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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Assessment in vocational upper secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.12Assessment in vocational upper secondary education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Pupil/Students assessment

Procedure for assessing pupils’ achievements and progress

Assessment of pupils’ learning achievements and progress is part of the content of school education. It must be consistent with the educational objectives. The school, in accordance with the legislation and school agreements, develops its own Description of the procedure for assessing the achievements and progress of the school pupils. The director approves it and publishes on the school's website.

According to the Description of Formal Vocational Education and Training Curriculum approved by the Minister of Education, Science and Sport, the school decides on:

  • Methods and tools used to assess or/and evaluate pupils’ achievements and progress. The school decides whether it will use: marks (ten-point evaluation system), comments, cumulative points, folder (e-portfolio, e-folder), descriptions of learning achievements, pupil’s characteristics, pupil’s success stories, (self-) assessment, descriptive evaluation, etc.
  • Evaluation methods for studying subjects, chosen subjects, subjects modules. For example, if a student in an upper secondary education programme intends to choose a degree in sport, it is suggested that the learning achievement in physical education using marks and not by a record.
  • Conversion of assessment to a ten-point system. If a teacher is not using a ten-point system to evaluate pupils’ achievements, the school establishes the time the time by which the assessment must be converted to a ten-point system. It is not necessary to convert achievements if the pupil is evaluated by “credited”/“not credited”.
  • Ensuring consistency between forms of student achievement and progress assessment.

In initial VET, pupils’ learning achievements are summarised in the training period (semester, year, and/or final) or at the end of the module. In continuous VET, the assessment is carried out at the end of the module or learning process. The VET provider can determine other periods for interim assessments.

Types of assessment

The usual types of assessment that are used in the education process are used here. These include formative, diagnostic and summative evaluation. More information about these types can be found in sub-chapter 'Types of assessment'.

VET schools evaluate pupils’ professional knowledge, skills and products on a 10-point scale. Theoretical courses usually end in an examination that is evaluated on a 10-point scale.

Satisfactory/Unsatisfactory assessment. Scores from 4 to 10, as well as the terms ‘credited’, ‘passed’ and ‘dismissed’ (‘may not attend’) are considered to be a satisfactory assessment.

Meanwhile, scores from 1 to 3, 'not credited', 'not attested' indicate unsatisfactory assessment.

Participants in evaluation

Learning achievements are evaluated by a teacher, education provider, school founder, the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and its authorised institutions.

Teachers plan and assess their pupils’ progress and learning achievements. They sum up and evaluate the pupil’s academic attainment and record assessment results in the manner established by the school. They provide information about performance, achievements and gaps in their knowledge to the pupils, their parents (guardians, caregivers), other teachers and the school administration. They also analyse and adjust pupils’ teaching and learning. And, finally, they ensure that pupils experiencing learning difficulties are provided with timely assistance.

The school determines the general procedure for collecting, recording and using information about pupil assessment. It ensures consistent application of assessment methods in the progression of pupils from one class to another or from a lower stage of education to a higher one and among parallel classes or separate subjects. The school also coordinates the scope and frequency of tests. It provides assistance to pupils experiencing learning difficulties. Based on the pupils’ achievements, it evaluates the quality of work performed by individual teachers and the school. And last but not least, by following rules established by the legal acts it chooses the institution to evaluate competencies. This particular institution organises and implements the final evaluation of acquired competencies.

The education department of the school founder administration analyses information about pupils’ assessments it receives from schools and uses it for decision-making. It also takes into account the social and cultural context in making judgements about the efficiency of the school activities. It ensures that the procedure for external assessment of pupils’ achievements should be agreed with the school and its teachers. And, finally, it provides facilities for teachers’ professional development.

The Ministry of Education, Science and Sport approves documents regulating the general contents of formal vocational education and training and pupils’ assessment. It also ensures timely analysis of the pupils’ assessment results and their presentation to the pedagogical community and the general public and also the efficient use of that information.

Progression of pupils/students

When a pupil is learning not only a profession but also getting upper secondary education in a VET institution, the progression of the pupil is organised according to the Description of the procedure for sequential education in general education, approved by the Minister for Education, Science and Sport.

In sub-chapter 6.9.2. 'Progression of Pupils' there is a detailed description of the procedure for transferring pupils to the next grade and what examinations he/she has to take in order to finish upper secondary education.

Sub-chapter 6.15.2. 'Progression of Pupils' describes how the transfer to the next VET course is organised.


A pupil who has acquired upper secondary education and a vocational qualification receives two certificates. One is the evidence of acquired upper secondary education (Matura certificate); the other confirms the acquired vocational qualification.

A pupil who has satisfactory year-end scores in each subject in the final year is considered to have completed the upper secondary education programme.

A pupil who has passed the Matura examinations is considered to have acquired upper secondary education. The year of completing the programme and acquiring upper secondary education do not necessarily coincide.

A certificate of learning achievements is issued to a school graduate who did not take the Matura examinations or passed only some of the examinations and/or credit tests required for the Matura certificate.

A Matura certificate is awarded to a pupil who has completed the upper secondary education programme and has passed the Matura examinations and/or Maturity thesis. In order to obtain a Matura certificate a pupil must pass two Matura examinations (except for cases when a candidate is exempted from the selected Matura examination by order of the school principal) or one Matura examination and the Maturity thesis. One of these is mandatory – Lithuanian language and literature Matura examination. The pupil choses the type of examination – state or school.  Pupils, in addition to the Lithuanian language and literature examination, may choose no more than 6 other Matura examinations and a Maturity thesis. From 2016 a pupil wishing to study in a state-funded study place in higher education has to pass the math Matura examination (entrants to arts studies are exempt from this requirement). From the 2017/2018 school year a pupil can choose a Maturity thesis which is equivalent to a school Matura examination. However, it is not a substitute for the compulsory Lithuanian language and literature examination.

The Matura certificate with honours is awarded to a pupil who fulfils these requirements. He/she must pass at least one state Matura examinations A pupil must have marks of no lower than 9-10 points in year-end achievements in each subject of instruction, proficiency in the Lithuanian language, mother tongue and one of the foreign languages. If a pupil takes the school Matura examinations, he/she must receive equally high scores. The pupil must achieve no fewer than 50 points at the national Matura examinations.

The Matura certificate is issued to pupils from state, municipal and private gymnasiums, vocational education and training schools and upper-secondary schools who have completed general upper secondary education, an adult secondary education or the programme of the National School of Art.

Full information on VET certification is given in sub-chapter 6.15.3 'Certification'.