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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education


10.Management and other education staff

10.3Education staff responsible for guidance in early childhood and school education

Last update: 22 July 2024

Care for children aged up to 3 years

The national legislation on childcare does not provide for the employment of specialists whose specific responsibility would be to provide guidance to staff in crèches or kids’ clubs or children’s parents or psychological or educational support to children. As part of their responsibilities set out in the legislation, childminders working with children in crèches and kids’ clubs collaborate with parents, in particular, providing them with information and advice regarding work with children; for details about childminders, see Chapter 4.

Preschool education and school education

The legislation on preschool and school education identifies the following positions for guidance and counselling staff working in schools (and / or nursery schools and other types of institutions): teacher-pedagogue (or teacher-educationalist), teacher-special education pedagogue (or teacher-special education counsellor), teacher-psychologist, teacher-educational therapist, teacher-speech therapist, teacher-careers adviser, teacher-methodological adviser and teacher-consultant. (See also Chapter 9.1, Initial Education for Teachers working in Early Childhood and School Education).

Staff holding these positions are classified in the national legislation as teachers, although only some of them conduct specific types of classes or activities (for example, educational therapist: corrective and compensatory classes; speech therapists: careers adviser: education and career planning classes).  The legislation specifies qualification requirements and responsibilities for each of these groups of specialists.

Pedagogues, psychologists, speech therapists and careers advisers also work in counselling and guidance centres which are part of the school education system. Centres conduct diagnostic assessments for children and young people, provide counselling and guidance, and support school education institutions in their childcare and educational tasks. For details about counselling and guidance centres, see Chapter 12 ‘Educational support and guidance’.

Teacher – pedagogue, teacher – psychologist and teacher – special education counsellor

The position of teacher-pedagogue (or teacher-educationalist) (nauczyciel-pedagog) in mainstream nursery schools and schools at all education levels and other mainstream educational institutions can be taken by a person who has completed:

  • a second- or long-cycle programme (leading to a Master’s degree, magister) in the field of Education, with the specialism corresponding to the type of classes / activities to be conducted; or
  • a second- or long-cycle programme in any field of study and a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area corresponding to the type of classes / activities to be conducted;

and has a teaching qualification.

Only a mainstream nursery school or primary school can employ a teacher-pedagogue who has completed:

  • a first-cycle programme (leading to a Bachelor’s degree, licencjat) in the field of Education, with the specialism corresponding to the type of classes / activities to be conducted; or
  • a first-cycle programme in any field and a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area corresponding to the type of classes / activities to be conducted,

and has a teaching qualification.

The position of teacher-pedagogue in a special nursery school or a special class in a mainstream nursery school or school, can be taken by a person who:

  • has completed a degree programme in the field of Education or Special Education, with the specialism corresponding to the type of pupils’ disability, at the level required for the position of teacher in a given type of school, and has a teaching qualification; or
  • has qualifications described above for teacher-pedagogues in mainstream nursery schools, schools or other mainstream institutions, and has completed a degree programme, a non-degree postgraduate programme, a programme in an initial teacher training institution ((the type of institution existing earlier, providing short-cycle programmes at the ISCED 5 level, not recognised as a higher education programme in the national legislation) or a qualification course in the area of Special Education corresponding to the type of pupils’ disability or the type of educational institution.

Teachers-psychologists  (nauczyciel-psycholog) working in all types of nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions have completed a long- or second-cycle programme (leading to a Master’s degree, magister) in the field of Psychology, with the specialism corresponding to the classes / activities to be conducted, and have a teaching qualification. To be qualified for this position, a person can also hold a Master’s degree in Psychology or Christian Philosophy, with the specialism in Philosophy and Psychology, awarded by the Catholic University of Lublin until 1 October 1981, or a Master’s degree in Christian Philosophy, with the specialism in Psychology, awarded by the Academy of Christian Theology till the end of 1992, has practised the profession of psychologist for at least 2 years, and has a teaching qualification.

