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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counseling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counseling in higher education

Last update: 22 March 2024

The first National Graduate Tracking Survey

The report of preliminary findings of the first national graduate tracking survey in Cyprus has been published. The publication of the report was an interim target in the context of the project entitled “development of a national graduate tracking mechanism and design and implementation of an employers’ skills survey” which is funded by the EU’s Recovery and Resilience Facility.
The report presents the implementation of the national graduate tracking survey as well as the Eurograduate 2022 survey in Cyprus but presents only national findings. Findings are presented in six thematic sections namely:
a) education experience
b) labour market participation and labour market outcomes
c) international mobility of graduates after graduation
d) skills mismatch
e) career guidance and counselling, and
f) upskilling and reskilling during employment
The report of preliminary findings highlights among other things the following:
Overall graduates are satisfied with their studies, and they indicated that it made a significant contribution to their professional and personal development.
A low percentage of graduates (15%) reported participation in mobility programs during studies.
Most graduates (>80%) are employed, however, a considerable percentage of graduates (45%) reported being overeducated, that is they consider they have a higher level of education than is required by their job.

Academic guidance

Academic and career guidance services are available for students in all the universities and the non-university level institutions. At the university level, there are usually Careers Offices or Services for Academic Affairs and Student Welfare, which are responsible for advising students and alumni on employment and career prospects and postgraduate studies abroad. In the same way, the Guidance and Counselling Services of the institutions offer information and help prospective students to choose suitable programmes of study. Regulations Κ.Δ.Π. 172/2006 (Student and Academic Affairs), University of Cyprus, provide for an academic/research counselor to be assigned to every undergraduate/postgraduate student respectively, the responsibilities of who are defined by Statutes. Every student is obliged to be in close cooperation with his/her counselor in regards to the programme of studies and other responsibilities.   

Psychological counseling

Counseling Offices operating at all universities offer, among other services, psychological support (including psychotherapy, if necessary) to individual students.    

Career guidance

As mentioned in 12.6.1 above, there are usually Careers Offices in universities and other higher education institutions, which are responsible for advising students and alumni on employment and career prospects and postgraduate studies abroad.