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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Other education staff or staff working in adult education and training


10.Management and other education staff

10.8Other education staff or staff working in adult education and training

Last update: 23 August 2024

Both schools for adults and institutions providing adult education in non-school settings within the school education system are subject to pedagogical supervision, which comprises inspections and activities supporting schools and other institutions and their staff. Like in school education for children and young people, internal pedagogical supervision in adult education is the responsibility of the head of a school for adults or an adult education institution, and those responsible for external supervision are inspectors working in the Regional Education Authorities (kuratorium oświaty) or other pedagogical supervision bodies. Qualification requirements, conditions of service and responsibilities of heads and inspectors in quality monitoring are discussed in Chapter 10.2, Staff Involved in Monitoring Educational Quality for Early Childhood and School Education.

Schools for adults and other adult education institutions which are part of the school education system employ teachers-careers advisers, and teaching and management staff in such institutions are supported by teachers-methodological advisers and teachers-consultants. Qualifications requirements for these specialists and their responsibilities are discussed in Chapter 10.3, Education Staff Responsible for Guidance in Early Childhood and School Education.

Entities providing adult education outside the school education system, as part of economic activity or labour-market training activity, are free to establish qualification requirements, recruitment procedures, conditions of service (within the framework set by the general labour laws) and responsibilities for all staff categories in their internal regulations. However, in case such an entity applies on a voluntary basis for accreditation to the Head of the Regional Education Authorities, it should demonstrate that it has employed qualified staff; see Chapter 11.3 ‘Quality Assurance in Adult Education and Training’.