As part of their responsibilities, teachers-pedagogues and teachers-psychologists:

  • conduct diagnostic tests and assessments for pupils, including assessment of their individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities; such tests and assessments aim to identify pupils’ strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes, and reasons behind school failure or difficulties in functioning (including barriers and constraints to the functioning of pupils and their participation in the life of the school);
  • assess educational situations in the school to address problems which create barriers or constraints to active and full participation of pupils in the life of the school;
  • provide psychological and educational support to pupils in response to the needs identified;
  • undertake activities to prevent addiction and other problems faced by children and young people;
  • minimise effects of development disorders; prevent behavioural disorders; initiate various types of support within the school and pupils’ environment outside the school;
  • initiate and conduct mediation- and intervention-type activities in crisis or emergency situations;
  • support parents and teachers in the assessment and development of pupils’ individual abilities, predispositions and aptitudes;
  • support teachers, educational group tutors and other specialists in:
    • assessing pupils’ individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities; and
    • providing psychological and educational support.

Pursuant to the amended legislation, which came into force on 1 September 2022, the position of teacher-special education pedagogue (or teacher-special education counsellor) (pedagog specjalny) can be taken by a person who:

  • has completed a long-cycle programme (leading to a Master’s degree, magister) in the field of Special Education and has a teaching qualification; or
  • has completed a long-, first- or second-cycle programme in the field of Special Education and has a teaching qualification; or
  • has completed a long-cycle programme or a first- and second-cycle programme in the field of Education and has a teaching qualification, and additionally has completed a qualification course in the area of Special Education or a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Special Education or Inclusive Education.

To make it easier for nursery schools and schools to employ teachers-special education pedagogues, staff who have the following qualifications can also hold this position until 31 August 2026:  

  • for nursery schools only; the qualifications required to take the position of teacher in a nursery school and Grades I to III of the primary school, and a certificate of completion of a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Early Childhood Development;
  • for schools and nursery schools: the qualifications required to take the position of teacher in a school and a nursery school, and a certificate of completion of a qualification course or a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Special  Education.

As part of their responsibilities, teachers-special education pedagogues: 

  • collaborate with teachers, class / group tutors and other specialists, parents and pupils to:
    • recommend to the head of a school (or a nursery school or another institution) measures necessary to ensure active and full participation of pupils in the life of the school and architectural, digital and information and communication accessibility for persons with special needs;
    • conduct diagnostic assessments and activities to identify individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities of pupils and, thus, their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes, and reasons behind their school failure or difficulties in their functioning, including barriers and constraints which make it difficult for pupils to function and participate in the life of the school;
    • address pupils’ learning and educational problems; 
    • define conditions and choose specialist equipment and resources for learning, including ICT-based equipment and resources, suitable for individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities of pupils;
  • collaborate with a team of teachers and specialists who develop and implement an individualised education-and-therapy programme for a pupil with a statement of special educational needs, and provide psychological and educational support to the pupil;
  • support teachers, class / group tutors and other specialists to:
    • identify reasons behind pupils’ school failure or difficulties in their functioning, including barriers and constraints which make it difficult for them to function and participate in the life of the school;
    • provide psychological and educational support in direct work with pupil;
    • adapt working methods to the individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities of the pupil;
    • select methods and forms of learning and educational resources which are suitable to pupils’ needs.
  • provide psychological and educational support to pupils, their parents and teachers;
  • depending on the needs, collaborate with other entities (for example, pupils’ parents, teachers, the school nurse or hygienist, counselling and guidance centres (see Chapter 12 ‘Educational Support and Guidance’), in-service teacher training institutions, other educational institutions, non-governmental organisations and other institutions and organisations working for families, children and young people);  
  • propose to the teaching council of the school professional development activities for teachers within the areas covered by a special education pedagogue’s tasks.

