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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in higher education


12.Educational support and guidance

12.6Guidance and counselling in higher education

Last update: 27 November 2023

Academic guidance


In recent years, the tutelage by both teachers and students has become the most widespread form of systematic management and guidance for students throughout their studies at higher vocational colleges (HVC) and higher education institutions. It focuses on the academic or professional development of students as well as their personal development.

The purpose of student tutelage is to help student learn and get through other difficulties during studying that may affect academic performance.

There are different forms of tutelage, namely:

  • induction tutelage: help first-year students adapt to new study and living environment
  • subject tutelage: help understand and master the study subject of individual courses, and counsel on the most appropriate study methods and learning strategies
  • tutelage to SEN students: assist and guide students in any year to develop skills needed for them to adapt and integrate into studies and student life, it may continue throughout student’s studies; and
  • tutelage to foreign students: support and help students overcome cultural shock and adapt to the new environment.

Teacher tutors advise their students individually on various topics, such as:

  • selection of subjects and study path
  • career opportunities, and
  • other issues that students encounter during the course of study.

The purpose of student tutelage is similar. Student tutors help others master different subject matters and overcome other issues that occur during studies and interfere with their academic performance.

Psychological counselling

Student counselling offices provide psychological support to students. They operate both at the level of student organisation and within higher education institutions. Their services are free of charge for students. The counselling may be individual or group. They aim to help students in distress caused by learning difficulties, mental health, personal relationships, and other personal matters.

Career guidance

Within higher vocational colleges, higher education institutions and other educational institutions, career centres (University of Ljubljana career centres, University of Maribor career centres) provide comprehensive support and help students and graduates decide on their academic and career path. They counsel on career planning and help improve the students’ employment competence, already during studies. Career centres aim to facilitate the transition of graduates into their first job.