Curriculum, subjects, number of hours
National curriculum
Pupils, who have acquired primary education, start lower secondary education. The lower secondary education programme lasts for 6 years. The compulsory lower secondary education programme consists of two cycles. The first cycle lasts for 4 years and is implemented in grades 5-8 grades. The second cycle lasts for 2 years. It is implemented in grades 9-10 (gymnasium I-II).
Lower secondary education is organised according to the General Curriculum for Pre-primary, Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Education (2022), General Plan of the Primary, Lower Secondary and Upper Secondary Education Curriculum for the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 (2023) and other legal acts. The Minister of Education, Science and Sport approves these legal acts. The school prepares its curriculum according to these documents.
School curriculum
Schools prepare the curriculum in accordance with education programmes. A school's curriculum describes the education contents, organisation of the education process, evaluation of pupil achievements, etc. The curriculum is prepared by a work group appointed by the head of school. The work group is led by the school head or other appointed person. The curriculum is approved by the head of the school by agreement of the school's council or institution having founder status.
The syllabus of each subject is covered over two years in general education programmes. The school itself decides the order to be followed for each subject in the curriculum. The curriculum is presented for one or two years. Compulsory and optional subjects, modules are specified in the school curriculum.
Areas of lower secondary curriculum
According to the general education curriculum and general plans, the lower secondary education curriculum consists of the following areas of learning:
- moral education (religion or ethics);
- languages (Lithuanian language and literature, other native languages (Belorussian, Polish, Russian, German), foreign languages);
- mathematics and information and communication technology (ICT);
- natural sciences (nature and human, biology, chemistry, physics, natural sciences);
- social sciences (history, geography, citizenship, social and public activity, economics and entrepreneurship);
- the arts (art, music);
- technologies, physical education, human safety;
Cognitive, cultural, artistic, creative activity (hereinafter - cognitive cultural activity) is a compulsory, inclusive part of the educational process. Schools take into account the contents of general programmes, achievements and pupil age and decide how many lessons per school year will be dedicated to cognitive cultural activity. At least 10 hours (lessons) per school year are dedicated to compulsory social and public activity.
It is recommended that up to 37 lessons be allocated for project work, using classes in non-formal education to meet the needs of students.
Hours allocated for subjects during the 2023-2024 and 2024-2025 school year
Number of lessons in for the implementation of The General programs of lower secondary education (2008) in grades 6, 8, 10 and in grades II of the gymnasium, designed to be implemented in the form of group learning in the daily and remote way of organizing the educational process (in the table the number of lessons is indicated for two school years)
Area of curriculum, subjects |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
Lower secondary education programme I part (5–8 grades) |
9 / gymnasium I |
10 / gymnasium II |
Total in lower secondary education programme |
Moral education |
Moral education (ethics or religion) |
74 (1; 1) |
74 (1; 1) |
148 (4) |
74 (1; 1) |
222 (6) |
Languages |
Lithuanian language and literature |
370 (5; 5) |
370 (5; 5) |
740 (20) |
333 (4; 5) |
1 073 (29) |
Mother tongue (Belorussian, Polish, Russian, German)* |
370 (5; 5) |
370 (5; 5) |
740 (20) |
296 (4; 4) |
1 036 (28) |
First foreign language |
222 (3; 3) 74 (0; 2) |
222 (3; 3) 148 (2; 2) |
444 (12) 222 (6) |
222 (3; 3) 148 (2; 2) |
666 (18) 370 (10) |
Second foreign language |
Mathematics and information and communication technology (ICT) |
Mathematics |
296 (4; 4) |
296 (4; 4) |
592 (16) |
296 (4; 4) |
888 (24) |
Information and communication technology |
74 (1; 1) |
37 (1; 0) |
111 (3) |
74 (1; 1) |
185 (5) |
Natural sciences |
Nature and human |
148 (2; 2) (grade 6 only – 74) |
– |
148 (4) |
– |
148 (4) |
Biology |
– |
111 (2; 1) |
111 (3) |
111 (2; 1) |
222 (6) |
Chemistry |
– |
74 (0; 2) |
74 (2) |
148 (2; 2) |
222 (6) |
Physics |
– |
111 (1; 2) |
111 (3) |
148 (2; 2) |
259 (7) |
Natural sciences ** |
148 (2; 2) (grade 5 only – 74) |
296 (4; 4) |
444 (12) |
– |
444 (12) |
Social education |
History |
148 (2; 2) |
148 (2; 2) |
296 (8) |
148 (2; 2) |
444 (12) |
Basics of citizenship |
– |
– |
– |
74 (1; 1) |
74 (2) |
Social and public activity |
20 |
20 |
40 |
20 |
60 |
Geography |
74 (0; 2) |
148 (2; 2) |
222 (6) |
111 (2; 1) |
333 (9) |
Economics and entrepreneurship |
– |
– |
– |
37 (1; 0) |
37 (1) |
Art education |
Art |
74 (1; 1) |
74 (1; 1) |
148 (4) |
74 (1; 1) |
222 (6) |
Music |
74 (1; 1) |
74 (1; 1) |
148 (4) |
74 (1; 1) |
222 (6) |
Technologies, physical education, human safety |
Technologies (...) |
148 (2; 2) |
111 (2; 1) |
259 (7) |
92,5 (1; 1,5) |
351,5 (9,5) |
Physical education *** |
222 (3; 3) |
222 (3; 3) |
444 (12) |
148 (2; 2) |
592 (16) |
Human safety **** |
37 (1; 0) |
37 (0; 1) |
74 (2) |
18,5 (0; 0,5) |
92,5 (2,5) |
Project activity (....) |
37 |
37 |
Minimum number of hours per pupil per week |
26; 31* |
29; 32* |
30; 33* |
31; 34* |
32; 34* |
31; 33* |
179; 197* |
Minimum required number of lessons per student per school year |
962; 1 147* |
1 073; 1 184* |
1 110; 1 221* |
1 147; 1 258* |
1 184; 1 258* |
1 147; 1 221* |
6 623; 7 289* |
5-8 grades |
9–10/ gymnasium I-II grades |
Number of hours allocated to meet the pupil's educational needs, to provide learning assistance, per the school year |
444 |
444 |
518; 370* |
962; 814* |
Non-formal education (number of hours per scool year) |
259 |
259 |
148 |
407 |
* in schools where teaching in a language of national minorities or in a minority language is legalised;
