Minister of Education becomes the coordinator of youth policy activities
3 March 2025
The Prime Minister designated the minister responsible for education as the coordinator of youth policy activities.
The tasks of the coordinator of youth policy include:
- cooperating with members of the Council of Ministers and collaborating with other government administration bodies, bodies of local self-government units and non-governmental organisations, as well as other entities participating in activities related to youth policy;
- submitting, with the approval of the Prime Minister, after consultation with the ministers, for consideration by the Council of Ministers draft government documents arising in the field of youth policy;
- representing the Council of Ministers in contacts with entities and institutions implementing tasks within the scope of youth policy;
- issuing recommendations to government administration bodies and providing conclusions and opinions to institutions and entities implementing tasks within the scope of youth policy;
- conducting information and educational activities on undertakings carried out by government administration bodies in the scope related to youth policy;
- cooperation with other countries and with the institutions of the European Union and the Council of Europe in relation to the implementation of tasks within the framework of youth policy;
- raising awareness of research and initiatives of the European Union on youth and youth organisations.
Climate education team
10 February 2025
Climate education is necessary for everyone. Pupils need to be prepared for life in a changing world and the labour market, where so-called green competences may prove crucial.
The Minister of Education has set up a climate education team with 36 specialists from very different fields such as representatives of climate organisations, academics, teachers, or representatives of local authorities.
The team will support the Ministry of Education in developing the core curriculum. There is no plan to create a new subject, climate-environmental education is to be present at every stage of education and in various school subjects. Climate-environmental education is to be holistic, interdisciplinary and cross-curricular, while at the same time embedded in the local context, in order to give students a sense of empowerment.
The Team's task is to prepare proposals for solutions in the field of climate education at schools, particularly in the areas of: the core curriculum for general education, school infrastructure, cooperation with non-governmental organisations, training and preparation of teaching staff, and cooperation with pupils' parents. The team's meetings may be attended, in an advisory capacity, by invited persons whose qualifications, knowledge or experience may be useful in the implementation of the team's tasks, and by representatives of youth organisations working for the climate in Poland.
Regulation on teachers' remuneration referred for consultation
04 February 2025
The Ministry of National Education is submitting for public consultation a draft regulation on the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers, general conditions for granting allowances for basic remuneration and remuneration for work on a day off, determining the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers in 2025.
Pursuant to the solution provided in the proposed regulation, as of 1 January 2025, the minimum rates of basic remuneration of teachers will be increased by 5% in relation to the minimum rates of basic remuneration in force as of 1 January 2024. Thus, other components of teachers' remuneration depending on the level of basic remuneration will also increase.
The amount of the increase in basic salary is due to the 5% increase in the average salary in connection with the resolutions of the 2025 Budget Act regarding the basic amount for teachers.
According to the provisions of the Teachers' Charter Act, the salary increase with compensation as of 1 January will take place no later than three months after the date of announcement of the Budget Act.
Changes to the organisation of the eighth-grade exam - regulations ready
31 January 2025
The amendment to the regulation on detailed conditions and manner of conducting the eighth-grade exam changes the duration of this exam in each subject and extends the existing duration by approximately 25%. Starting from the current school year, the duration of the eighth-grade exam will be: in Polish - 150 minutes; in mathematics - 125 minutes; in a foreign language - 110 minutes.
Extending the duration of the examination for all students will give pupils greater freedom in managing their time when solving examination tasks.
Further changes introduced in the regulation result from changes related to the introduction of ICT systems used for external examinations. The eighth-grade exam will be conducted with the use of the System for the Informatics Support of General Examinations (SIOEO).
In addition, a change has been made to reduce the period for which regional examination boards keep summary protocols of the eighth-grade examination in a given subject from 2 years to 6 months.
Nearly PLN 500 million from European Funds to support education
21 January 2025
The government programme “School for All” will be implemented within the framework of the European Funds for Social Development 2021-2027 Programme. The activities implemented under the Programme will be financed from the European Social Fund Plus and national budget funds for co-financing projects. The value of support is EUR 116,256,626 (including EU funding of EUR 95,933,376 and national funding of EUR 20,323,250).
The aim of the programme is to support Polish schools and teachers, especially in view of new pupils and students with migration and refugee experience. The programme is first of all to support the school environment (teachers, school heads, intercultural assistants), which will be able to support male and female pupils with migration experience in a more effective way.
As part of the European Funds for Social Development (FERS) programme, it is planned that support will be provided to Polish schools that have received or will receive 30,000 pupils with migration and refugee experience, including from Ukraine, starting in Polish primary and secondary schools between 2024 and 2027.
Support under the Programme includes, among others:
1. improvement of professional competences of educational system staff (teachers and persons supporting the educational process in a multicultural environment), in the following topics:
- effective teaching methods for pupils with migrant and refugee experience,
- assessment of pupils with migrant and refugee experience,
- support for teachers in working with pupils with migrant and refugee experience with diverse educational needs,
- competence development of educational leaders in effective school management.
2. Support of the whole school environment, through the implementation of various forms of support aimed at pupils and students with migration and refugee experience, and their parents, and integration in the classes for their peers within the school attended by pupils and students (development of methodological materials on working with persons affected by war trauma including post-traumatic stress syndrome, specialist consultations, vocational counselling and support in the process of entering the labour market, support for the staff of the educational system in solving educational and teaching problems), including the employment of intercultural assistants.
The programme will be implemented until 31 August 2027.
Regulation on the organisation of religion lessons signed
17 January 2025
The Minister of Education has signed a regulation amending the regulation on the conditions and manner of organising religious instruction in public nursery schools and schools.
The regulation introduces the following solutions:
1. unification of the weekly dimension of the hours of religious instruction and ethics in public schools, i.e. both classes will be implemented 1 hour per week,
2. definition of the principle of placing religion and ethics lessons immediately before or immediately after a pupil's compulsory educational classes (with the possibility of departing from this principle in those primary school classes in which - as at 15 September of the school year - all pupils attend a religion or ethics lesson),
3. when organising religious instruction outside the school (i.e. in an inter-school group or in an out-of-school catechism centre), to apply the same rules for pupil integration as apply at school,
4. the rules applied to religion classes apply also to the organisation of ethics classes,
5. restriction of the possibility of combining religion and ethics classes in inter-grade groups of pupils from grades I-III of primary school only to a situation in which fewer than 7 pupils declare participation in religion or ethics classes in a given class.
The regulation will come into force on 1 September 2025.
Establishment of the Monitoring Council or the implementation of education reform
16 January 2025
Teachers, academics, educators, local government officials - representatives of, among others, these circles have been appointed to the newly established Monitoring Council for the Implementation of the Education Reform, named after the National Education Commission. The members of the council are appointed by the Director of the Educational Research Institute-State Research Institute.
The main task of the council will be to consult various opinions and take into account the voice of a wide range of stakeholders.
The Monitoring Council the Implementation of the Education Reform is an opinion-giving and advisory body of the Director of the Educational Research Institute - National Research Institute. The Board is composed of key representatives of the teaching community, academics, non-governmental organisations related to education, business and employer organisations, local government units, ministries and the Educational Research Institute (IBE-PIB).
The main tasks of the Council include ongoing consultation on the assumptions and key elements of the graduate/graduate profile, i.e. the description of competences, knowledge and skills of a person completing a given stage of education. The Council will also analyse key regulations of the education system, including, among others, core curricula. Other tasks include: setting directions for change and formulating recommendations on the expected results of the reform, consulting the plan and schedule for its implementation, and advising on the selection of tools and ways to effectively support teachers in the process.
Amendments to the Education law published in the Journal of Laws
30 December 2024
The Act on amending the Act on the School Education System and certain other acts has been published in the Journal of Laws.
The most significant changes proposed in the new Act concern examinations:
- extension for three consecutive school years, i.e. 2024/2025-2026/2027, of the lack of the requirement to obtain 30% of the points possible to be obtained in one chosen additional subject at the Matura exam. The change in this respect was also suggested by academic circles, including the Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland and the Conference of Rectors of Universities of Medical Science;
- introduction of the function of examiner-verifier (second-check examiner) and IT laboratory operator as persons involved in the conduct of external examinations, in order to ensure high quality of examination paper checking and grading.
Further changes concern:
- Curricula, i.e. where the pre-school education curriculum and the curricula for given educational classes include teaching content that extends beyond the scope of the teaching content set out in the relevant core curriculum - it will be required to clearly indicate this content in the curriculum approved for school use by school heads. The purpose of this amendment is to ensure that school curricula are not overloaded.
- Textbooks, i.e. making it compulsory to provide digital versions of paper textbooks for all textbooks approved for school use. The requirement to provide pupils with access to a digital version of a paper textbook should apply to all textbooks authorised for school use and is intended to ensure that pupils have access to their purchased textbook in both forms - paper and digital.
Proposed changes to teachers' professional pragmatics
12 December 2024
Key solutions proposed by the Ministry of Education that will be taken into account in the legislative work on the amendment of the legislation on teachers' professional pragmatics:
- Extension of the right to an anniversary award for teachers (introduction of entitlement after 45 years of service).
- Extension of the entitlement to teachers' compensation benefits by 10 years, i.e. until 2042.
- Extending the group of teachers entitled to teacher's compensation benefits to include teachers who currently do not have this right, e.g. teachers in continuing education centres, youth cultural centres, youth palaces, school youth hostels.
- Regulation of the measures for calculating and paying compensation for ad hoc replacements for all teachers.
- Eliminating the cases of assigning ad hoc classes as replacement to teachers to be carried out during the time when they teach their compulsory classes.
- More favourable arrangements for severance payments in connection with retirement, disability pension or teacher's compensation benefit. The rules on severance payments for teachers will be aligned with those provided for local government employees.
- Provision of uniform pre-retirement protection in the Teachers' Charter for teachers employed on the basis of an appointment and for those working on employment contracts for an indefinite period.
- A teacher who is a graduate of a music or arts secondary school, has completed any type of higher education studies and has a pedagogical preparation will be qualified to teach music or visual arts.
- Postgraduate studies will be offered to all teachers regardless of when they graduated and obtained their qualification.
- Standardisation of the vocational education teachers teaching hours - regardless of the type of classes taught – instruction time will be set at 18 hours per week.
Civic education and health education - draft regulations for public consultation
31 October 2024
The Ministry of Education has prepared draft regulations amending the core curriculum for general education in primary and secondary schools, which introduce a new subject of health education in primary schools and civic education and health education in secondary schools.
New civic education subject
A new subject - civic education - will be implemented as of 1 September 2025 in general secondary schools and technical secondary schools (3 hours in the education cycle) and sectoral vocational schools (2 hours in the education cycle).
The detailed scope of these classes will soon be presented in the draft regulation of the Minister of Education amending the regulation on outline timetables for public schools.
The subject of civic education will be taught by teachers with qualifications required to teach the following subjects: history, history and the present and civic knowledge.
New subject health education
A new compulsory subject - health education - will be implemented from 1 September 2025:
- in primary schools in grades IV-VIIII (1 hour per week in each grade),
- in secondary schools: in general secondary school, technical secondary school and sectoral vocational school (2 hours per educational cycle).
Detailed scope of these classes will soon be presented in a draft regulation of the Minister of Education amending the regulation on outline timetables for public schools.
The subject of health education can be taught by teachers of biology, physical education, upbringing for family life, psychologists and by teachers who have completed studies or postgraduate studies in the field of health education and have pedagogical preparation. Relevant regulations in this regard will be proposed in the planned amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science of 14 September 2023 on detailed qualifications required of teachers.
Draft regulations for consultation
For public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements, which will last until 21 November, the following draft regulations of the Minister of Education have been directed, amending the regulations:
- on the core curriculum for pre-school education and the core curriculum for general education for primary school, including for pupils with moderate or severe intellectual disabilities, general education for the sectoral vocational school, general education for the special school preparing for employment, and general education in the post-secondary school.
- on the core curriculum for general secondary school, technical secondary school and sectoral vocational school.
Proposed changes to the school education legislation
29 October 2024
The Council of Ministers adopted a draft law prepared by the Minister of Education amending the Education System Act and certain other acts.
