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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.12Assessment in post-secondary non-tertiary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Students assessment

Higher technical education and training system (IFTS)

IFTS courses end up with final assessments of competences acquired by students. Assessments are carried out by specific boards of examiners made up of representatives of the school, university and vocational training sectors as well as of experts belonging to the world of work. The certification is issued by the Regions which establish how the boards of examiners are set up and give general indications both for the final assessment of acquired competences and for the relevant certification.

Regional post-diploma/post-qualification courses

Courses end up with final, either written or oral/practical, examinations assessing the level of skill attained. To be admitted to the final exam, a minimum attendance of 2/3 out of the total timetable is required.

In general, students undergo intermediate assessments through tests or submission of individual works.

Progression of students

Higher technical education and training system (IFTS)

There is no progression within an IFTS course. Courses end up with a final examination.

Regional post-diploma/post-qualification courses

After having attended post diploma/post qualification courses, those who already hold an upper secondary leaving certificate, may enrol to university studies.

Holders of a three-year qualification may enrol in ITFS courses, upon assessment of competences acquired.


Higher technical education and training system (IFTS)

IFTS courses lead to a Certificate of high-level technical specialisation, which gives access to public competitions and to university courses with the recognition of the credits into CFU credits.

Certifications refer to IFTS national specialisations and are issued by the Regions and Autonomous provinces according to models adopted nationwide.

Regional post-diploma/post-qualification courses

Courses lead to a qualification certificate released by the Regions according to their own specific register of qualifications. A national register of qualifications is not available.