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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
National reforms in school education


14.Ongoing reforms and policy developments

14.2National reforms in school education

Last update: 27 November 2023


Launching of Checks FL

The Checks FL enable independent assessments at the end of each cycle of Curriculum 21, respectively Liechtensteiner Lehrplan (i.e. at the end of grade 2 at primary level and at the end of grades 6 and 9 at lower secondary level). The check results show the individual performance of pupils and - at the end of lower secondary level - how well they meet school requirements for vocational apprenticeships.

In May and June 2023, the Checks FL will be carried out nationwide for the first time. They will test the subjects German and mathematics at primary level. For the 2nd classes, a 30-minute adaptive online test is available for each competence area.


Follow up Workshop Education Strategy 2025plus

With the Education Strategy 2025plus, the strategic compass for the education system in Liechtenstein was developed in recent years under the leadership of the Ministry in cooperation with the School Office and the Office for Vocational Education and Training. In 2022, a "follow-up workshop" took place at which those responsible from the education sector, society and the economy exchanged views on implementation and defined possibilities for concrete implementation. Finally, the strategy is intended to serve as an orientation framework for the further development of the education system in the coming years. It defines the mission, the vision and the understanding of education of the Liechtenstein education system and shows the strategic goals for their realisation. For this purpose, particular consideration was given to those megatrends and their possible future developments that also have an impact on the education location: "Global shift in focus", "Public affairs: Democracy and Civic Engagement", "Security in an Uncertain World", "Living Longer and Better" and "Modern Lifestyles". Thanks to the identification of development potentials, the further development of education quality was defined within the framework of a quality cycle based on the education report. Further potentials also exist, for example, in the expansion of inclusion, in ensuring the compatibility of family and work, in creating standards in early childhood support and in maintaining an education system that is optimally permeable both horizontally and vertically. For the further development of the education system, various fields of action were then identified to achieve the strategic goals.

Liechtenstein Education Report

The achievement of the goals of the education strategy will be reflected in an education report Liechtenstein, which will appear for the first time in 2023 and then be published every four years. The education report and the education strategy thus interact with each other. A first pilot report was published in 2022. The data collected in the pilot report provide evidence-based information on the extent to which educational goals have been achieved in accordance with the Education Strategy 2020. On the one hand, this well-founded analysis shows the strengths of the education system, but on the other hand, it also reveals the potential for improvement with regard to the targeted goals - as well as in international comparison. The aim of the education report is to establish a long-term education monitoring system. Particularly in view of the increasingly independent development to which the public schools are entitled within the framework of partial autonomy, targeted monitoring is gaining in importance. But also with a view to educational careers in vocational education and training and higher education, as well as the increasing importance of individual statistics, educational monitoring is to be expanded by means of the education report.

Liechtenstein Curriculum (LiLe)

The implementation of the Liechtenstein curriculum (LiLe) is still ongoing. As various further training courses could not take place due to the pandemic, the government decided in 2022 to extend the introduction phase by one year. This means that implementation will be completed in summer 2024. With regard to teaching, competence-oriented teaching as well as learning and assessment are at the centre of the further training activities of schools and teachers. Existing teaching materials were checked for curriculum compatibility. In addition, the website was completely revised in 2022 and now offers a clear presentation of the compulsory school sector in Liechtenstein.

Pilotproject Forest Kindergarten

In 2022, the forest kindergarten started operating in the municipality of Eschen. It will initially run through a four-year pilot phase and is thus provisionally limited until July 2026. On the basis of a comprehensive evaluation, it will then be decided whether the offer can be transferred to regular operation. The forest kindergarten concept provides for the majority of the teaching time to take place in the forest. The forest kindergarten is run as a regular part of the Eschen-Nendeln community schools. Lessons are taught according to the Liechtenstein curriculum.


Education Strategy 2025plus

The Education Strategy 2025plus came into force in March 2021. It was developed in 2019 under the leadership of the Ministry of Education in cooperation with the School Office, the Office for Vocational Education and Training and various education-related institutions. The strategy serves as an orientation framework for the further development of the education system in Liechtenstein. It defines the vision, the mission and the understanding of education of the Liechtenstein education system and shows the key objectives for their realisation.

Liechtenstein Education Report (Pilot Report)

In January 2017, the government decided to publish an education report for Liechtenstein that appears parallel to Switzerland every four years starting in 2022. A corresponding pilot report was published in March 2021. On the one hand, the pilot study highlights the strengths of the education system, but also the potential for improvement with regard to the envisaged goals.

The study was carried out in close cooperation with the School Office and in regular exchange with the Swiss Coordination Centre for Research in Education, which produces the Swiss Education Report. The pilot report contains not only a collection of existing data, reports and documents, but also a detailed presentation of Liechtenstein's education system and its framework conditions.