The most significant changes proposed in the bill:
Changes to examinations (amendments to the Education System Act of 7 September 1991 and transitional provisions of the draft):
- extension for three consecutive school years, i.e. 2024/2025-2026/2027, of the absence of the requirement to obtain 30% of the points possible to be obtained from one selected additional subject at the secondary school-leaving examination.
- The introduction of the function of examiner-verifier (second check examiner) and IT laboratory operator as persons involved in the conduct of external examinations, in order to ensure high quality in the checking and grading of examination papers
- introduction of the possibility to bring into the examination room a telecommunication device equipped with an application monitoring the health condition of a student
- introduction of the possibility of conducting vocational exams with the use of an electronic system, also in their practical part
- regulation of ICT systems used for conducting external examinations, i.e. the Information System for General Education Examinations (SIOEO) and the Information System for Vocational Examinations (SIOEZ).
Amendments related to curricula - it will be required to make explicit the content of teaching beyond that set out in the core curriculum in the curriculum approved for school use by school heads.
Changes concerning textbooks - introduction of an obligation to provide digital versions of paper textbooks for all textbooks approved for school use
Strengthening the role of educational research in educational policy - including the introduction of an obligation for preschools, schools and institutions to participate in ongoing national and international educational research.
Other proposed amendments to the Act of 14 December 2016. - Education Law
- it was proposed to simplify and accelerate the procedure for the creation and liquidation of special school units in medical entities;
- there is provision for the possibility of access to the Integrated Education Platform, run by the Minister of Education, also by entities other than only schools and institutions operating within and supporting the educational system;
- a new ICT system has been regulated to support the performance by schools and educational institutions of tasks related to identifying the development and educational needs of students, planning and implementing activities aimed at satisfying these needs, as well as assessing the effectiveness of these activities
- It has been proposed to change the authority granting consent for conducting pedagogical experiments in schools and educational institutions in the scope of general education - the authority granting consent for conducting pedagogical experiments in schools in the scope of general education will be the regional education authority who exercises direct pedagogical supervision over schools.
- simplification of the procedure of introducing changes to the core curricula of education in occupations of vocational education and additional vocational skills.
- A change in the way of determining the amount of co-financing of costs of training of young employees and the principles of granting this co-financing. It is proposed that an employer should receive 75% of the amount of co-financing for 36 months of learning a profession at the employer's premises and for a juvenile employee to take a vocational or journeyman's exam, as well as 25% of the amount of co-financing for the effect of that learning, i.e. for a passed exam
- it has been made possible to conduct classification examinations for students transferring from a school of a given type to another school of the same type.
The bill will be referred to Parliament.
Profile of the Graduate - national consultation
27 September 2024
The Educational Research Institute has been commissioned by the Ministry of Education to carry out a task: Shaping competences - from profile to practice - developing a ‘graduate profile’ including assumptions, concepts and necessary changes in general education.
The aim of the project is to develop a graduate profile containing the key competences with which a graduate will leave school. These profiles will be subject to extensive consultation, and once prepared, will form the basis for developing changes in education, making it more responsive to the challenges of the 21st century.
A reform of the core curriculum is planned for 2026, and the profile will form the basis of this. Graduates of Polish schools should have three basic skills: they must have knowledge, competence and proficiency. The core curriculum and the proposals developed by the Educational Research Institute are built around this triad.
The consultation runs until the end of October.
Education for Civil Society Building - Ministry of Education programme for scout organisations
27 September 2024
The call for applications for the “Education for Civil Society Building” programme, which aims to support scouting organisations supporting the education system, started on 27 September 2024. The call will run until 30 September 2024.
Programme aims to:
- provide material assistance to enable children and young people from areas where a state of natural disaster has been declared to return to school (legal basis: Regulation of the Council of Ministers of 16 September 2024 on the introduction of a state of natural disaster on the territory of parts of the Dolnośląskie, Lubuskie, Opolskie and Śląskie regions)
- raise awareness of children and young people in the area of safety
- promote right attitudes and ways of reacting in dangerous situations, including direct threats to life and health
- help to support the mental health of children and young people affected by flooding
- support patriotic and civic outlook, build national pride and civic awareness and attitudes
- motivate volunteers and provide them with the necessary support, motivate children and young people to participate in society
- raise awareness of the role of civil society in the functioning of a modern democratic state and in international cooperation
- strengthen social and territorial cohesion for social development through the development of activism and increased competence among pupils in social activities and strengthening the sense of individual, cultural, national, regional and ethnic identity
- improve the competence of teachers, educators, tutors, instructors and volunteers in working with children and young people
- enhance the psychological well-being of children and young people
- stimulate in pupils a sense of self-dignity and respect for human rights
- counteract social polarisation and disintegration. Promote an attitude of dialogue.
The programme is open to scout organisations operating in the territory of the Republic of Poland and covered by the Honorary Protectorate of the President of the Republic of Poland, and the applicant may only be the central level board of a scout organisation.
Participation in the programme is conditional on the submission of a single application, which covers only one project of actions to support the education system in accordance with the conditions set out in the Communication.
For the implementation of the programme in the 2024/2025 school year, 25 mln PLN has been allocated, including:
- in 2024. - PLN 15 million;
- in 2025. - PLN 10 million.
Safety first. Military education (second edition)
25 September 2024
The Ministry of National Education, together with the Ministry of Defence, is launching the second edition of the programme for primary and secondary schools entitled ‘Education with the Army’. Theoretical and practical classes with the participation of soldiers will be held in schools enrolled in the programme. Pupils will learn the rules of conduct in emergency situations, become familiar with emergency signals and revise first aid techniques.
Presentation of the working draft of the core curriculum for the subject of civic education
13 September 2024
The Ministry of National Education (MEN) has published a working draft of the core curriculum for the subject of civic education, prepared by a team of experts.
The subject will consist of three compulsory elements: knowledge and skills, real civic activities and an educational project.
Teachers who teach civic education will be entitled to teach civic knowledge, history, history and the present. The final draft regulation on the core curriculum will be submitted for public consultation in October, and the Minister of Education will sign the regulation by the end of December.
The new civic education subject will be taught from the 2025/2026 school year in secondary schools. In a general secondary school, this will be two hours in class II and one hour in class III. In technical secondary schools: two hours in class II and one hour in class III, and in sectoral vocational schools: one hour each in class II and class III.
The Educational Research Institute is involved in work on a comprehensive revision of the general education core curriculum, which is planned for 1 September 2026 onwards.
Strategic action plan for environmental education
August 2024
The Ministry of Climate and Environment is working on the ‘Strategic Action Plan for Environmental Education’. The preparation of the document is a task of the Ministry of Climate and Environment outlined in the ‘State Environmental Policy 2030 - Development Strategy in the Area of Environment and Water Management’, adopted on 16 July 2019. The document will present an implementation framework for activities in the field of environmental education, including climate education, taking into account the environmental and climate content included in the SEP2030.
Strategic objective: Environment and education. To develop the environmental competence of society.
Operational objectives:
1. improve the coherence of national and local policies in the field of environmental education;
2. identify priority thematic areas and key social and professional groups for educational activities;
3. systematise and coordinate activities in the field of environmental education;
4. define long-term goals, the way of achieving them and measure the effectiveness of the activities;
5. plan effective financing and coordination of various activities, using national and European funds.
The objectives of environmental education, according to the Tbilisi Declaration (1977) are:
1. to raise awareness - i.e. to help various sections of society to become aware of the global nature of the environment;
2. provide knowledge - help people to learn about the environment and related problems;
3. shape attitudes - inspire a choice of values and motivation to change to environmentally friendly attitudes;
4. acquire competences - the ability to identify and solve environmental problems;
5. provide democratisation - enable active participation of social groups and individuals in solving environmental problems.
How can these objectives be achieved?
- Environmental education should be aimed not only at children and young people, but also (or perhaps even: primarily) at adults, especially those making decisions on issues of environmental, social and economic importance.
- We should emphasise changes in social practices, and an important dimension of this is to moderate social discussion about the possibilities of changing lifestyles to be more sustainable (increasing media participation).
- Comprehensive environmental and climate education must include formal, informal and non-formal education. Each component of environmental education should be conducted on the basis of modern teaching methods and tools, and be carried out in dialogue and cooperation with the stakeholders of these activities, including, inter alia, scientific institutions, non-governmental organisations and civil society.
- Environmental education must be supported by access to reliable sources of knowledge on the state of the environment, in particular by conducting research, observations and assessments of the state of environment components, and by continuing to build and develop relevant databases.
- Systemic change, introducing environmental and climate education at all levels of education, should be done in an interdisciplinary way with a focus on long-term effects. The process of computerisation and digitisation of school can serve as a model here. IT education is implemented both in separate IT classes and when using ICT in class in other subjects; The implementation of IT education in schools has influenced the development of this field and the dynamic growth of the related branch of the economy, helping to close the gap between the state of knowledge and competence in larger urban centres and the rest of the country.
- Similarly, we should approach the education of ‘ecological and climate skills’ so that, along with the development and implementation of green technologies, the competences of society, especially children and young people, are also developed.
- The use of public procurement should support the implementation of activities in the area of environmental education - in particular, appropriate educational measures should be taken to raise the awareness of contracting authorities and representatives of control institutions of the existing environmental problems, their importance, as well as the need and manner of taking these issues into account within the framework of the proceedings they conduct.
Timetable of activities and the consultation process foresees development of an initial version of the Strategic Plan in 2024, after consultation with key stakeholders and their recommendations for the plan; and adoption of the final Plan by the Council of Ministers in 2025.
Digital Transformation Policy for Education - draft resolution of the Council of Ministers sent for consultation
6 August 2024
A draft resolution of the Council of Ministers on the establishment of the Digital Transformation Policy for Education has been submitted for public consultation, and inter-ministerial agreement.
The solutions included in the draft document are the implementation of the so-called 'milestone' envisaged in the National Recovery and Resilience Plan. The document Digital Transformation Policy for Education is annexed to this resolution.
The Digital Transformation Policy for Education is a strategic document, it sets the framework of state policy and measures that are necessary to implement the digital transformation in education. These actions are fundamental for the further development of digital education in Poland and ensure that the next generations are prepared to function and live in a society with increasingly advanced technology.
The draft document was prepared on the basis of the consultation of the document's assumptions, carried out in February 2024.
The Digital Transformation Policy for Education indicates 10 important areas for action:
1. evaluation of the state of digital education and the use of educational technology by pupils
2. revision of the current core curriculum for pre-school and general education
3. new technologies, including artificial intelligence in school
4. educational methods, digital didactics, digital teaching resources
5. teacher education and CPD
6. providing equipment to pupils, teachers and schools
7. training of digital professionals
8. digital safety
9. changing the organisation of school work
10. supporting teachers and schools in the digital transformation process.
The consultation will be open until 28 August 2024.
Draft Amendments to the Law on Education System Act and other Acts - referred to public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements
29 July 2024
The Minister of Education has sent a draft amending the Act Law on the Education System and other acts for public consultation.
The most significant changes proposed in the draft include, among others:
I. With regard to the eighth-grader's examination and the Maturity examination:
1. Extension for the next two school years, i.e. 2024/2025 and 2025/2026, of the waiver of the condition to obtain 30% of the points possible in one selected additional subject in the Maturity examination.
2. Introduction of the second check examiner and IT operator as persons involved in the external examinations procedure, in order to ensure high quality checking and grading of examination papers.
3. Defining the IT systems supporting the conduct of external examinations.
II. With regard to the vocational examination:
1. as in the case of the eight-grader's exam and the Maturity exam, the introduction of the second-check examiner and IT operator as persons involved in conducting both the vocational exam and the exam confirming vocational qualifications;
2. introduction of the possibility of conducting vocational examinations using an electronic system of conducting vocational examinations also in the practical part of the vocational examination;
3. introduction of the possibility of checking examination papers in the practical part of the vocational exam with the use of electronic tools;
III. Regarding curricula, textbooks and pedagogical experiments:
1. Change (as of 1.09.2025) of the conditions for authorising curricula for use at school. Where the pre-school and school curricula for given educational classes include teaching content beyond the scope of the core curriculum - it will be required to clearly indicate this content in the curriculum approved for school use by school heads.