** for the first and second foreign languages, the total number of lessons indicated;
*** the subject "Natural Sciences" can be chosen to be implemented in grades 5-8 or only in grades 5-6;
**** implemented by integrating into the content of subjects.
Number of lessons for the implementation of The General curricula of lower secondary education (2022) in grades 5, 7, 9 and in gymnasium class I in the 2023-2024 school year and in the 2024-2025 school year in grades 5–10 and in grades I–II of the gymnasium, for implementation in the form of group learning in the daily and distance learning process organization.
Groups of subjects / subjects |
Grades / Number of hours per school year and per week |
Total in programme |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 / gymnasium I |
10 / gymnasium II |
Moral education |
Moral education (ethics) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
222 (6) |
Moral education (religion) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
222 (6) |
Languages |
Lithuanian language and literature |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
148 (4) |
185 (5) |
1 073 (29) |
Lietuvių gestų kalba |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
444 (12) |
Mother tongue language and literature of national minorites (Belorussian, Polish, Russian, German) * |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
185 (5) |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
1 036 (28) |
Foreign language (first, ...)** |
111 (3) |
185 (5) 111 (3)* |
185 (5) 111 (3)* |
185(5) 111 (3)* |
185 (5) 111 (3)* |
185 (5) 111 (3)* |
1 036 (28) |
Foreign language (second, ...)** |
Mathematics, natural sciences and technologies |
Matematics |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
148 (4) |
888 (24) |
Informatics |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
185 (5) |
Natural sciences *** |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
111 (3) |
185 (5) |
444 (12) 148 (4) (grades 5–6) |
Biology |
74 (2) |
37 (1) |
74 (2) |
37 (1) |
222 (6) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
222 (6) |
Physics |
37 (1) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
259 (7) |
Technologies |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
55,5 (1,5) |
351,5 (9,5) |
Social education |
Ethnic culture **** |
History |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
444 (12) |
Geography |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
37 (1) |
333 (9) |
Economics and entrepreneurship |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
Basics of citizenship |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
74 (2) |
Art education |
Art |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
222 (6) |
Music |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
37 (1) |
222 (6) |
Physical and health education |
Physical education |
111 (3) |
111 (3) |
111 (3) |
111 (3) |
74 (2) |
74 (2) |
592 (16) |
Life skills |
37 (1) |
18,5 (0,5) |
37 (1) |
18,5 (0,5) |
18,5 (0,5) |
18,5 (0,5) |
148 (4) |
Social and public activity |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
20 |
120 |
Minimum number of hours per pupil per week |
26 ;31* |
29,5;32,5* |
31;34* |
30,5; 33,5 * |
31,5;33,5* |
32;34* |
Minimum required number of hours per student per school year |
962 |
1 091,5 |
1 147 |
1 128,5 |
1 165,5 |
11841 |
6 678,5 |
Number of hours allocated to meet the pupil's educational needs, to provide learning assistance, per the school year |
444 |
518 ;370 |
962 |
Non-formal education (number of hours per scool year) |
259 |
148 |
407 |
* in schools where teaching in a language of national minorities or in a minority language is legalised;
** for the first and second foreign languages, the total number of lessons indicated;
*** the subject "Natural Sciences" can be chosen to be implemented in grades 5-8 or only in grades 5-6;
**** implemented by integrating into the content of subjects.
Teaching methods and materials
Possibility to choose learning methods and measures
In pursuing general education goals, every teacher is free to select the educational methods and measures, to combine several of them and create his/her individual style of instruction. The specific education methods should reflect the actual situation: the needs and abilities of pupils, skills and characteristics of each individual teacher as well as the changing socio-cultural context. Teachers have the right to propose his/her individual programmes and choose various ways and forms of pedagogical activities. In choosing methods the teacher has to base the teaching process on interpretative and not on reproductive methods.
Teachers are encouraged to use new computer and information technologies in the educational process. The project method is one of the methods that easily integrates formal and non-formal educational content. From the 2017/2018 school year, cognitive, cultural, artistic, creative activities are compulsory, that is an integral part of the educational process. The school itself chooses how many lessons it will dedicate to it per year. Cognitive cultural activities can take place in environments outside the school, for example, in museums, open access centres, virtual learning environments, etc.
Textbooks and exercise books are not compulsory learning tools. Teachers can choose other sources, videos and audio recordings and other learning tools that promote pupils' creativity, autonomy, etc. The “money follows the pupil” methodology foresees funding for the acquisition of learning tools.
Personalisation of curriculum content
The general curricula provide real possibilities to be involved in the development of the curriculum content, i.e. by tailoring it to the individual needs and abilities of their learners, aligning the curriculum content with the school's objectives and also the teacher's experience and available resources. Individual teaching methods are used when working with gifted pupils and pupils with special educational needs.
Teachers use teaching methods which encourage pupils' activity and independence, stimulate critical, creative and constructive thinking, problem-solving abilities, awareness of the situation and responsibility for their actions.