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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education


6.Secondary and post-secondary non-tertiary education

6.2Teaching and learning in general lower secondary education

Last update: 21 February 2025

Curricula, subjects, number of hours

The Liechtenstein curriculum (Liechtensteiner Lehrplan) describes the learning goals for each grade in the Kindergarten, primary and lower secondary level. The different types of school at lower secondary, including the private schools, must follow the same curriculum.

Curriculum development

(CF. Chapter on the Primary School)


The curriculum prescribes the following subject areas, each of which is divided into sub-domains:

  1. Languages
  2. Mathematics
  3. Nature, man, society
  4. Art and crafts
  5. Music
  6. Movement and sports
  7. Media and informatics

The timetable varies between the different types of school at the lower secondary level (with the same number of lessons per week for the 1st and 2nd years).

Beyond the subject areas, extra and remedial classes and/or assisted learning opportunities, as well as voluntary courses (e.g. voluntary school sports) supplement the educational provision of the schools. There is a limited option to choose subjects - except to a certain extent in the final year of lower secondary level (individualised preparation).


The Oberschule has the following compulsory subjects: German, mathematics, IT, natural siences, history, civics, geography, English, home economics, technical and textile crafts, religion, music, art, life skills and sport. In addition optional subjects are available such as technical drawing, Italian, Spanish, French.


The Realschule has the following compulsory subjects: German, English, French, mathematics, IT, life skills, natural siences, history, civics, geography, art, music, technical and textile crafts, home economics, religion and sport. As optional and voluntary subjects are also offered Latin, Italian, Spanish, technical drawing.


The compulsory subjects at the lower level of the Gymnasium include: German, mathematics, IT, natural science, English, French, Latin, technical and textile crafts, religion, music, art, life skills and sport. Optional subjects are also offered within the various subject areas. Reference: Directive, Appendix 14.

Teaching methods and teaching materials

Teachers are free to choose their own teaching method; respectively they are to use the method best suited to achieving the respective aims, content and themes. The curriculum only contains recommendations.

In terms of the choice of teaching material, the teachers and schools make use of a prepared list of approved teaching materials given out by the Office of Education. In addition, teachers have freedom of choice as to the teaching materials they wish to use. Based on the set curriculum, the public schools can use additional teaching materials within their budgets. Each school receives a lump sum per pupil to be used for the teaching material.

Most of teaching material is purchased abroad. Only teaching materials on themes which relate specifically to Liechtenstein (e.g. history, civics etc.) are developed in Liechtenstein.

The teaching materials are ordered through the Centre for School Media (state educational puplisher and Pedagogical Documentation and Media Centre). In addition to providing audio-visual and interactive educational media, teaching modules and useful educational literature, as well as audio-visual and other equipment, the Media Centre also offers relevant advice and in-service trainings to teachers.