2. for textbooks, the proposed changes include:
a. exclusion of repetition type textbooks from the approval process,
b. introduction of a requirement to mark graphically in textbooks the content exceeding the scope established in the general education curriculum for given classes at a given level of education; the change is aimed at facilitating the students' use - learning with the help of a textbook by indicating what content in a textbook is extra-curricular.
c. introduction of an obligation to provide digital versions of textbooks approved for school use in paper form for all textbooks approved for school use, irrespective of the date of their approval.
3. In the case of pedagogical experiments, it is proposed to change the authority issuing consent to conduct a pedagogical experiment in general education in a school and an institution. Currently, the consent to conduct a pedagogical experiment is issued by the minister competent for education on the request of the head of the school, submitted through the school superintendent, who attaches his/her opinion. Accoring to the amendement, the school superintendent, who exercises direct pedagogical supervision over schools will become the authority granting consent to conduct a pedagogical experiment at a school.
IV. Regarding the establishment of an IT system to support the provision of psychological and pedagogical assistance:
The changes being introduced aim to use modern IT solutions to improve the quality of psychological and pedagogical support and reduce the bureaucratic burden in the education system. The system will integrate already created diagnostic tools and offer new functionalities and solutions, including tools for screening and supporting the work of psychological and pedagogical support, the contact with these institutions and the implementation of tasks by specialist teachers working in pre-schools and schools. In addition, it will enable the Ministry of Education to obtain more accurate data on the functioning of the education system.
Public consultations of the draft will last 30 days (they will end on 26 August this year).
ICT at school - a draft regulation of the Minister of Education submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements
10 July 2024
A draft regulation of the Minister of Education amending the regulation on the basic conditions necessary for schools and teachers to carry out teaching, and caring tasks and curricula has been submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements.
The proposed solutions constitute the implementation of the so-called ‘milestone’ provided for in the National Plan for Reconstruction and Increasing Resilience. The annexes to the regulation set out the minimum requirements for computer equipment and ICT facilities that are recommended for the use in primary and secondary schools.
Team for cooperation with NGOs
2 July 2024
The Minister of Education has decided to strengthen cooperation with experienced non-governmental organisations (NGOs), for whom it is important that students function well in a favourable atmosphere of schools and institutions that fully implement educational and preventive goals and tasks, shaping the right attitudes of children and young people. Dialogue and cooperation will be undertaken on the forum of the Team for cooperation with non-governmental organisations, which, in accordance with the provisions of the Act of 14 December 2016. – Law on School Education, actively support schools and institutions in their activities.
The task of the Team will be to prepare proposals for solutions in the field of cooperation between NGOs and schools, in particular with regard to:
- the organisation of work of nursery schools, schools and institutions;
- educational, preventive and caring activities; and
- expanding and enriching the forms of didactic, educational, caring and innovative activities;
- artistic activities;
- children's and pupils' rights;
- competences of the teaching and management staff
- equal educational opportunities
- activities related to the organisation of free time for children and young people;
- cooperation with pupils' parents;
- inclusive education and mental health prevention.
The Team will be composed of 30 representatives of NGOs, which will be selected by the Minister of Education after they have met the criteria set out in the open call for proposals.
Streamlined core curriculum - regulations signed
28 June 2024
The Minister of Education has signed draft regulations amending the core curriculum of general education for 18 subjects in primary and secondary schools.
As of 1 September this year, teachers and students of classes IV-VIII of primary school and all classes of post-primary schools (general secondary school, technical secondary school, Stage I and II sectoral vocational schools) will work with the amended core curriculum. A reduction of approximately 20% in the scope of teaching content - specific requirements - will give teachers and students more time for a calmer and more in-depth implementation of the curriculum.
Ukrainian pupils in Polish schools - new legal solutions
12 June 2024
As of 1 September 2024, refugee children from Ukraine become subject to compulsory one-year pre-school preparation, as well as compulsory full time and part time education in the Polish educational system, the same as for the Polish pupils. Online education will only be available to pupils who, in the school year 2024/2025, receive education in the last grade in a school functioning in the Ukrainian education system. The 800+ family benefit to refugees from Ukraine will be paid on the condition that their child is in the pre-school, or primary or secondary school. Such solutions are envisaged by the amendment to the Law on the Support to Citizens of Ukraine.
Other solutions that have been included in the legislation are the extension from 24 to 36 months of additional, free Polish language learning for pupils who have been already attending such classes since the 2022/2023 and 2023/2024 school years.
Eighth-graders will have the option of not taking the Polish language eighth-grade exam in the 2024/2025 school year. The position of intercultural assistant is also introduced.
Key directions for the implementation of the state educational policy in the school year 2024/2025
13 June 2024
The Ministry of National Education has announced the key directions for the implementation of the state educational policy in the school year 2024/2025:
1. Health education at school - shaping healthy behaviour, developing physical fitness and the habit of engaging in physical activity, learning first aid.
2. School as a place for civic education, formation of social and patriotic attitudes, responsibility for the region and homeland. Education for safety and pro-defence.
3. Promoting the wellbeing of children and young people, their mental health. Developing empathy and sensitivity to the needs of others in pupils and graduates. Improving the quality of inclusive education and skills in working with a diverse group.
4. Supporting the development of pupils' and teachers' digital skills, with a particular focus on navigating safely online and critically analysing information. Correct use by teachers of tools and materials available on the web, in particular those based on artificial intelligence, and available in the Integrated Educational Platform resources.
5. Developing analytical thinking through an interdisciplinary approach to teaching science and science subjects and by strengthening mathematical skills in general education.
6. Supporting the development of vocational and lifelong learning skills by strengthening cooperation of schools and institutions with employers and regional institutions.
7. Working with students with migrant experience, including in the field of teaching Polish as a foreign language.
‘Travel with (the) Class’ - funding for educational trips and activities
29 May 2024
In June 2024, a call for applications for funding school trips for pupils will open.
From September, primary and secondary school pupils will be able to go on up to a five-day school trip with funding from the state budget.
The eligibility criteria for receiving the funding outline that the trip programme should include a visit to: a museum, art gallery, theatre, opera, philharmonic hall, science centre, open-air museum or other cultural institution (called educational points). Primary and secondary school students will be able to go on excursions during which they will visit educational points selected by the organisers. Funding will cover, among other things, transport, accommodation, food and the cost of tickets to culture-related educational points such as museums, galleries and theatres. In 2024, the Ministry of Education is allocating PLN 60 million for this purpose.
Funding, upon application, will be awarded to the bodies running public and non-public primary and secondary schools. The project is aimed at pupils in four age groups:
- Group I - grades I-III from primary schools,
- Group II - Grades IV-VI from primary schools,
- Group III - Grades VII-VIII from primary schools,
- Group IV - secondary schools.
The call for applications will open on 19 June this year and will continue until the whole available funding is earmarked.
Changes to outline time tables from September 2024
21 May 2024
Compulsory first aid classes, and new subject replacing History and the Present for students who start their education in secondary schools are the most important changes introduced by the regulation on outline time tables signed by the Minister of Education on 20 May this year. The regulation comes into force on 1 September 2024.
The most important changes involve in detail:
- Extending the catalogue of activities that can be carried out during the classes with the tutor in primary schools (grades IV-VII) and secondary schools (grades II-IV of a general secondary school; grades II-V of a technical secondary school; and II and III of the sectoral secondary school, stage 1) with first aid lessons. (in grade VIII of primary school and in grade I of secondary schools, students learn first aid during lessons of Safety Education);
- Discontinuation, as of the 2024/2025 school year, of the subject History and the Present in:
- grade I of the general secondary school,
- grade I of the technical secondary school,
- grade I of the sectoral secondary school, stage 1
- grade I of a general secondary school for adults providing classes full-time (onsite),
- semesters I and II of a general secondary school for adults providing classes part-time (online),
and in subsequent years in subsequent grades and semesters of these schools, until the teaching of this subject is fully completed.
Members of the expert panel on civic education appointed
10 May 2024
The Minister of National Education appointed members of a Team of experts to work on the project for the core curriculum of a new subject - civic education.
Experts include experienced civic and history teachers, academics, representatives of non-governmental organisations active in the field of civic education and representatives of the Educational Research Institute (IBE) and the Central Examination Board.
Team for teachers' professional pragmatics appointed
30 April 2024
The Minister of National Education has appointed a Team for the professional pragmatics of teachers. The task of the Team will be to develop proposals for solutions in this area.
The Team is composed of members of the management of the Ministry of Education, representatives of the Minister of Labour, Finance, a representative of the Educational Research Institute (IBE), trade unions, local governments.
The task of the Team is to prepare proposals for solutions in the area of teachers' professional pragmatics including in particular: teachers' remuneration, professional promotion and assessment of teachers' work, teachers' disciplinary liability, teachers' pensions and teachers' compensation benefits, qualifications, education and professional development of teachers.
Proposals for amendments to the organisation of religious and ethics education in public nursery schools and schools
30 April 2024
The Ministry of National Education has prepared a draft regulation amending the regulation on the organisation of religion/ ethics lessons in public nursery schools and schools.
The aim of the changes is to adapt the conditions and manner of organisation of religious and ethics instruction to the work of schools and nursery school in particular in terms of rational distribution of pedagogical staff and time for realisation of these lessons.
Currently, religion and ethics lessons are organised separately for pupils in each class, provided that at least seven pupils from that class register for religion (of a given confession) or ethics.
In the case fewer than seven pupils (from a class) enrol, the school organises religion or ethics lessons in inter-class groups.
The purpose of the proposed amendment is to make it possible to organise religion and ethics lessons in an inter-class groups comprising pupils from classes in which more than seven pupils have registered for a religion lesson. At the same time, the draft provides for the maximum number of pupils in a group (30 persons) in which these lessons will be conducted for pupils of primary school, general secondary school, technical secondary school, Stage I and II sectoral vocational schools.
For children in nursery schools and pupils in grades I-III of primary school, the maximum group size for religion lessons will be 25.
In addition, in order to ensure optimum conditions for religion and ethics lessons in primary school, inter-class groups are allowed only within a given educational stage.
Public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements begin on 30 April 2024 and will last until 29 May.
Streamlined core curriculum. Public consultation
23 April 2024
The Ministry of National Education has prepared draft regulations amending the core curriculum for general education for 18 subjects in primary and secondary schools. The publication of the ministerial drafts was preceded by preliminary proposals from appointed experts and extensive public pre-consultations. The Ministry of Education's drafts took into account some of the postulates and suggestions made via a special form and during online meetings by citizens and various types of organisations and institutions. At the same time as the publication of the drafts on 23 April, public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements begin.
The teaching content of the subjects will be reduced by approximately 20 %. Mainly those that are impossible or very difficult to implement in school practice.
The aims of the changes to the core curriculum are as follows:
- increasing the emphasis on developing practical skills rather than theoretical or encyclopaedic knowledge,
- reducing the amount of material to be mastered by the pupil. This will translate into greater motivation to learn, the development of abilities and interests, and the formation of appropriate beliefs and attitudes,
- ensuring adequacy of the scope of teaching content - detailed requirements to the number of hours of teaching subjects,
- replacing the examination requirements in force between 2021 and 2024; from 2025, the content of the core curriculum will once again form the sole basis for the eighth-grade and matriculation examinations.
The proposed changes to the core curriculum have been prepared so that there is no need to replace textbooks. Students will be able to use their existing textbooks in the 2024/2025 school year and beyond. Publishers will provide the teachers using their textbooks with information on which parts of the existing textbooks will go beyond the scope of the depleted core curriculum.
Further steps and new subjects from September 2025
The implementation of the comprehensive reform of the core curriculum for pre-primary education and general education is planned for 2026 for primary school and 2028 for secondary school.
Earlier, from September 2025, the implementation of new school subjects is planned:
1. civic education, which will replace history and the present, to be phased out successively from 1 September 2024.
2. health education, which will replace preparation for family life. The subject of health education will be compulsory for pupils.
Draft core curricula for the new subjects will be submitted for public consultation this autumn.
