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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Academic guidance

All institutions of higher education have a study service responsible for counselling students on their choice of subjects and combination of courses, on which courses are required for specific occupations, on specific requirements during study periods and examinations and on study techniques.

Counselling is generally integrated into the general study administration of each faculty. Most faculties have a counselling centre with the primary task of giving students advice on further studies, related to their choice of future work. The universities and university colleges publish guides with detailed information on the main branches of study and requirements for further study. Responsibility for advising on combinations of courses lies with the departments and teaching staff, and with supervisors in the case of higher degrees and doctoral studies.

All public institutions of higher education are required to start some mentoring schemes for students from 2019. The institutions are free to organise these to their preference and choose which programmes get mentoring schemes first. Mentoring schemes can generally be focused on academic performance or career development. The University of Bergen has decided to have mentoring schemes available for all study programmes by 2019. 

Psychological counselling

Student Welfare Organizations are legal entities responsible for the welfare of students in higher education and vocational in Norway. The 14 organizations are regulated by the Act on Student Welfare Organisations (in Norwegian) from 2007 and based on compulsory membership for all students attending the institutions in question. The local Student Welfare Organization offers welfare activities such as student accomodation, health services, counseling services, kindergarten, sport/workout and meals. The Student Welfare Organizations are self-governed entities, each headed by a board with a majority of student representatives. Each organization is free to choose the kind of welfare activities to be offered.

Career guidance

No national regulations.