Types of institutions
Post-secondary non-tertiary education is considered part of secondary (post-primary) education in the Polish classification, but it is classified at Level 4 in ISCED and in the Polish Qualifications Framework (Article 8 of the Act of 22 December 2015 on the Integrated Qualifications System / ustawa dnia 22 grudnia 205 r. o Zintegrowanym Systemie Kwalifikacji).
Post-secondary schools enable pupils who have completed general (upper) secondary education to obtain a vocational diploma upon passing vocational exams. They are administered by central government bodies, local government units, non-governmental and civic organisations, religious organisations, associations and natural persons.
Post-secondary schools offer programmes of up to 2.5 years.
Most post-secondary schools are non-public.
The broadly defined post-secondary non-tertiary education sector also includes 3-year colleges of social work (4 colleges in total, with 69 learners, in 2022/2023).
Geographical accessibility
Post-secondary schools, which take adult learners, are, by definition, distributed unevenly across the country. Most of them are located in cities or towns. To improve accessibility, some schools offer boarding services (so-called learners’ homes). In recent years, some schools have also introduced, where this is possible, distance learning in some areas of study.
In the school year 2022/2023, the number of post-secondary schools decreased by around 5.2% compared to the previous year. In the reference period, there were 1,287 post-secondary schools (some of them offering in parallel programmes in several modes of study: full-time day and evening programmes and part-time (extramural) programmes), with around 234,800 learners (an increase of 0.9% compared to the previous year). Most post-secondary schools (around 80%) are administered by private-sector entities. As a rule, programmes are offered in a part-time (extramural) education system.
For years female learners (around 80% of the learner population) have vastly outnumbered male learners in post-secondary schools.
For detailed statistics see ‘School Education in the 2023/2024 school year’ (tables in Polish and English).
Admission requirements and choice of school
Post-secondary schools take mainly general secondary school leavers. Most of them require only a secondary school leaving certificate, rather than a maturity certificate. Only colleges of social work (classified within the school education system by the national legislation) take holders of a maturity certificate. Admission rules for public schools are established by the School Education Act (ustawa o systemie oświaty) and related regulations. Non-public schools lay down rules for the admission process in their statutes.
Age levels and grouping of pupils/students
Post-secondary schools take general secondary school graduates and those finishing other post-primary schools. Thus, learners in the first semester are usually aged at least 19-20/21 years.
A class (also referred to as ‘division’ in the national legislation) is the basic organisational unit in a post-secondary school. It groups learners at the same level of education who jointly follow the same curriculum under the supervision of teachers. The legislation does not predefine the number of learners in a class; exceptions concern primarily learners with a disability.
For some subjects (for example, Foreign language) and for vocational education classes, learners may be further divided into groups or classes may be organised in a different way, as defined in the statutes of a given school.
Organization of the school year
Classes in the school year are divided into two semesters:
- the first semester lasting from the first day of classes (the first working day of September) till the last Saturday preceding the winter holidays;
- the second one from the Monday directly after the winter holidays till the last day of classes (the last Friday in June).
However, the regulations on the organisation of the school year provide for different optional start and end dates of classes in post-secondary schools (as in all types of schools for adults). Classes can begin on the first working day of February and end on the last Friday of January.
The dates of the winter break vary among the provinces. The winter holidays are scheduled between mid-January and the end of February and last for two weeks. The Head of the Regional Education Authorities determines the exact timing of the winter break in agreement with the governor of a given province. Schools also have Christmas and Easter breaks.
Detailed information on the organisation of the school year (start and end dates of the school year, summer holidays and winter breaks with geographical variations, and public/religious holidays) is available in the annually updated Eurydice publication “School calendars in Europe, 2024/25”.
Organization of the school day and week
In accordance with the Regulation of the Minister of National Education of 20 May 2024 on the outline timetables for public schools (rozporządzenie Ministra Edukacji Narodowej z dnia 20 maja 2024 r. w sprawie ramowych planów nauczania dla publicznych szkół), the weekly number of teaching / class hours for compulsory classes in post-secondary schools is:
28 hours per school year (in total, 56 hours in the 2-year education cycle) for schools providing programmes as so-called day classes;
19 hours per school year (in total, 38 hours in the 2-year education cycle) for schools providing programmes as so-called full-time classes.
The total number of teaching / class hours for all compulsory classes provided as part of part-time extramural programmes is 175 per semester (700 hours in the entire 2-year education cycle).
For a 1-year, 1.5-year or 2.5-year education cycle, the number of hours is proportionally lower or higher.