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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Organisation and governance


2.Organisation and governance

Last update: 27 November 2023

The Lithuanian education vision is that every child, young and grown-up person in Lithuania seeks and easily finds where to learn and study, the states’ education system is composed of constantly developing and cooperating to each other and the stakeholders state’s, municipality’s and non-state education institutions that employees have authority in the society and maintain constant discussion about the development of the education, the state of the Lithuania and the success of the inhabitants as well as the development of the culture and economy and the well-proportioned countryside development. 

In the Republic of Lithuania, education is a priority supported by the State. It is based on the humanistic values of the nation and world culture, the democratic principles as well as the universally accepted human rights and freedoms.

The education system is based onequal opportunities, contextual interrelationship – the education system is closely related to the context of the country’s economic, social and cultural development, effectiveness - the educational system pursues high-quality results, and continuity principles.

Lithuania’s priorities in the sphere of education, its long-term objectives, direction of changes in the content of education and financing priorities are set out in the National Education Strategy 2013–2022. The Law on Education sets up the aims of the Lithuanian education, principles of the education system, the basics of the education system structure, education activities, and education relations, state’s commitments in the education policy.

Lithuanian education system could be called decentralized. The state’s and municipalities’ institutions participate in the education process. The schools and other educational institutions have a possibility to take decisions on its management, education content and means.