Military education classes
17 April 2024
The subject of the project, established by the Minister of National Education in 2024, is the organisation of pro-defence education classes in primary and secondary schools for children and young people. Their aim is to raise awareness of children and young people in the area of security and attitudes in threatening situations, including, among other things, learning to navigate safely online and to critically analyse information available on the Internet. Public and non-public schools are eligible to participate.
Health education in schools from 2025. Preparatory work begins
12 April 2024
The Minister of Education, the Minister of Health and the Minister of Sport and Tourism have announced the inauguration of work on the new school subject Health education. The subject will be taught in primary and secondary schools from September 2025.
Health education will cover mental health, physical health, as well as healthy eating, prevention, addiction problems and sex education. A team of experts has been set up to develop the core curriculum for the new subject.
Health education will replace family education. The subject is intended for pupils in classes IV-VIII of primary schools, as well as classes I-III of post-primary schools - general secondary schools, technical schools, Stage I sectoral vocational schools.
Citizenship education instead of History and Present. Changes to outline timetables from the 2024/2025 school year
10 April 2024
Abandoning the subject of history and the present, compulsory first aid classes - these are the most important changes to the outline timetables that will be implemented from September 2024. A draft regulation of the Minister of National Education on outline timetables for public schools has been submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements.
According to the draft regulation, civic education will be introduced to secondary schools and first aid classes will be compulsory in primary schools.
As of September 2024, pupils who start in class I of a secondary school (general secondary school, technical school, Stage I sectoral vocational school) will no longer be taught the subject history and the present. This subject will only be taught until the end of the education cycle to students in class II of general secondary schools and classes II/III of technical secondary schools who have already started studying this subject.
First aid teaching in primary schools
Pupils in primary school in grades I-III will have compulsory first aid classes in a form adapted to the capabilities of children of this age as part of early childhood education - nature education. These classes fit in with and complement the content included in the early childhood education core curriculum in terms of developing pupils' habits and behaviours in the area of caring for their own and the group's safety and, in particular, in the area of responding with appropriate behaviour in situations where his or her safety or health or that of another person is at risk.
In grades IV-VIII of primary school and in secondary schools, first aid classes will be conducted during classes with the teacher. First aid classes may be held with the participation of invited specialists in a given field, volunteers, representatives of associations and other organisations whose statutory purpose is educational activity or extending and enriching the forms of didactic, educational, caring and innovative activity of the school.
National ombudsman for pupils' rights - establishment of a team for pupils' rights and duties under the Minister of Education
26 March 2024
An expert team on pupil rights and duties has been set up at the Ministry of Education, which will work on statutory changes concerning pupil rights, as well as the appointment of an ombudsman for pupil rights.
The team will analyse and evaluate legislation on pupil rights and duties, and will develop draft legislation on these matters, including that on an ombudsman for pupil rights at national, regional and school levels, and on strengthening pupil self-government in the education system. The team will also be an advisory body to the minister and will prepare opinions and statements on pupil rights and duties. The team is composed of experts from the academic community and non-governmental organisations, representatives of the regional educational authorities and local government ombudsmen for pupil rights, as well as teacher- practitioners involved in the fight for pupil rights.
Homework becomes optional in primary school. Regulation signed
22 March 2024
From April, there will be no homework in primary schools in grades I-III - with the exception of fine motor skills exercises - and in grades IV-VIII assignments will be optional and ungraded.
According to the regulation:
1. in grades I-III of the primary school, teachers will not give homework to be completed by the pupil during free time. The exception to this is work on fine motor skills improvement, i.e. exercises involving the development of hand movement skills.
2. In classes IV-VIII of the primary school, pupils will not be required to do homework assigned during free time. Completion or non-completion of homework will not be assessed.
The changes concern written and practical-technical work, at primary school level.
The new regulations do not imply the abolition of the obligation to learn at home, i.e. to learn to read in the case of the youngest pupils, to read the readings, to learn specific content, foreign languages vocabulary, or to repeat material discussed in class, etc.
In addition, the regulation discontinues - as of September this year - the inclusion of marks for ethics and religion, two optional subjects, in the annual average marks. The aim of the change is to ensure that pupils have equal opportunities in achieving their grade point average.
Active blackboard - 2024 edition
8 March 2024
In 2024, the next edition of the government Programme for the Development of School Infrastructure and Student and Teacher Competences in the Field of Information and Communication Technologies ‘Active Blackboard’ for 2020-2024 is being implemented. Financial support under the Programme in 2024 will be provided to:
- primary schools that did not receive financial support in the previous 2017-2019 edition of the Programme;
- secondary schools;
- schools educating blind students;
- schools educating students with special educational needs, including
with disabilities,
- special education centres;
- schools that did not benefit from the programme in 2020, 2021, 2022 and 2023
Establishment of the Council for the Informatisation of Education
29 February 2024
By Order of 28 February 2024, The Minister of National Education established the Council for the Informatisation of Education.
The Council's main tasks are as follows:
- Supporting the Minister of Education in the implementation of digital technologies in the educational system;
- Making recommendations to the Minister on the directions of activities in the educational system related to the development of the information society and the knowledge-based economy in Poland;
- Expressing opinions and initiating action in the field of information technology education, media education and the application of information and communication technologies in the educational system, as well as their impact on the digital safety of children and young people;
- Initiating activities on improving the quality of education in the educational system with the use of ICT tools;
- Preparing, at the request of the Minister, opinions, expert reports and other documents, within the scope of the tasks mentioned above.
The Council for the Informatisation of Education has 22 members.
4th edition of "PE with AWF"
22 February 2024
The fourth edition of the joint programme of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education and the Academy of Physical Education (AWF) in Warsaw, 'PE with AWF', is attracting huge interest. A total of 210,000 hours have already been requested for the implementation of Sport-Clubs.
In 2024, 350,000 hours of additional sporting activities for pupils will be carried out under Sport-Clubs. Nearly PLN 30 million has been earmarked for this purpose.
The implementation of Sport-Clubs will allow the monitoring of the physical condition of children and young people. It will also provide important scientific data that will enable the preparation of practical guidelines and recommendations for use by teachers and parents.
A very important and innovative element of the project, apart from the continuation of previous activities, is the introduction and dissemination of the concept of a movement alphabet. This is the process of acquiring physical (motor) 'literacy' skills, i.e. the ability to be active.
Among the specific objectives of the programme are:
- implementation of additional physical activity classes to activate school children and adolescents, which will result in improved physical fitness;
- monitoring the physical condition of children and young people and preparing practical guidelines and recommendations for use by teachers and parents;
- implementation and monitoring of fundamental movement skills in sport;
- implementing the Polish version of the Physical Alphabet Assessment Physical Literacy (PAPL) in (certified) schools as a tool for tracking progress in the physical 'literacy' skills of children aged 8-12 years;
- promoting and implementing awareness of the need for regular physical activity of the need for movement, health-oriented activities and the idea of a movement alphabet in society.
Among the planned outputs of the programme are surveys addressed to parents/legal guardians on health and socio-economic aspects of the participants and the continuation of the monitoring of fundamental movement skills in sport.
An important aspect will also be the introduction of the Movement Alphabet Assessment tool, which will allow an indication of the current state of children and young people's physical condition and its determinants, fundamental movement skills in sport and the level of physical education (movement literacy), and on this basis recommendations will be developed for further actions in the future aimed at improving children and young people's physical condition and health.
Record salary increases for teachers and increase in education subsidy
20 February 2024
The Minister for National Education and the Minister for Family, Labour and Social Policy have signed a regulation setting out the minimum rates of basic pay for teachers. The remuneration of novice teachers increases by 33%, and for appointed and chartered teachers the increase is 30%. The increase in salaries is possible due to an increase in the education subvention.
The increased basic salary will also affect the increase of additional remuneration components.
The regulation provides the basis for leading authorities to take the necessary measures to pay the increase with compensation as of 1 January 2024.
From 1 January 2024, the minimum basic salary rates (gross) are:
for teachers with a master's degree and pedagogical preparation (constituting 95% of all teachers):
- novice teacher - PLN 4 908
- appointed teacher - PLN 5 057
- chartered teacher - PLN 5 915
for other teachers:
- novice teacher - PLN 4,788
- appointed teacher - PLN 4 910
- chartered teacher - PLN 5,148.
The salary increase is made possible by a record increase in the education subvention. The education subvention for local government units for 2024 is earmarked at over PLN 87 billion 983 million and is 36.2 per cent higher than the amount for 2023.
Based on the 2024 Budget Law published on 1 February, local government units receive increased funding for both public and non-public schools, schools and institutions.
Revision of the core curriculum - pre-consultation
12 February 2024
The aim of the changes to the core curriculum is to reduce the compulsory scope of teaching content, which, while leaving the current teaching hours in place, will enable teachers and students to implement the content more calmly and in depth, resulting in a more effective education. The changes include the following levels and subjects:
- Primary school (grades IV-VIII) - Polish, modern foreign language, Latin, national or ethnic minority language, regional language - Kashubian, history, social studies, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer studies.
- General secondary school, technical secondary school - Polish, modern foreign language, Latin language, language of the national or ethnic minority, regional language - Kashubian, history, social studies, history and the present, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer science, philosophy, Latin and ancient culture, history of music, history of art.
- Stage I sectoral vocational secondary school - Polish, modern foreign language, national or ethnic minority language, regional language - Kashubian, history, mathematics, biology, geography, chemistry, physics, computer science.
- Stage II sectoral vocational secondary school - Polish, modern foreign language, national or ethnic minority language, regional language - Kashubian, mathematics, computer science.
Due to the comprehensive curriculum reform planned in the future, the currently proposed changes include only reducing the scope of the requirements set out in the 2017 and 2018 core curriculum, so that from 1 September 2024 they can cover all students from grade IV of primary school up to secondary schools of all types and does not result in the need to replace school textbooks.
The documents offered for consultation contain all the requirements set out in the 2017 and 2018 core curriculum, where the proposed changes have been marked.
The pre-consultation runs until 19 February 2024.
Following analysis of the comments received, draft regulations of the Minister of National Education on the core curriculum of general education for the above types of schools will be prepared. In April the drafts will go to public consultations and inter-ministerial arrangements, and in June they will be signed by the Minister of Education.
The new, streamlined core curriculum will be applied in the transitional period from the 2024/2025 school year, during which experts will work on a comprehensive curriculum reform. The comprehensive new core curriculum will come into force 2 years later - from 1 September 2026/2027 in primary school, and from the school year 2028/2029 to secondary schools.
Suspension of 'Laptops for pupils' programme and work on new solutions
8 February 2024
In 2024, the 'Laptops for Pupils' programme, announced in 2022, will not continue in its current format. The Ministry of National Education, together with the Ministry of Digitalisation, will work out new assumptions for the programme so that it realistically improves the potential and digital competences of pupils and supports teachers. In 2025, pupils will receive mobile devices. The type of hardware, necessary software and security features will be analysed and discussed with social partners and parents.
A remedial programme will be introduced. The Institute of Educational Research (IBE), commissioned by the Ministry of National Education, will prepare analyses on the use of new technologies in education and the hardware needs at different stages of education and the use of various devices, including mobile ones. By the end of June, the Ministry will prepare a new comprehensive Education Digitalisation Policy - together with the IBE and experts. Both milestones will be implemented. Laptops from the previous edition will go to secondary schools, with a particular focus on vocational education and schools in small towns/countryside.
Open consultation of the Digital Transformation Policy for Education
31 January 2024
One of the milestones of the National Reconstruction Plan is the adoption by the Council of Ministers of a resolution on the Digital Transformation Policy for Education. The resolution, which has the character of a programmatic and strategic document called the Digital Transformation Policy for Education, will provide the basis for changes in the education system and the implementation of investments in new technologies, and will define the directions for the digitisation of the education system in the short and long term.
This document will form the basis for the actions of stakeholders and all actors of the education scene. It will also define the tools to build a fully digital education system, adapted to the contemporary challenges of the pre-school and general education environment. The policy must further include an implementation plan, evaluation and monitoring measures. All elements of the document will be developed using a participatory approach.
In line with these assumptions, the Ministry of National Education has issued an invitation to participate in the development of the Digital Transformation of Education Policy.
Completing the questionnaire will make the work on the PCTE more concrete and take into account the digital expectations and needs of the educational environment and help to reliably define the directions for changes in education that will not only keep pace with other European countries, but also make Poland an important partner in digital education on the international stage.
