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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation


13.Mobility and internationalisation

13.7Bilateral agreements and worldwide cooperation

Last update: 19 March 2024

Bilateral agreements

The bilateral cooperation between Slovenia and other European and non-European countries is specified with the framework agreements in education, often in culture, too. The cooperation is supported by cooperation programmes, protocols, action plans, and memorandums. 

The cooperation is more intensive with neighbouring countries, specifically, for respecting and establishing the rights of national communities. The regions, too, maintain cooperation. A good example is the cooperation with the Austrian Styria region.

Slovenia has had enhanced cooperation also with Germany and France. Teaching German and French is widespread and interest in it is great. The cooperation facilitates training and peer-learning of teachers and the exchange of students and good practices, teaching and learning material, and similar.

Slovenia has introduced cooperation in education also with non-European countries. It entered into written agreements with some and has been cooperating through multilateral organisations and associations with others.

Forms of cooperation:

Agreements support the examination of university teachers, students, researchers, professionals and artists. The implementation and funding of the exchange differ, the reciprocity is common. Agreements also support cooperation in school education, sports and youth, as well as learning languages.

Intergovernmental bilateral programmes and protocols on cooperation in education, culture and science give tangible opportunities for exchange and specify the implementation and funding of certain forms of exchange based on reciprocity. Slovenia participates with several foreign countries in programmes that specify – for example – the number of postgraduate scholarships, exchange of individuals, attending summer language courses, indirect cooperation of school and cultural institutions, opportunities for attending international events, and so forth.

The ministry responsible for education has established direct protocols in education with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Macedonia and Serbia. The aim was and is to make equal nationals of those countries to nationals of Slovenia and/or the EU as to the cost of studies (they do not have to pay the so-called fees for foreigners).

The Slovenian system of education is founded among others on promoting the development of multilingualism of individuals and educational area. Multilingualism is under the realm of the ministry responsible for education. There have been numerous projects at the national level that included educational institutions and public institutes, as well as universities. Some projects ended, other are current, and some started new (several projects). 

Cooperation and participation in programmes and organisations

Slovenia has established multilateral cooperation also internationally and got involved in several intergovernmental and non-governmental initiatives, town-twinning, and regional networks and associations. The regional cooperation has been pursued mostly within the Central-European Cooperation in Education) among Slovenia, Austria, Hungary, Czechia and Slovakia.

 Slovenia is also a member of the Central European Exchange Program for University Studies  programme (CEEPUS) aimed at integrating and developing the Central European university area.

The National Commission for UNESCO with head-office at the ministry responsible for education pursues activities at all levels of education and prioritises the following contents:

  • Safeguarding the right and access to education
  • Improving literacy
  • Inclusive education
  • Education for peace and human rights
  • Cultural and language diversity in education
  • New information technologies
  • Education and training of education staff
  • Education for non-violence
  • Education in crisis and post-crisis
  • Health in schools, and AIDS.

Schools participate in the UNESCO Associated Schools Network (ASPnet).

Slovenia is a member of the Council of Europe and addresses with the education programmes:

  • Education for democratic citizenship,
  • Learning and teaching of contemporary history,
  • Learning and teaching languages
  • Intercultural and interregional education
  • Minorities and Roma
  • Violence at school
  • Integration of the European dimension in education
  • Development of school policies, and
  • Continuous education and training of teachers.

Slovenia has been participating actively in the International Organization of Francophonie.

It is also a member of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and a full member of the Centre for Educational Research and Innovation (CERI). It is involved in the OECD researchers and projects, such as PISATALIS, INES programme, and so forth.

Slovenia is compelled by international commitments and EU requirements to deliver funds for international development and humanitarian aid to developing countries and increase it gradually. In the field of education and training, the aid is delivered in the scope of the activities of the European Training Foundation which is responsible for aid and cooperation of EU member states with third countries. The educational activities are focused on South-eastern Europe.