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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Support measures for learners in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.5Support measures for learners in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Incentive Plan for Employment of Young People aged 15 to 29 who are out of employment, education or training

The Ministry of Labor, Welfare and Social Security has announced on the 5th of November, 2021, the 3rd Call for Applications, under the Sponsorship Plan, "Incentive Plan for Employment of Young People aged 15 to 29 who are out of Employment, Education or Training (Not in Education, Employment or Training - NEETs” and may be co-financed by the Youth Employment Initiative and the Republic of Cyprus.

The Plan aims to provide support-sponsorships to companies to facilitate the recruitment of persons belonging to the target group, as defined in the Plan, young people aged 15 - up to 29, who are out of employment, education or training, and are registered with the Public Employment Service (PES) before the date of submission of the application for participation in the Project.

Those interested can obtain the Plan Implementation Guide, which lists all the required details, the Proposal Application Form and any other required form or document, from the website of the Department of Labor, and the website of DG EPSA.


Definition of the target group(s)

Provisions of Laws 113(I)/1999 - 69(I)/2001 on the Education and Training of Children with Special Needs and Regulations ΚΔΠ 185/2001 - ΚΔΠ 186/2001 based on these Laws, apply for students in higher education too. Consequently, definition of the target groups is the same as those detailed in section 12.1.1, in this Chapter. 


Specific support measures

As provided in Part VII of Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 186/2001, every higher education institution is obliged to respond to the needs (educational, social and psychological) of students with special needs. Normally, students with special needs follow the same curriculum and timetables and sit the same examinations as all other students in the institution. However, parts of the curriculum may be omitted and teaching methods and examination procedures may be modified according to the Evaluation Report of the District Committee, provided that such modifications will not constitute an advantage for the referred student. Special building specifications must be also met. Students with special needs have priority in accommodation.