The survey singled out ten most important issues to be considered at the beginning of the road to preparing the extremely important change that is the digital transformation of schools. They have been named the Decalogue of Digital Education.
These issues are:
- evaluation of the state of digital education
- revision of the current core curriculum
- influence of new technologies, including artificial intelligence on schools
- educational methods, didactics of computer science, digital didactics
- teacher education and in-service training
- equipment for pupils, teachers and schools
- training of digital professionals
- digital security
- changing the organisation of school work
- coordination of the implementation of the outlined objectives
The consultation will run until 29 February 2024.
Homework and grade average in public schools - draft amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of Education
26 January 2024
In response to numerous demands to relieve pupils of excessive duties and improve the effectiveness of teaching, the Minister of Education has submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements a draft amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 22 February 2019 on the assessment, classification and promotion of pupils and students in public schools.
The aim of the amendment is to relieve children and young people of school duties carried out after school, which, according to research conclusions, will translate into pupils' well-being and also promote equal opportunities.
Homework in primary school - scope of changes
According to the draft regulation, teachers in grades I-III of primary school shall not assign written or practical homework to be done by a pupil during free time. In grades IV-VIII, the teacher may give the pupil written or practical homework to do during free time, but it may not be compulsory or subject to assessment. The idea is that the teacher checks the written or practical homework and informs the pupil about the correctness and quality of its completion. This arrangement is beneficial for the pupil as it supports his or her individual development, minimising the risks of stress and inequality.
The proposed change does not imply the abolition of the obligation to study at home, i.e. to learn to read in the case of the youngest pupils, to read books, to assimilate specific content, foreign languages vocabulary, etc. The change will allow pupils to use the time to repeat material discussed at school, pursue passions and, very importantly, relax.
In parallel, the Ministry of Education is drafting a regulation that will introduce restrictions on the core curriculum of school subjects, which will also serve to relduce the pupils workload and make more effective use of school lesson time.
Changes to the calculation of the average of annual or final classification grades from the school year 2024/2025
The draft regulation also proposes a change to no longer count towards the average of annual or final classification grades - the classification grades for religion and ethics. These are currently the only optional subjects included in the average. The change is planned to be implemented as of 1 September 2024.
The public consultation of the draft regulation will last until 26 February 2024.
Possible comments can be sent to the following email address: sekretariat.dkopp@men.gov.pl
Regulation on teachers salaries referred for consultation
19 January 2024
As announced, following the passing of the 2024 Budget Act on 18 January 2024 by the Polish Parliament and the so-called 'Circular Budget Act' passed by the Polish Parliament on 16 January 2024, the Ministry of National Education has prepared a draft regulation that sets out the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers in 2024.
Pursuant to the provisions of the Teachers' Charter Act, the Minister for Education, in agreement with the Minister for Labour, after consulting the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Self-Government, determines annually, by means of a regulation, the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers. This year's amendment takes into account the increase, as of 1 January 2024, of the salaries of appointed and certified teachers by 30% and the salaries of beginning teachers by 33%.
The draft regulation of the Minister of Education amending the regulation on the minimum rates of basic remuneration for teachers, the general conditions for granting basic remuneration supplements and remuneration for work on a day off was submitted on 19 January this year for inter-ministerial consultations - to social partners, including teachers' trade unions, the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Self-Government, and the Social Dialogue Council.
According to the provisions of the Teachers' Charter Act, an increase in teachers' salaries shall take place no later than three months after the promulgation of the Budget Act, with compensation as of 1 January of the relevant year.
"Meals at school and at home" in 2024-2028
15 January 2024
The Council of Ministers has adopted a regulation on the implementation of module 3 of the multi-annual government programme "Meals at School and at Home" concerning the support in the years 2024-2028 of the authorities running public primary schools in the provision of safe conditions for learning, upbringing and care by organising canteens and meal spaces, submitted by the Minister of Education.
The government will financially support local governments in the organisation of canteens and meal spaces in schools. The regulation will enable the implementation of the tasks that are included in the 'Meal at School and at Home' programme for 2024-2028.
Key solutions
- Authorities that run public primary schools will be able to apply for funding for the organisation of facilities to enable the safe and hygienic consumption of meals by pupils at school.
- The solution will help to develop the network of canteens in public primary schools. This will increase the number of pupils who benefit from organised meals.
- Support will be available to:
o public primary schools, including those operating in school complexes, youth sociotherapy centres, youth education centres and special education centres;
o public art schools which provide general education within the framework of a primary school.
- The maximum amount of support will be:
o PLN 80,000 - for the retrofitting and improvement of the standard of functioning school canteens (own kitchen and dining room); retrofitting of school canteens that are currently not functioning so that they can be launched; creation of new school canteens;
o PLN 25,000 - to support the adaptation and equipping of rooms that are used for meals (dining rooms).
The deadline for applications for funding is 30 April of the given year.
Substantial increases for teachers starting in January 2024
19 December 2023
The salary situation for teachers in Poland will change dramatically. Salary increases of between 30 and 33 per cent will mean increases of more than PLN 1,500 gross on average.
As a result of the government's swift action, appointed and certified teachers will receive 30 per cent and beginning teachers 33 per cent increases.
In the case of certified teachers, the average salary will increase by PLN 2197.80 and will amount to PLN 9523.88 gross. For appointed teachers, the average salary will increase by PLN 1720.04 and will amount to PLN 7453.47 gross.
Novice teachers will receive a 33 per cent pay rise, which will increase the average salary by PLN 1576.71. After the increase, the average salary in this group will be PLN 6354.57 gross.
The increases will be paid, according to the regulations, no later than three months after the announcement of the Budget Act, with compensation as of 1 January 2024.
Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Science and Higher Education - two ministries from 1 January 2024
16 December 2023
On 1 January 2024, the Ministry of Education and Science will be divided into: Ministry of National Education and Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
Two regulations of the Council of Ministers have been published in the Official Journal: on the creation of the Ministry of National Education, and on the creation of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education.
New government is announcing changes in education
13 December 2023
Newly appointed Minister of Education Barbara Nowacka has announced her planned activities for the coming days and weeks including meetings with NGOs, an increase in teachers' salaries, and proposals to reduce homework.
The new Minister announced 30 per cent increase in teachers’ salaries - starting on 1 January 2024.
At the same time, Dariusz Wieczorek was appointed Minister of Science in Prime Minister Donald Tusk's government.
Changes to the teacher training standards and requirements for teaching qualifications
24 October 2023
On 1 October 2023, the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science amending the Regulation on the teacher training standards entered into force. It introduces amendments to the regulation of 25 July 2019, which applies to the training preparing for the profession of a subject teacher, a teacher of theoretical vocational subjects, a teacher of practical vocational training, a teacher trainer and a teacher psychologist.
This amendment makes the requirements for teacher training more consistent with the requirements for teacher qualifications set out in the recent Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science on specific qualifications required of teachers.
Persons employed as teachers have obtained higher education at different times, to different extents and under different regulations on the required qualifications, as well as different regulations on teacher training standards. Therefore, the new regulation on specific qualifications required for teachers provides for postgraduate studies as one of the requirements to become qualified for the profession.
The regulation on the teacher training standards has been amended to expand the range of arrangements for obtaining the qualifications required for the teaching profession as part of postgraduate studies.
Cyber Lessons 3.0
5 September 2023
Cyber Lessons 3.0 is a new edition of the educational project, which is being carried out in cooperation between the Ministry of Digitalisation and the Scientific and Academic Computer Network - National Research Institute (NASK-PIB). The project is aimed at primary and secondary school teachers and aims to support teaching about safe use of the Internet and provide ready-to-use teaching tools for classes.
Cyber Lessons are 18 lesson scenarios based on materials developed by experts from NASK-PIB, an institute which has been dealing with issues of network and ICT system security for many years. In the new version of the project, all scenarios have been adapted to a single, coherent teaching methodology - the PBL (Problem-Based Learning).
Cyber Lessons 3.0 covers topic areas such as:
- Internet search methods, Internet security and privacy,
- relationships and online image and identity,
- online threats, dangerous and harmful content,
- secure data management, respect of copyright,
- abuse of new technologies and psychological well-being.
Each thematic area has been adapted to the requirements of the core curriculum and the needs of pupils/students at different stages of education. The project offers: 2 scenarios for classes I-III, 3 scenarios for classes IV-VI, 4 scenarios for classes VII-VIII and 9 scenarios for secondary school classes.
The project also produced additional teaching materials such as:
- infographics
- multimedia presentations
- animations and films with the participation of experts.
All scenarios and additional materials of the Cyber Lessons 3.0 project are available on the Integrated Education Platform and in the CyberEdukacja tab on the gov.pl portal.
Virtual Labs of the Future in every upper secondary school
30 August 2023
The "Laboratories of the Future" programme will be extended to upper secondary schools. To date, PLN 1.2 billion has been allocated for this type of investment in modern education. It has enabled more than 3.2 million pupils in more than 15,000 primary schools to use 3D printers, microcontrollers, modern soldering irons, recording equipment, VR goggles, robots, technical tools, microscopes, telescopes, cooking equipment and many other modern teaching aids.
In the new school year 2023/24, the programme will be launched in upper secondary schools. The "Virtual Laboratories of the Future" pilot project is currently underway. It will soon provide upper secondary school students with access to state-of-the-art professional software and high computing power.
Virtual Laboratories of the Future offer:
- free access to the latest professional software,
- large computing capacities for educational use,
- individual space for each student and teacher.
Development of digital competences of pupils and teachers
23 August 2023
Based on the initiative commenced in 2022 free laptops will reach 290,000 64 pupils from 50 regions where tenders have been awarded, some of them even in September. The laptops will be given to all fourth-grade pupils in public and non-public schools, but also to pupils who have individual teaching, i.e. for health reasons they cannot attend school regularly, as well as exceptionally gifted pupils who have an individual course of study.
In October, the 'Laptop for Teacher' programme will be launched, under which teachers will receive vouchers worth PLN 2,500 to purchase laptops - they will be able to buy any equipment meeting the requirements described in the regulation of the Minister of Education and Science. Those interested will also have the opportunity to pay extra for a more expensive model of equipment - in this case, the value of the voucher will reduce the purchase price.
The use of modern equipment will enable teachers to implement the core curriculum more effectively, add variety to their lessons, broaden their knowledge and develop their digital competence.
Explore Polish Traces in Europe
22 June 2023
The new project "Explore Polish Traces in Europe" will allow Polish students to learn about the monuments of Polish culture and the activities of prominent Poles in Europe. The call for applications starts on 26 June.
The aim of the "Explore Polish Traces in Europe" activity is to support the bodies that run public and non-public secondary schools by subsidising foreign trips, thanks to which secondary school pupils will learn about monuments of Polish culture in Europe and discover the scientific achievements of eminent Poles outside Poland.
When planning a trip, pupils and teachers can choose from 326 places on the map of Europe created in cooperation with the National Institute of Polish Cultural Heritage Abroad POLONICA.
Within the project, trips lasting between 3 and 5 days are co-financed at a rate of 80%. A trip may be organised with a minimum of 20 pupils.
Funding for excursions may be applied for by the governing bodies of public and non-public secondary schools (general secondary schools, technical schools, sectoral vocational schools, special schools) for young people as well as art schools providing general secondary education.
A total of PLN 5 million is earmarked to finance the project in 2023.
Regulation on certificates, state diplomas and other prints signed
7 June 2023
On 7 June, the Minister of Education and Science signed a new regulation on certificates, diplomas and other official documents. It defines, among other things, specimens of promotional school certificates and school-leaving certificates, grade sheets, school ID cards, certificates, certificates, diplomas and certificates issued by district examination commissions and regulates the rules for filling in and issuing documents by schools, school boards and regional examination commissions.
Compared to the current regulation, the most important changes concern the templates for school promotion certificates, school-leaving certificates and evaluation sheets for primary and secondary schools. Entering the names of the subjects studied by the pupil will be part of the process related to filling in the certificates and mark sheets, which is the responsibility of the school and has already been done electronically in the vast majority of schools for many years.
