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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 28 February 2025

Definition of the target group(s)

Higher education institutions (HEIs) provide learning support to students (the term referring to first-, second- and long-cycle students) and doctoral students who:

  • have disabilities;

  • are in a difficult financial situation;

  • are pregnant or are parents;

and to

  • international students.

(Act of 20 July 2018, The Law on Higher Education and Science (as subsequently amended) / Ustawa z dnia 20 lipca 2018 r. Prawo o szkolnictwie wyższym i nauce)

Specific support measures

Support to students including those with disabilities

Admission to first- and long-cycle programmes is based on the results of the maturity exam (which is conducted at the end of the education cycle in some types of secondary schools). The senate of an HEI decides which results of the maturity exam are the basis for admission. Where an HEI conducts additional entrance exams (which is possible only in the cases specified in the Law), related admission conditions and procedures should take into account specific needs of applicants with disabilities.

In accordance with the rules laid down in an HEI’s study regulations, all students have the right to:

  • transfer the ECTS credits earned and have them recognised;

  • follow an individualised study programme;

  • be absent from class if non-attendance is excused; be granted leave of absence from class, and leave of absence from class with the possibility to undergo an assessment of the achieved learning outcomes defined in a curriculum;

  • follow a second degree-programme;

  • transfer to a different degree programme / field of study;

  • transfer to a full-time or part-time degree programme;

  • take a resit exam before an examination board, with an observer chosen by the student;

  • repeat specific classes / courses due to unsatisfactory academic performance;

  • have a 50% discount on local public transport fare.

The Law on Higher Education and Science provides for specific support measures for students who:

  • have disabilities;

  • are in a difficult financial situation;

  • have high learning achievements.

The quality of learning support provided by an HEI is one of the criteria of an external programme evaluation periodically conducted by the Polish Accreditation Committee.

(Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 12 September 2018 on the criteria for programme evaluation / Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 12 września 2018 r. w sprawie kryteriów oceny programowej)

HEIs are required to provide conditions for full participation of persons with disabilities in;

  • the student admissions process,

  • education and

  • research activity.

The rector of an HEI is required to consider the needs of people with disabilities in organising and equipping workstations and learning facilities.

(Regulation of the Minister of Science and Higher Education of 30 October 2018 on the arrangements to provide safe and healthy conditions for work and education / Rozporządzenie Ministra Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyższego z dnia 30 października 2018 r. w sprawie sposobu zapewnienia w uczelni bezpiecznych i higienicznych warunków pracy i kształcenia).

Support to students – (future) parents

HEIs may not refuse to:

  • give consent to follow a full-time degree programme based on individualised organisational arrangements until graduation;

  • grant leave of absence from class

to female students who are pregnant and students who are parents.

Leave of absence from class is granted to:

  • female students who are pregnant, for the period until the date of childbirth;

  • students who are parents, for a period of up to 1 year.

Students may apply for the following types of financial support:

Type of financial support

Eligibility conditions

Level of support, criteria

Maintenance grant  Difficult financial situation

The rector of an HEI, in consultation with the student self-government, sets the level of the monthly per-capita income in the family that entitles a student to apply for a grant. The income level must fall within the limits set by laws (where justified, a student may receive a higher grant). 

The grant is awarded for a semester or an academic year and paid every month. The student may receive a grant in only one field of study to be indicated by the student.

Grant for disabled people (students and doctoral students)

Certificate of:

  • a degree of disability or
  • total work incapacity or
  • an invalid of group I, II or III

(Act of 27 August 1997 on the Occupational and Social Rehabilitation and the Employment of Disabled People (as subsequently amended) / Ustawa z dnia 27 sierpnia 1997 r. o rehabilitacji zawodowej i społecznej oraz zatrudnianiu osób niepełnosprawnych)

(Regulation of the Minister of Economy and Social Policy of 15 July 2003 on the disability and degree-of-disability assessment (as subsequently amended) /  Rozporządzenie Ministra Gospodarki Pracy i Polityki Społecznej z dnia 15 lipca 2003 r. w sprawie orzekania o niepełnosprawności i stopniu niepełnosprawności)

Aid payment Temporary difficult life circumstances

Conditions are set by the rector of an HEI in consultation with the student self-government. 

An aid payment may be granted not more than twice in an academic year. 

Rector’s scholarship 

Outstanding learning, research or artistic achievements or sporting achievements in contests at least at the national level. 

A scholarship may be awarded to a student enrolled on the first year of study, in the year of the maturity exam, who is the winner of an international competition, the winner or a finalist of a national-level competition or a medallist in a sporting contest at least for the title of the Polish Champion in a given sport. 

