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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teachers and education staff


9.Teachers and education staff

Last update: 3 March 2025

This chapter contains information on the education, conditions of service and continuing professional development of pedagogic staff in the early childhood sector and teachers working in school education, of teaching staff in tertiary education as well as of teachers and trainers working in adult education and training.  

In accordance to the Ordinance on the non Home-based Supervision and Care of Children and Young People the pedagogic staff in the early childhood sector consists of Fachpersonen Betreuung EFZ Fachrichtung Kinderbetreuung (childcare specialist). The respective education is offered in Liechtenstein (or Switzerland) as a three year long vocational education. 

The teaching profession and the respective requirement specifications for the various school levels are detailed in the Teachers' Service Conditions Law and in the Teachers' Service Conditions Ordinance. There are no teacher training institution on Liechtenstein territory. Teacher training education is mainly offered at Swiss universities of teacher education or – partly – in Austria, too. As the need for teachers cannot be covered nationally there is a relatively high proportion of foreign teachers in Liechtenstein with an education background mainly from Switzerland, Austria or Germany.

The Teachers' Service Conditions Ordinance requires an education that meets the standards set by the Swiss Conference of Cantonal Ministers of Education (EDK) or the Austrian education requirements for the position as a teacher in Liechtenstein. Teacher training courses are job-oriented and qualify for a teaching diploma, they include an academic degree according to the corresponding school level (bachelor's or master's degree):

  • Kindergarten teacher and/or primary school teacher (at least BA)
  • teacher at lower secondary school (at least MA)
  • teacher at upper secondary level baccalaureate schools (at least MA in one or more fields of specialised studies plus one-year – full time – or several years – part-time – of education leading to a teaching degree worth 60 ECTS)
  • Training courses in the field of special needs education: specialising in remedial education in early childhood and remedial education at school (further studies at Master level)
  • Training courses in speech therapy and psychomotor therapy (at least BA)
  • education in German as a Foreign Language (DaZ); (as a rule CAS programme at a university of teacher education)

In the case of significant differences between Austrian and Swiss programmes of education as e.g. in the education for Kindergarten teacher it is for the government to set the relevant education requirements.

The terms of the Law on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education and in Vocational Education determine the acceptance with regard to other foreign qualifications.

The educational programmes for teachers in the field of vocational and professional education and training are split into two branches: for teachers of professional theory and for teachers in vocational training. Teachers at vocational upper secondary schools as well as teachers at PET colleges at tertiary level (college of professional education and training) are trained abroad, especially in Switzerland. Switzerland provides teacher training for vocational upper secondary schools as well as teacher training at PET colleges at tertiary level at Swiss homepage.

The training for the coaching of apprentices (vocational training) is done in Liechtenstein and is detailed in the Law on Vocational Education and Training (training for responsibilities in the field of vocational education and training). Prerequisites for such training are a completed apprenticeship, minimal professional experience of two years in the subject area and pedagogical vocational qualifications. Training in this field is coordinated by the Office for Vocational Training and the Chamber of Commerce of Liechtenstein.

Teaching at higher education level is regulated in the Law on Higher Education. There is a distinction in the staff between professors and other teaching staff.

The legal preconditions are inconsistent with regard to the training of teachers in the field of continuing adult education and training because of the diverse programmes and institutions in the field of further education. These conditions are set by the particular institution.

The same legal framework regarding the state schools is in effect considering the private schools and institutions that are state-recognised.