When entering the names of school subjects, schools will take into account the order adopted in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 3 April 2019 on outline timetables for public schools for a given type of school.
The proposal to standardise the templates of school certificates and grade sheets is furthermore related to the changes that have been introduced in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 3 April 2019 on outline timetables for public schools, which stipulates the introduction of new subjects. These are:
- History and present day in secondary schools from the school year 2022/2023,
- Latin language in primary and secondary schools from the school year 2023/2024,
- Business and management (instead of Introduction to entrepreneurship) in secondary schools from the school year 2023/2024.
School ID cards
The regulation also no longer contains a paper model of the school and pre-school pass for children with disabilities. The plastic ID card and mSchool ID card will be mandatory.
Second edition of the "Education Support Programme"
1 June 2023
Creating interactive teaching aids and educational materials, building intergenerational integration, supporting the study of the Polish language abroad, organising extracurricular activities, sports and leisure events, competitions or exhibitions are just some of the types of projects that can receive funding in the second edition of the "Education Support Programme".
"Education Support Programme aims to support non-governmental organisations, including scout organisations, as well as other entities carrying out statutory activities in the field of education and care. They will be able to receive funding for the implementation of projects related to innovation in education, building intergenerational integration, popularisation of sport and physical activity or patriotic activities.
The activities implemented under the programme must correspond to one of the four modules:
- "Innovative education",
- "Patriotic education",
- "Education through sport",
- "Intergenerational Education Centres - support for intergenerational integration".
An applicant may submit a maximum of two applications under the programme. These applications can be submitted under either one or two modules.
A grant of between PLN 20,000 and PLN 250,000 is available for each module. A financial contribution of 10 per cent is required.
Early retirement of teachers – the proposal is already in the Parliament
22 May 2023
The draft concerns, among other things, clarification and supplementation of the solutions concerning work evaluation and professional promotion of teachers, introduced by the Act of 5 August 2022 amending the Teachers' Charter.
Some of the amended provisions also regulate the rules of early retirement of teachers. Early retirement will be available to persons who meet all of the following conditions:
- began, before 1 January 1999, to actually perform work as a teacher, educator or other pedagogical employee referred to in Article 1, as defined on the date of commencement of work in that position,
- have a contribution period of at least 30 years, including at least 20 years of actual service as a teacher, educator or other educational employee,
- they shall not be entitled to retirement regardless of age.
The draft also stipulates when exactly each year group will be able to retire early:
- 1 September 2024 - teachers born before 1 September 1966,
- 1 September 2025 - teachers born after 31 August 1966 but before 1 September 1969,
- 1 September 2026 - teachers born after 31 August 1969.
"Investments in education" - Call for proposals
19 May 2023
From 18 May to 15 June, applications can be submitted for the 'Investment in Education' programme. In this edition, both local government and non-government schools can receive funding to support ongoing investments. The programme's budget for 2023-2024 is PLN 95 million.
"Investments in education"
The programme will provide grants to finance or co-finance the costs of implementing investments related to:
- facility construction,
- adaptation of the facility,
- purchase of equipment.
Planned funding for the programme:
- 2023 - PLN 30 million,
- in 2024 -PLN 35 million.
"Investments in education - support for ongoing investments carried out by local governments running educational settings"
Under the programme, local governments can receive a grant to subsidise the costs of implementing an investment related to building or adaptation of a facility and purchase of equipment.
Planned funding for the programme:
- in 2023 - PLN 15 million,
- in 2024 -PLN 15 million.
Proposals - changes to teachers' working hours and the location of teaching sites
12 April 2023
Due to the increased staff and accommodation needs that are associated with the accumulation of the students cohorts in the 2023/2024 school year in secondary schools, preparations are underway for amendments to the Teachers' Charter and the Law on School Education.
It is planned to add a temporarily binding provision to the Teacher's Charter, providing for the possibility of assigning, in the school year 2023/2024, to a teacher employed in a general secondary school, a technical school and an sectoral vocational school, with the consent of that teacher, more overtime hours than specified in Article 35(1) of the Teacher's Charter. This solution is in line with the expectations of local authorities presented in the framework of the work of the Joint Commission of the Government and Local Authorities.
On the other hand, the Act on School Education is to create organisational opportunities to ensure optimal conditions for the implementation of the core curriculum in general secondary schools, technical secondary schools and sectoral vocational schools by allowing establishment of additional locations for teaching and care, temporarily operating in the school year 2023/2024, subordinated organisationally to the schools run by the local authorities. An additional location should not, however, be understood as another location of teaching and caring activities referred to in Article 39(7a) of the Act on School Education, as this applies to all types of schools and is not limited by the defined timeframe.
Bearing in mind that in the school year 2024/2025 the number of secondary school pupils will be at a comparable level to the number of such pupils in the school year 2021/2022, it is planned to introduce the proposed solutions only for the school year 2023/2024.
"Active whiteboard" - 2023 edition
29 March 2023
The next edition of the government's 'Active Whiteboard' programme, which aims to develop school infrastructure and the competences of students and teachers in the field of information and communication technologies, is being launched.
Financial support under the 2023 programme will be provided to:
- primary schools that did not receive financial support in the previous 2017-2019 edition of the programme;
- secondary schools;
- schools educating blind pupils;
- schools educating students with special educational needs, including those with disabilities, special education centres and schools that did not benefit from the programme in 2020, 2021 and 2022.
The programme applies to both public and non-public schools.
The planned total cost of the programme's implementation is PLN 361 million 455,000, of which PLN 290 million will come from the state budget, while the own contribution of leading bodies that are local government units, legal persons other than local government units or natural persons will be PLN 71 million 455,000. For the implementation of the programme in 2023, PLN 60 million has been allocated from the state budget. The programme is financed in 80 per cent from the state budget and in 20 per cent from the own contribution of the bodies running the schools.
Changes to the physical education core curriculum
23 February 2023
A draft amendment to the physical education core curriculum has been submitted for public consultation. The proposed changes include the introduction of fitness tests for pupils in classes IV-VIII of primary school and in secondary schools, and the entry of their results into the "Sport Talents" ICT system. The changes will take effect from the 2023/2024 school year.
Changes include amendments to the core curriculum for general education in the field of physical education - in the part "Conditions and manner of implementation" - an obligation to conduct fitness tests of students of individual classes once during the school year (in the period from March to April) and to enter the results of these tests into the "Sport Talents" ICT system. The system is operated by the minister responsible for physical culture.
Access to the Sport Talents ICT system will be open via each physical education teacher's individual account. It will be administered by a designated person in a given school. Administrator accounts in schools will be set up by a system operator indicated by the minister responsible for physical culture. The school's designated administrator will create accounts for individual physical education teachers in the institution.
The results of the tests carried out will not affect a pupil's grade in physical education.
With data covering the entire student population, the relevant public institutions will be able to gain knowledge of specific physical activity deficits of children and young people. This will make it possible to develop optimal, targeted measures in this area.
The Sport Talents ICT system will also serve to identify sporting talents among pupils.
Purchase of laptops for schools
14 December 2022
The Ministry of Education and Science has published a document entitled Framework defining the procedures for the distribution of ICT equipment and the provision of infrastructure to schools by the Government and Ministry of Education and Science (laptops), which contains basic information on the procedure for the provision of computers to primary and secondary school teachers and pupils in the fourth grades of primary schools.
The computers are scheduled to be handed over by the end of Q3 2023.
By the end of Q3 2023, it is planned to deliver laptops to 465,000 primary and secondary school teachers and 365,000 students who will start fourth grade of primary school in September 2023. In turn, 370,000 computers are planned to be delivered in the third quarter of 2024 to a further cohort of pupils who will start fourth year of primary school in September 2024.
Comments on this procedure are being collected until 21 December 2022.
Funds for the development of educational infrastructure
14 November 2022
As part of the two editions of the Government's Polish Deal Fund - Strategic Investment Programme, a total of PLN 5.2 billion has been allocated to local authorities across Poland. These are funds earmarked for, among others, the construction of kindergartens, playgrounds, sports halls, the reconstruction and modernisation of schools, and the development of a care system for young children and pupils. Support was also extended to non-governmental establishments and organisations supporting educational activities. They received PLN 140 million under the programmes by the Minister of Education and Science.
Under the first edition of the programme, local governments received nearly PLN 2 billion. Under the second edition of the 'Polish Deal', the government allocated PLN 3.2 billion for educational investments. This is nearly 7 per cent of all investments made.
Under Minister of Education and Science programmes 'Investment in Education' and 'Development of the Infrastructural Potential of Institutions Supporting the Education System', support was provided to non-governmental organisations and bodies that carry out statutory activities in the field of education. In total, they received PLN 140 million.
Proposed changes to the school core curriculum
25 October 2022
- amending the core curriculum for the subject of technology (grades IV-VI of primary school) (among other things, extending the teaching content related to communication education, also in connection with the emerging new means of personal transport used by pupils);
- definition of a core curriculum for the subject of Latin (this language can be taught as a second foreign language from grade VII of primary school);
- supplementing the core curriculum of the Polish language for upper secondary and technical schools with games of educational value;
- replacing the core curriculum for the subject of entrepreneurship in secondary schools with a core curriculum for the subject of business and management - basic scope, and defining a core curriculum for the subject of business and management - extended scope.
Amendments to three regulations are planned as follows:
- on the core curriculum for preschool education and the core curriculum for general education in primary schools, including for pupils with a moderate and severe intellectual disability, and for general education in stage I sectoral vocational schools, general education in special schools preparing for employment, and general education in post-secondary schools,
- on the core curriculum for general education in general secondary schools, technical schools and stage II sectoral vocational schools,
- on the outline timetables for public schools.
The planned changes will be implemented from the 2023/2024 school year.
Health related projects
19 October 2022
"Healthy Life"
"Healthy Life" is a joint venture of the Ministry of Health, the Ministry of National Assets, the National Health Fund and PZU (National Insurance Agency), under the patronage of the Presidential Couple. The Ministry of Education and Science has joined the programme and will be involved in the implementation of the education and information campaign. The main objective of the undertaking is to promote a healthy lifestyle and popularise preventive healthcare.
The main objectives of the project include:
- building awareness and promoting preventive health care through a nationwide educational and health campaign,
- conducting free, specialised examinations and consultations in mobile health zones,
- increasing the availability of digital services in health care,
- support and assistance in taking care of health, especially after a pandemic.
The organisers of the Healthy Life programme have planned to organise an information campaign and mobile health zones. Patients will be able to perform basic diagnostic tests and take part in consultations.
The Ministry of Education and Science will join in the implementation of an education and information campaign popularising healthy lifestyles and health prevention, and will support the Office of the President of the Republic of Poland in projects aimed at children and young people. The Ministry will also conduct an information campaign on the Junior-Edu-Nutrition (PL abbreviation: JEŻ) research and implementation programme.
"Healthy kids are us!"
For pupils in primary school grades I to III, the Ministry of Health is launching the "Healthy kids are us"! programme. The programme includes provision of educational materials about healthy eating habits, the impact of exercise on health, sleep or vaccinations. They have an attractive graphic design for children and include, among others, cross-outs, drawings, word puzzles and quizzes. Teachers, in turn, will receive ready-made lesson plans.
The materials were prepared by experts from the National Centre for Nutrition Education and the National Institute of Public Health in cooperation with the Ministry of Education and Science and methodologists from the Centre for Education Development. The project is under the patronage of the Minister of Education and Science. The materials will be available on the Integrated Education Platform.
Autumn edition of "Explore Poland" - over PLN 47 million to subsidise school trips
4 October 2022
The aim of the 'Explore Poland' programme is to make the educational process more attractive and enable young people to learn about Poland, its natural environment, traditions, cultural and historical monuments and the achievements of Polish science. The initiative allows for the practical acquisition of knowledge - discovering traces of history and experimenting.
In the school year 2021/22, the programme enjoyed great interest. Over 460,000 pupils benefited from it. During 11,000 educational excursions, they discovered the country's natural, historical and cultural wealth. In the autumn edition of the 'Explore Poland' programme, nearly 5,700 school trips were subsidised.
In 2022/23 the Ministry of Education and Science will allocate more than PLN 47 million for this purpose.
