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Early childhood education and care
Belgium - German-Speaking Community

Belgium - German-Speaking Community

4.Early childhood education and care

Last update: 27 March 2024

General description and organisation 

Early childhood education and care (ECEC) in the German-speaking Community of Belgium is divided into two areas: 

On the one hand, there is infant care for children under the age of three and, on the other, childcare for children aged three and up to twelve. 

  • ECEC for children under the age of 3 

Early childcare is offered for children from birth to the age of three. Parents can choose between care with a childminder or collective care in crèches and co-structures. 

Childminders usually offer childcare in their own homes. However, it is also possible for several childminders to work together and offer care in external premises. The childminders are either self-employed or affiliated to a childminder service as employees or conventional childminders. 

The supervision of childminding service providers is the responsibility of the Family Department of the Family and Social Affairs Division of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. 

  • ECEC for children aged 3-6 

Childcare in the German-speaking Community for children between the ages of three and twelve also includes care before and after elementary school and during the vacations for children of primary school age. This out-of-school care is subject to a fee, as is toddler care (with the exception of the first hour, which is free in subsidized facilities). This form of childcare is also the responsibility of the Family Department of the Family and Social Affairs Division of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. 

From the age of three, children are entitled to a free place in kindergarten. Kindergarten and elementary school form the elementary school. Elementary school begins at the age of six. This area is the responsibility of the Department of Education and Teaching Organization of the Ministry of the German-speaking Community. 

Kindergarten attendance for children under the age of five is not compulsory in the German-speaking Community. Compulsory schooling begins at the age of five. Therefore, children from the age of five are obliged to attend kindergarten all day. As already mentioned, primary education begins at the age of six. 

Educational guidelines 

The activity plan for the kindergarten applies in the kindergarten. These guidelines are binding. 

There are no pedagogical guidelines for childcare provided by childminders or in co-structures and crèches. The service providers develop their own pedagogical concept. 

Current reforms 

From September 1 2024, children in the German-speaking Community will be able to attend kindergarten from the age of 2.5. 

Childminders who were licensed by the childminder service of the Regional Centre for Early Childcare (RZKB) as of December 31 2023, had the choice of either continuing to work as conventional childminders as of January 1 2024, or switching to the so-called "full status" as part of the creation of the public interest center of the German-speaking Community for Childcare (ZKB). They will then be childminders/chaperones working from home and, as employees of the new center, will receive all the associated benefits, such as a fixed salary and unemployment benefit. 

Previously, conventional childminders who were affiliated with a childminder service only received a cost allowance per child present.