Teacher - educational therapist

The position of teacher-educational therapist (nauczyciel-terapeuta pedagogiczny) in all types of nursery schools and schools at all education levels and other institutions can be taken by a person who has completed:

  • a degree programme in the area of Educational Therapy, at the level required to take the position of teacher in a given type of nursery school, school or institution; or
  • a degree programme at the level required to take the position of teacher in a given type of nursery school, school or institution, and a first-cycle (Bachelor’s degree) programme, a non-degree postgraduate programme or a qualification course in the area of Educational Therapy;

and holds a teaching qualification.

Teachers-educational therapists:

  • conduct diagnostic tests and assessments for pupils with developmental disorders or deviations, or specific learning difficulties, to identify difficulties and monitor effects of therapeutic interventions;
  • identify constraints to active and full participation of pupils in the life of the school (or the nursery school or another institution);
  • conduct corrective and compensatory / remedial classes and other therapeutic activities;
  • undertake activities to prevent pupils’ school failure in collaboration with their parents;
  • support teachers, class / group tutors and other specialists to:
    • assess pupils’ individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities; such assessments aim to identify their strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes, and reasons behind school failure or difficulties in functioning, including barriers and constraints to the functioning of pupils and their participation in the life of the school; and
    • provide psychological and educational support.

Among the specialists providing psychological and educational support, only an educational therapist can conduct corrective and compensatory classes.

Teacher - speech therapist

Teachers-speech therapists (nauczyciel-logopeda) are required to complete:

  • a degree programme in the area of Speech Therapy, at the level required to take the position of teacher in a given type of nursery school, school or institution; or
  • a degree programme at the level required to take the position of teacher in a given type of nursery school, school or institution, and a first-cycle (Bachelor’s degree) programme or a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Speech Therapy;

and hold a teaching qualification.

Teachers-speech therapists:

  • conduct logopaedic assessments, including screening tests, to identify pupils’ level of speech and language development;
  • conduct speech therapy classes for pupils and provide advice and guidance to parents and teachers on how to stimulate speech development and eliminate disorders;
  • undertake activities to prevent speech communication disorders in collaboration with pupils’ parents;
  • support teachers, educational group tutors and other specialists in:
    • assessing pupils’ individual developmental and educational needs and psychological and physical abilities; such assessments aim to identify pupils’ strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes, and reasons behind school failure or difficulties in functioning, including barriers and constraints to the functioning of pupils and their participation in the life of the school; and
    • providing psychological and educational support.

Teacher - careers adviser

The position of teacher-careers adviser (nauczyciel-doradca zawodowy) in mainstream nursery schools and schools at all education levels and other institutions can be taken by a person who has completed:

  • a second- or long-cycle programme (leading to a Master’s degree, magister) in the area of Career Guidance; or
  • a second- or long-cycle programme in any field (specialisation area) and a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Career Guidance.

and holds a teaching qualification.

Only mainstream nursery schools and primary schools can also employ teachers-careers advisers who have completed:

  • a first-cycle programme (leading to a Bachelor’s degree, licencjat) in the area of Career Guidance; or
  • a first-cycle programme in any field (specialisation area) and a non-degree postgraduate programme in the area of Career Guidance;

and has a teaching qualification.

Teachers-careers advisers working in special nursery schools or schools or special classes in mainstream nursery schools and schools:

  • have qualifications described above, and have completed a degree programme, a non-degree postgraduate programme, a programme in an initial teacher training institution (the type of institution existing earlier, providing short-cycle programmes at the ISCED 5 level, not recognised as a higher education programme in the national legislation) or a qualification course in the area of Special Education corresponding to the type of pupils’ disability or the type of the institution.

As part of their responsibilities, teachers-careers advisers:

  • conduct education and career planning classes, taking into consideration pupils’ strengths, predispositions, interests and aptitudes identified;
  • collaborate with other teachers in conducting education and career planning classes and ensure the continuity of such activities;
  • support teachers, class / group tutors and other specialists in providing psychological and educational support.