Conditions are set by the rector of an HEI in consultation with the student self-government. 
Scholarship funded by a local government unit    Conditions are set by the legislative body of the local government unit concerned. 
Scholarship for learning or sporting achievements funded by a natural person or legal person other than a corporate body administered by national or local authorities   Condition are set by the entity awarding a scholarship. 
Scholarship funded by the minister responsible for higher education and science  Significant research, artistic or sporting achievements. A scholarship is awarded for an academic year, at the request of the rector of an HEI. 
A foreigner who has been enrolled on a degree programme, in a doctoral school, on a non-degree postgraduate programme, a specialist programme or another type of programme, or participates in research activity or teaches classes.   
Funding for or financial contribution towards costs of fees for educational services and a lump-sum for travel, subsistence and accommodation costs  A foreigner who has been enrolled on a degree programme, in a doctoral school, on a non-degree postgraduate programme, a specialist programme or another type of programme, or participates in research activity or teaches classes.  Grants are paid via the National Agency for Academic Exchange (Narodowa Agencja Wymiany Akademickiej, NAWA)
Scholarship for outstanding junior researchers funded by the minister responsible for science and higher education  Significant research achievements  Conditions are set by the minister.

Credit for students 

Students who have not reached the age of 30 may receive a student credit: 

  • a credit can be granted if the average monthly per-capita income in the student’s family, in the year preceding the year in which an application is submitted, is lower than or equal to the amount set in the legislation; 

  • students and doctoral students with disability may apply for student credits with a top-up interest subsidy granted from the State budget and preferential credit repayment conditions. 

Students can also apply for:

  • accommodation in the HEI’s dormitory;

  • meals in the HEI’s student canteen;

  • accommodation in the HEI’s hall of residence for their spouse or child.

The study regulations of HEIs set out methods of adjusting organisational arrangements and proper implementation of the teaching process to the specific needs of students with disabilities, including the adaptation of studying conditions to the type of disability.

HEIs undertake various activities for persons with disabilities which are designed to:

  • overcome barriers in access to HEI buildings and student dormitories;

  • provide access to learning resources which are adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities; for example, Braille adaptations, large print, e-versions, audio versions;

  • ensure that students with disabilities can use other persons’ help; for example, persons helping with moving, sign language interpreters, transliterators;

  • ensure access to specialist hardware and software;

  • organise alternative classes such as physical education, adapted language classes;

  • adapt the form of an exam or the organisation of exam sessions to the needs of persons with disabilities; for example: the extension of the duration of exams’ use of adapted materials or computer equipment in written exams; change in the form of an exam;

  • arrange transportation for student with disabilities between their place of residence and the place where they attend classes.

To support students and doctoral students with disabilities and teaching staff working with them, many HEIs have appointed disabled person officers or established units helping disabled persons (for example, offices, centres, help desks). The organisational structure, type and responsibilities of these units vary between HEIs and are specified by a given HEI in a senate resolution or the rector’s regulations.

Below are examples of tasks carried out by officers and units supporting persons with disabilities:

  • identify needs, problems and expectations of students with disabilities;

  • assist HEI units in putting in place arrangements for persons with disabilities, including advice on modern technological devices supporting teaching / learning processes;

  • offer help to address problems on an ongoing basis;

  • give advice on the choice of a field of study based on the candidate’s individual abilities and degree of disability;

  • remove barriers preventing access to information and educational resources;

  • provide candidates with information about education offered to persons with disabilities;

  • undertake activities to ensure social integration and activation of persons with disabilities;

  • collaborate with other HEIs, central and local government bodies and non-governmental organisations supporting persons with disabilities;

  • support persons with disabilities and HEIs in obtaining financial support offered under programmes for disabled persons;

  • represent the interests of persons with disabilities vis-a-vis an HEI’s governing bodies and in external relations.

Public and non-public HEIs receive State-budget funding in the form of targeted / specific-beneficiary grants to provide:

  • conditions for full participation of students and doctoral students with disabilities in the admissions process, the learning process or in research activity;

  • non-reimbursable financial support to students and doctoral students.

The legislation sets out the method for the allocation of funding to HEIs for:

  • financial support for students;

  • tasks undertaken to provide conditions for full participation of persons with disabilities in the admissions process, the learning process or in research activity.

The allocation method takes into consideration the number of the HEI’s students, doctoral students and staff with disabilities, including:

  • deafness,

  • hearing impairment,

  • blindness,

  • visual impairment,

  • a motor disability, and other types of disability,

as confirmed by a statement from the competent body. 

State-budget grants may be used to cover the costs of:

  • teaching and learning facilities / infrastructure for students and doctoral students with disabilities;

  • specialist training;

  • equipment to be rented by students with disabilities;

  • specialist equipment, teaching and learning resources purchased and adapted to the needs of persons with disabilities;

  • transport between an HEI’s teaching facilities;

  • fees for sign language interpreters;

  • sign language courses for staff of an HEI;

  • salaries of assistants to students and doctoral students with disabilities, who are employed at an HEI;

  • training in spatial orientation on the premises of an HEI provided to students and doctoral students with disabilities;

  • activities raising awareness of disability and the presence of people with disabilities in HEIs;

  • purchase of equipment to be rented by persons with disabilities;

  • purchase of equipment and specialist equipment assisting the teaching / learning process, for example, specialist software, lecture text projectors;

  • organisation of physical education classes adapted to the needs of students with disabilities;

  • purchase of specialist and scientific literature to be used by students and doctoral students with disabilities.

Additionally, public HEIs receive targeted / specific-purpose State-budget grants to cover or contribute towards costs of infrastructural projects, including those which support the training of students and doctoral students with disabilities.