Under the initiative, 5,699 school trips will receive funding. The total amount of support will be PLN 47,016,692.97.
New position in mainstream and inclusive pre-schools and schools - special education teacher
2 August 2022
Starting on 1 September 2022, the implementation of the first stage of standardisation of the employment of, among others, special education teachers in pre-schools and schools will begin. In connection with these changes, the qualification requirements for this group of teachers have been specified. The proposed changes are included in the draft amendment to the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 1 August 2017 on detailed qualifications required of teachers (Journal of Laws of 2020, item 1289).
Under the proposed changes, the position of special education teacher in mainstream and integrated preschools and schools will be open to teachers with:
- a uniform master's degree in special education, or
- a uniform master's degree or first- or second-cycle studies in special pedagogy, or
- a uniform master's degree or first- or second-cycle studies in pedagogy and a completed qualification course or postgraduate studies in special pedagogy or in inclusive education.
Until 31 August 2026, the position of special education teacher will also be open to a person who:
- is qualified to occupy the position of a teacher in pre-school and classes I-III of primary school and, in addition, has completed postgraduate studies in the field of early support of child development - this applies to mainstream and integrated pre-schools,
- is qualified to work in pre-schools, mainstream and integrated schools as specified by regulations, and has completed a qualification course or post-graduate studies in special pedagogy.
The draft amendment to the regulation also changes the qualification requirements for teachers of pre-schools, schools and special branches organised in therapeutic institutions (e.g. hospitals). This group of teachers will not be required to have qualifications in therapeutic or medical pedagogy.
Changes to safety education in primary and secondary schools
1 August 2022
New teaching content in the subject of Education for Safety are the most important changes in the draft regulations of the Minister of Education and Science submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements.
Draft regulations of the Minister of Education and Science amending the regulations on the core curriculum of general education have been submitted for public consultation and inter-ministerial arrangements.
Safety education - proposed changes
The subject of Education for Safety is compulsorily implemented in class VIII of primary school and in class I of secondary schools (general secondary school, technical secondary school and Stage I sectoral vocational school) to the extent of 1 hour per week. Current challenges and threats require supplementing the educational objectives and content with issues related to national defence, the acquisition of shooting skills and preparing pupils to deal with threats caused by warfare.
The designed changes to the safety education core curriculum were prepared taking into account the current number of hours taught in this subject and assuming maximum use of the content of the existing core curriculum, e.g. first aid or emergency response.
Additional areas of action in various emergency situations, including crisis and war, were then identified.
1. response to the threat of warfare (so-called survival, including places of refuge),
2. principles of first aid in the event of a threat with conventional weapons,
3. defence education including:
- for primary school - requirements in the areas of: terrain awareness, cyber security with a military dimension, preparation for shooting training;
- for secondary schools, requirements in the areas of: warfare response, cyber security with a military dimension, shooting training.
In the case of shooting training at primary school level, the draft proposes only the theory of safe gun handling. In secondary schools, on the other hand, it will include the basics of shooting with a practical part conducted with the use of safe tools for shooting practice, such as e.g. pellet guns, air guns, replica small arms (ASG), virtual or laser shooting ranges.
The detailed scope of the changes to the safety education core curriculum is discussed in the justifications of the projects. The drafts were prepared in cooperation and consultation with the Ministry of National Defence.
It is proposed that the revised core curriculum for safety education will already apply from the coming school year (2022/2023). For secondary schools located in areas where there is no access to the types of shooting ranges mentioned above, the implementation of this requirement will be compulsory from the 2024/2025 school year. Until then, schools can conduct classes in this area as and when opportunities are available and expanding each year, including through the 'Shooting range in the county' programme implemented by the Ministry of Defence since 2019.
The regulations have been signed on 1 August 2022 and will come into force starting in the school year 2022/23.
Organising and delivering classes using distance learning methods and techniques - draft regulation for consultation
27 July 2022
The proposed regulation on the organisation and conduct of classes using distance learning methods and techniques implements the provisions of Article 125a, paragraph 6 of the Act of 14 December 2016. – Law on School Education and results from the need to regulate the detailed conditions for organising and conducting classes in a remote form in a situation when classes cannot be conducted on the premises of a school/school due to:
- threats to pupils' safety in connection with the organisation and conduct of national or international events,
- unsuitable temperature outside or in the premises where pupils are taught,
- epidemiological situation or other extraordinary event threatening the safety or health of pupils.
The draft stipulates that the suspension of classes conducted on site (at school premises) takes place in the cases and in the way specified in the regulations on safety and hygiene in public and non-public schools and institutions, i.e. in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education and Sport of 31 December 2002 on safety and hygiene in public and non-public schools and institutions (Official Journal of 2020, item 1604) and in the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 28 August 2017 on types of other forms of pre-school education, conditions for establishing and organisation of such forms and their functioning (Official Journal of 2020, item 1520).
The proposed solutions will ensure continuity of the educational process by allowing students to participate in classes when it is not possible to conduct them on site due to the occurrence of the listed circumstances threatening the health or life of the students.
The proposed regulation does not imply the introduction of remote learning, i.e. using distance learning methods and techniques, from 1 September 2022. The new school year 2022/2023 will start in schools, kindergartens and institutions with classroom-based learning.
Programme "Investments in education" - PLN 100 million for investments in schools and non-governmental institutions
25 July 2022
The new programme of the Minister of Education and Science is aimed at making investments in non-self-government schools and establishments. Support in the form of a targeted grant can be received by entities which are not units of the public finance sector. The call for applications for the programme runs until 31 October this year. The programme budget amounts to PLN 100 million.
The 'Investments in Education' programme enables non-governmental organisations, associations and other entities running schools and educational establishments to obtain funds for the renovation and development of educational infrastructure.
Entities that are not units of the public finance sector can apply for support in the form of a targeted grant. Funds from the programme will help adapt educational infrastructure to the needs of the education process.
Education Support Programme
12 July 2022
Creating interactive teaching aids and educational materials, organising extracurricular activities, sports and recreational events, competitions, exhibitions and conferences are just some of the projects that can receive funding under the 'Education Support Programme'. This new initiative of the Ministry of Education and Science aims at non-governmental organisations, including scout organisations, which carry out their activities in the field of education and upbringing. The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate PLN 10 million for the implementation of the programme until the end of the year.
Programme’s main aims:
- to promote patriotic upbringing,
- to involve pupils in active participation in the life of the family, school, local and national community,
- forming in pupils a sense of self-dignity and respect for the dignity of others,
- supporting the educational system through the use of new technologies and innovative educational solutions,
- strengthening the sense of individual, cultural, national, regional and ethnic identity,
- awakening cognitive curiosity,
- promoting a healthy lifestyle and physical activity,
- shaping work discipline, determination, perseverance, consistency,
- developing creativity, innovation and entrepreneurship.
The programme covers the funding of projects (90 per cent grant, 10 per cent own financial contribution) for the following activities:
- creation of interactive teaching aids and innovative educational materials,
- organising extracurricular and out-of-school activities, including those that develop social activity and encourage active leisure,
- organising school sports competition,
- organising events, including: competitions, exhibitions, presentations, workshops, lectures, sports and recreational events, seminars, conferences, rallies,
- carrying out other projects in support of kindergartens, schools, educational settings, lifelong learning centres, art establishments, psychological and pedagogical counselling centres.
Programme modules
The activities implemented under the programme must correspond to one of the three modules.
Module 1 - "Innovative education".
- Developing students' skills in the efficient use of information and communication technologies,
- Developing in students and teachers an openness to new technologies through the use of innovative educational materials and interactive teaching aids,
- shaping in students attitudes of entrepreneurship and creativity, which will foster active participation in social and economic life,
- dissemination among children and young people of knowledge on safety and shaping appropriate attitudes towards threats, including those related to the use of information and communication technologies,
- creating conditions for the development of pupils' interests and talents, in particular in the area of new technologies.
Module 2 - "Patriotic education".
- Discovering, documenting and disseminating knowledge of Polish history in accordance with the content of the history subject curriculum,
- maintenance and dissemination of national traditions, cultivation of Polish identity, development of national, civic and cultural awareness, including the demonstration and implementation of universal values related to patriotic attitudes,
- support the educational role of the family in accordance with the curriculum content concerning knowledge of human sexual life, the principles of conscious and responsible parenthood, the value of the family, life in the prenatal phase, and methods and means of conscious procreation included in the core curriculum for general education, implemented within the educational classes "Education for living in the family".
Module 3 - Education through Sport
- Popularisation and dissemination of the idea of education through sport,
- Popularisation and dissemination of an active lifestyle and active leisure activities among pupils, including popularisation of various sports disciplines,
- shaping positive role models by using the didactic function of sport,
- disseminating knowledge among children and young people about the principles of rational nutrition and counteracting food waste.
Within the individual modules, financial support can be obtained in the amount of:
- "Innovative education" - from PLN 50 thousand to PLN 250 thousand;
- "Patriotic education" - from PLN 20 thousand to PLN 250 thousand;
- 'Education through sport' - from PLN 20,000 to PLN 250,000.
Key aims for the state educational policy in the school year 2022/2023
8 July 2022
Key aims for the state educational policy:
- Education aimed at the achievement of human maturity through the formation of attitudes oriented towards truth, goodness and beauty, enabling responsible decision-making.
- Supporting the educational role of the family through appropriate organisation and implementation of educational classes preparing pupils for life in the family. Protecting and strengthening the mental health of children and young people.
- Offering wide access to the canon and principles of classical education and drawing on the heritage of European civilisation, e.g. by enabling the learning of Latin from primary school onwards.
- Improvement of teachers' competences for working with students coming from abroad, in particular from Ukraine, adequate to the needs and competences of teachers of new subjects introduced to the core curriculum.
- Supporting education in secondary schools in connection with the new format of the matriculation examination from 2023.
- Improvement of the vocational education system in cooperation with employers - implementation of the Integrated Skills Strategy 2030.
- Development of teachers' methodological skills in the correct and effective use of information and communication technologies in educational processes. Supporting information and media education, in particular the formation of a critical approach to content published on the Internet and social media.
- Supporting teachers and other members of the school community in developing pupils' basic and transversal skills, in particular using the teaching aids purchased under the "Laboratories of the Future" programme.
- Improving the quality of education and the availability and quality of support provided to children and pupils in mainstream and inclusive pre-schools and schools.
Fewer promotion grades and higher salaries for teachers
23 June 2022
The number of professional promotion grades will be reduced and teachers in their first years of work will earn more - the Polish Parliament decided when it passed an amendment to the Teachers' Charter Act.
Two levels of teachers' professional advancement will be eliminated: trainee teacher and contract teacher. After their abolition in the system - instead of four degrees of professional promotion there will be three: novice teacher, appointed teacher and chartered teacher.
The rules for the teacher's employment will also change. For the first two years, he or she will be employed under a fixed-term employment contract. Thereafter, he or she will be able to be employed on the basis of an indefinite-term contract.
The amendment also introduces changes concerning the so-called average remuneration of teachers. According to it, the average remuneration of a teacher without a professional promotion rank is to amount to 120 per cent of the base amount, determined for teachers annually in the Budget Act.
Changes to the professional promotion of teachers
According to the amendment, the number of degrees of professional promotion will be reduced. Two degrees of professional promotion of teachers will be eliminated: trainee teacher and contract teacher. After their abolition in the system - instead of four degrees of professional promotion there will be: a novice teacher (without a professional promotion degree) and - as at present - an appointed teacher and a chartered teacher.
Formally, the rank of appointed teacher will become the first step of promotion, which a young teacher will be able to apply for after four years of service. During this period, for 3 years and 9 months, the young teacher will follow not an induction period but "preparation for the profession".
In connection with the introduction of the “preparation for the teaching profession” period, the rules for the teacher's employment relationship will change. For the first two years, he or she will be employed under a fixed-term employment contract.
After having worked at the school for at least two years and having obtained at least a good performance appraisal, the teacher will be employed on the basis of an indefinite-term contract. A teacher who does not obtain the rank of appointed teacher within six years of the start of his/her training will be able to be employed on the basis of a fixed-term employment contract for one school year. In some cases such a contract can be concluded more than once.