Teacher - methodological adviser and teacher - consultant

Unlike teachers holding the afore-mentioned positions, who work with pupils, parents and / or teachers, teachers-methodological advisers and teachers-consultants support only teaching and management staff. Both teachers-methodological advisers and teachers-consultants have qualifications required of teachers (see also Chapter 9.1, Initial Education for Teachers Working in Early Childhood and School Education) but are also required to hold a Master's degree.

Teachers-methodological advisers (nauczyciel-doradca metodyczny) support teachers and teaching councils (composed of all teachers and the head of a school, nursery school or another institution) in:

  • developing methodological skills;
  • planning, organising and assessing outcomes of the education process, taking into consideration diverse needs of pupils;
  • developing, selecting and adapting curricula;
  • undertaking innovative activities.

As part of their support, teachers-methodological advisers:

  • provide individual guidance;
  • conduct classes, open classes and workshops;
  • organise other forms of professional development which support teachers in their teaching and educational activities;
  • establish and maintain collaboration and self-training networks for teachers.

A methodological adviser can be either a teacher employed in an in-service teacher training institution or a teacher working in a nursery school, school or another educational institution to whom the Head of the Regional Education Authorities (kurator oświaty) assigns additional tasks. This role can be taken by a teacher who:

  • has qualifications required to hold the position of teacher in an in-service teacher training institution (that is, has completed a long- or second-cycle programme (leading to a Master’s degree) in a field / specialisation area corresponding to the subject taught or the type of classes conducted or a Master’s programme in any field and a non-degree postgraduate programme in the relevant area, and has a teaching qualification);
  • holds the appointed or chartered teacher grade (one of the two grades in the professional promotion system for teachers);
  • has received at least a Good grade in the performance appraisal;
  • has a proven track record of professional achievement;
  • has social, interpersonal and communication competences;
  • has ICT skills.

A teacher takes on the tasks of a methodological adviser based on an additional employment contract with a public in-service teacher training institution administered by a local government unit. The contract covers a period of 1 year to 3 years but can be extended for another period of 1 to 3 years. Before extending the contract, the Head of the Regional Education Authorities consults the head of the in-service teacher training institution that employs the teacher-methodological adviser.

The total workload of a teacher employed in a nursery school, school or another institution and in a public in-service teacher training institution may not exceed 1.5 of the mandatory weekly teaching load as specified in the legislation for the position corresponding to the specialisation area of a teacher-methodological adviser.

The head of the public in-service teacher training institution which employs the methodological adviser supervises him / her and collects feedback on his / her performance from teachers receiving support.

Teachers-consultants (nauczyciel-konsultant) are employed in public in-service teacher training institutions on a mandatory basis, but non-public in-service teacher training institutions may also create such a position, based on their internal regulations. This position can be taken by a teacher who has:

  • the qualifications required to hold the position of teacher in an in-service teacher training institution (see above);
  • the appointed or chartered teacher grade;
  • at least 5 years of teaching experience.

As part of their responsibilities, teachers-consultants:

  • assess teachers’ skills;
  • collaborate with the pedagogical supervision bodies and teachers-methodological advisers in assessing teachers’ professional development needs;
  • organise professional development activities for teachers, which develop specialist or subject-specific, methodological and educational skills, in collaboration with higher education institutions, in-service teacher training institutions and other educational and training institutions; 
  • organise professional development activities for methodological advisers, management staff, pedagogical supervision staff and other school education staff;
  • coordinate the work of teachers-methodological advisers and provide specialist and methodological support to them;
  • collect, compile and disseminate education-related information;
  • inspire innovation and educational development in nursery schools, schools and other educational institutions, and provide specialist support in such activities;
  • promote and disseminate new educational, teaching and learning methods, techniques and resources;
  • organise exchange of experience between schools and teachers involved in innovative activities;
  • support teachers who wish to obtain qualifications in specialisation areas;
  • obtain or develop, publish and disseminate methodological and supporting resources relating to the improvement of teaching and learning methods and tools and progress in educational sciences;
  • collaborate with other in-service teacher training institutions.