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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Upper secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary Education

6.12Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil/Students Assessment

Assessment is internal and external. Teachers are responsible for internal assessment. The school principal, the school board, and administrative officers from the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science, the Regional Inspectorates of Education, National Boards of State Matriculation Exam Assessment, Boards for Assessment of Vocational Qualification Exams conduct external assessment.

Students’ assessment is done in different formats:

  • On-going assessment – through oral examinations, written examinations and practical examinations;
  • Exams – score corrective exams at the end of grade 12, state matriculation exams after completing grade 12, examinations for acquisition of vocational qualification after completion of vocational education;
  • Assessment for establishing the level of attainment of the state educational requirements for the study content – for a certain grade, stage or level of education.

Assessment is done using a six-point rating system. The grades awarded are: Excellent 6, Very good 5, Good 4, Fair 3 and Poor 2.

State exams for acquiring a degree in vocational qualification comprise an exam in the theory of the profession and speciality and an exam in the practice of the profession and speciality. 


Vocational colleges issue certificates for 4th level of vocational qualification.

Diplomas for completed secondary education and certificates of professional qualification issued by schools are registered also in a software program, kept up by the Ministry of Education, Youth and Science.