Teachers' average salaries go up
The amendment also introduces changes concerning the so-called average remuneration of teachers. According to it, the average remuneration of a teacher without a professional promotion rank is to amount to 120 per cent of the base amount determined for teachers annually in the Budget Act.
Currently, the average remuneration for teachers is 100 per cent of the basic amount for a trainee teacher and 111 per cent of the basic amount for a contract teacher. The average remuneration for appointed and chartered teachers is to remain unchanged. As before, it is to be 144 per cent of the base amount for an appointed teacher and 184 per cent of the base amount for a chartered teacher.
The amendment also stipulates that, within the 40-hour working week, a teacher will be required to be "available at school for one hour per week", during which time he or she "shall, as appropriate, provide consultation to pupils or their parents".
In the case of a teacher employed at less than half of compulsory teaching time, he or she will be required to be available for an hour within two weeks. As stated in the explanatory memorandum to the draft, the aim is to "guarantee pupils and their parents the possibility to consult the teacher."
Digital school of the future - launch of consultation on the edukacja.gov.pl portal
9 June 2022
Services and tools related to education and learning in one place - this is the basic premise of the new portal edukacja.gov.pl.
The portal was created to provide members of the educational community - regardless of whether they are starting education, teaching others or running a school - with access to all services and tools which can be useful in their studies and work. Thanks to the edukacja.gov.pl website, everyone will have access to information necessary to choose a school or university and will be able to remotely fill in an application form or check recruitment results online.
The portal will unify the tools and processes already provided by public institutions and provide new ones. Various educational documents will be collected in an individual account. It will be possible to make them available to others, for example during recruitment. Schools and governing bodies will also benefit from the digitalisation of processes - education management will become faster and more convenient.
New functionalities of edukacja.gov.pl will be expanded successively. The portal's formula and functionalities will be developed in the course of consultations.
All members of the education and research community - pupils, students, parents, teachers, tutors, school leaders - are invited to take part in the consultation. The consultation will take place in two stages.
There is a special form on the edukacja.gov.pl website, which allows the user to submit proposals for the portal's functionality and expectations. Filling it in will take the user only a few minutes. In case of any doubts, the portal team will contact the authors of the proposals. In parallel, the team will also conduct in-depth interviews to best reflect user expectations - all in line with best user experience practices.
The consultation does not have a deadline, but suggestions made earlier will be taken into account more quickly.
PE with Warsaw Academy of Physical Education (AWF) - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic" - 2nd edition of the Ministry of Education and Science and AWF programme
10 February 2022
In 2022, the programme "PE with AWF - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic" will be continued with funding of over PLN 36 million.
The results of the first edition of the joint project of the Ministry of Education and Science and the Warsaw Academy of Physical Education "PE with AWF" include almost 120 thousand pupils taking part in additional sports activities and over 31 thousand trained teachers, almost 9 thousand Sport Clubs all over Poland and 180 thousand hours of physical activities for children and young people after a long period of distance learning.
The project included two stages: I - Active return to school, II - Sport Clubs. Specialists from the Warsaw AWF, in cooperation with physical education academies from other cities, trained physical education teachers from primary and secondary schools and early childhood education settings.
A total of 51,000 teachers have registered for the programme, of whom more than 31,000 physical education and early childhood education teachers have so far completed the training and received the certificate. The remaining registered teachers will be able to take part in the second edition of the programme.
So far 350 training courses have been conducted in nine physical education academy centres. The courses have consisted of theoretical lectures on health and psychological aspects and practical classes conducted by specialists from the physical education academies.
As part of the second stage of the programme "PE with AWF - Active return of pupils to school after the pandemic", 8.7 thousand Sports Clubs were established, in which over 180 thousand hours of classes were conducted for almost 120 thousand pupils. Many of them were pupils in grades 1-3 from primary schools in rural areas (39%). Children with disabilities also participated in the programme.
"National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030" - tender procedure of the Ministry of Health
9 February 2022
As part of the implementation of the programme "National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030" The Ministry of Health announced a tender procedure "Preparation of materials for pupils and teachers and implementing a pilot as part of educational activities for cancer prevention and the formation of pro-health attitudes in the field of school health education and the promotion of healthy lifestyles and the implementation of the Educational Programme for Health in Schools".
The subject of the contract related to the implementation of the Educational Health Programme in schools is a service which includes:
- Development of a concept of teaching in the field of health education and promotion of healthy lifestyle to be implemented in schools within the framework of health classes for pupils of primary schools in grades 4-8 and students of secondary schools,
- Design and production of a set of educational materials (publications, handouts and lesson plans for teachers, teachers' guide) and teaching aids for pupils and teachers, and a guide for parents,
- Carry out a health education pilot with the use of developed educational materials and teaching aids, prepare a report summarising its results with recommendations for the implementation of health education in schools and implement the results of the pilot in the selected educational materials and teaching aids,
- Update the methodological guide for teachers "School promoting the recommendations of the European Code Against Cancer".
The Ministry of Health, which cooperates with the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Sport in this regard, is responsible for the implementation of tasks under the programme "National Oncology Strategy for 2020-2030".
PLN 180 million for additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support
8 February 2022
From 1 March this year, specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support will be implemented in schools during additional hours. The Ministry of Education and Science will allocate 180 million PLN for this purpose. This amount will allow to realize about 3 million additional hours of classes for pupils. Funds in the educational part of the general subvention for psychological and pedagogical support for 2022 will be increased by 31%. The distribution of funds will be maximally simplified. Support will include the organisation of corrective-compensatory classes, speech therapy, classes developing emotional and social competences, and other classes of a therapeutic nature.
Funds for the organisation of psychological and pedagogical support in 2022
In 2022, funds in the amount of PLN 700 million have been secured for the organisation of psychological and pedagogical support, including:
- PLN 180 million for additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support - measures planned from 1 March this year
- PLN 520 million for the first stage of standardisation of employment of psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, pedagogical therapists and special educators from September 2022 - funds available starting on 1 September 2022.
Additional psychological and pedagogical assistance
From 1 March 2022 public and non-public primary schools, secondary schools and art schools providing general education in the scope of primary school and general secondary school will be able to provide additional hours of specialist psychological and pedagogical assistance. Support will include organization of corrective-compensatory lessons, speech therapy, developing emotional and social competences and other therapeutic activities for pupils, in whom the need for psychological and pedagogical support has been identified.
The classes will be conducted by teachers: psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, vocational counsellors and pedagogical therapists. Depending on the needs of pupils, they can also be conducted by other specialists.
Detailed issues in this regard will be regulated in the provisions of the Regulation of the Minister of Education and Science amending the regulation on specific solutions in the period of temporary limitation of functioning of units of the educational system in connection with preventing, counteracting and combating COVID-19.
Organisation of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support
By 21 February 2022 the school heads will provide the local authority with information on the number of hours of additional specialist classes planned at a given school.
The classes can be conducted from 1st March this year, but it is the school - according to its needs and possibilities - that will decide when they should begin. The classes should be completed by 20 December 2022.
Additional specialist classes will be organised according to the identified needs of pupils, including those starting education in the school year 2022/2023.
Division of funds for additional specialist classes
Financing of additional specialist classes in the area of psychological and pedagogical support will be realized from the reserve of the educational part of the general subvention, which will be increased for this purpose by the amount of PLN 180 million. The distribution of funds among local authorities will take place in accordance with the criteria for the distribution of the reserve for 2022.
The distribution of funds will be maximally simplified and will be implemented by Ministry on the basis of the number of pupils in schools as on 30 September 2021. The funds will be transferred to the accounts of local authorities by the Ministry of Finance. The transfer of funds should take place before the start date of classes.
Financial support for the organisation of additional specialist classes for pupils of non-public and public schools, which are not run by local authorities and for pupils of schools run by natural and legal persons registered by the minister responsible for culture will be provided in the form of a targeted grant.
Amount of support
Throughout the country, the amount of 180 million PLN allocated to this task will make it possible to provide approximately 3 million additional hours of classes for pupils. Thus, the funds in the educational part of the general subvention for psychological and pedagogical support for 2022 will be increased by 31%.
The estimated number of hours of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support will be:
- in a school with 100 pupils - 63 additional teaching hours,
- in a school with 200 pupils - 127 additional teaching hours,
- in a school with 300 pupils - 191 additional teaching hours,
- in a school with 400 pupils - 255 additional teaching hours,
- in a school with 500 pupils - 319 additional teaching hours,
- in a school with 600 pupils - 383 additional teaching hours.
First stage of standardisation of employment of specialists
From 1 September 2022, the implementation of the first stage of standardisation of employment of psychologists, pedagogues, speech therapists, educational therapists and special educators in pre-schools and schools will begin. Solutions in this area will be introduced gradually, until 1 September 2024.
The scope of specialist staff employment will depend on the number of pupils in the pre-school/school.
Detailed timetable for the introduction of additional specialist classes in psychological and pedagogical support:
- by 21 February 2022 – school heads will submit to the local authority, respectively, information on the number of hours of additional specialist classes planned at a given school or an application for a special purpose grant for financing the organisation of additional specialist classes,
- by the end of February 2022 - the distribution of funds will be carried out by the Ministry of Education and Science and forwarded to the Ministry of Finance. The funds should reach the accounts of local authorities before the commencement of classes,
- from 1 March to 20 December 2022 - implementation of additional specialist classes.
"Laboratories of the Future" - expanding the programme and increasing financial support to schools
4 February 2022
"Laboratories of the Future" is an initiative implemented by the Ministry of Education and Science in cooperation with the Chancellery of the Prime Minister GovTech Centre. As part of the programme, 99% of public primary schools will receive funding for the purchase of modern equipment to develop future competencies, including 3D printers, microcontrollers or recording equipment. Schools can choose equipment from a catalogue of 177 items.
The Minister of Education and Science announced the development of the programme and the inclusion of non-public schools, including Polish schools abroad, and secondary schools in the programme's financial support.
The equipment, which will be distributed to schools, will support the discovery of talents and the development of passions of young people in the areas that interest them. Thanks to modern equipment, pupils will be able to conduct scientific experiments, acquire new competencies and skills that will be important in subsequent stages of education and will help them choose their career paths.
Remote learning up to the end of the winter holidays
26 January 2022
From 27 January 2022 to 27 February 2022, primary school pupils in classes V-VIII and secondary school pupils will take part in remote classes. Continuing education institutions and vocational training centres will also work online. Pupils in primary school in classes I-IV and in pre-primary schools and classes will continue to attend lessons/activities on site.
Legal basis (text in Polish).
Business and management – new subject in Polish schools (starting in September 2023)
20 January 2022
The Ministry of Education and Science plans to introduce a new subject in schools from 1 September 2023. New subject is called Business and management, which starting in 2027 students will be able to choose as an additional subject at extended level in the matriculation (Matura) examination.
The subject will implement and extend the assumptions of the current subject Introduction to Entrepreneurship. It is planned that the current number of hours of obligatory classes for students of secondary schools will be maintained. Business and management will replace the current Introduction to entrepreneurship. In addition to the requirements for the basic level, the core curriculum will also specify the requirements for the extended level, so that students (who wish to do so) may take the Matura exam in Business and management as an additional subject at the extended level. This exam will be held for the first time in 2027.
The introduction of a new Matura subject is a response to the needs and demands made by business and academic circles, as well as the Council for Financial Education and the President's Council for Entrepreneurship.
Introduction of Business and management (BM) teaching at extended level will make it possible for the new subject to include additional contents apart from such issues as personal finance, labour market or economic system, which are already present in the core curriculum of the Introduction to Entrepreneurship. Particular emphasis within BM will be placed on working in groups, analysing practical examples of the experience of Polish and foreign entrepreneurs and developing leadership competences. These are elements present in all business studies, including MBA-type programmes.
The catalogue of teaching materials will be extended by introducing new technologies and digital tools to serve students, teachers and other members of the school community.
Consultations on the core curriculum for the new subject have been already launched. Representatives of business, sector organisations and experts-practitioners have been invited to participate in the work related to the preparation of the Business and management core curriculum. The main assumption of the new subject is to give it a practical dimension and to adapt the topics to the expectations of the labour market and the needs of universities.
Consultations take place online.