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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Distribution of responsibilities


8.Adult education and training

8.1Distribution of responsibilities

Last update: 27 November 2023

At the central/national level the main responsibility for adult education and training lies with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport and its Upper Secondary, Higher Vocational and Adult Education Directorate. Other ministries that are responsible for specific aspects of adult education and training are the Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities, Ministry of the Interior, Ministry of Culture, Ministry of Health, and Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food.

Ministry of Education is tasked to:

  • Adopt officially recognised programmes
  • Specify conditions and requirements for staff
  • Defines material requirements
  • Keep a register of officially accredited programmes, and
  • Co-fund the implementation of programmes and supporting activities in line with the annual programme of adult education.

The Ministry's decision-making in this area is supported by the expertise of the Council of the Republic of Slovenia for Adult Education, which is one of the councils of experts appointed by the Government. Two public bodies that are affiliated with the Ministry of Education, Science and Sport are also of relevance: Office of the Republic of Slovenia for Youth; and the Inspectorate of the Republic of Slovenia for Education and Sport.

Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities has a special Sector for Lifelong Learning and Scholarships. This ministry administers the system for the recognition of non-formal learning and the National Vocational Qualification system for the recognition of competencies in the labour market. This system enables persons who acquired specific knowledge and skills in a non-formal manner to have their knowledge formally certified.

Ministry of Culture plays an important role in non-formal adult education that is offered through the numerous cultural organizations in existence in Slovenia. Their educational and training programmes are aimed at different target groups and enhance, among other things, the reading culture, Slovene language skills and digital literacy. Ministry of Health oversees activities related to health education and other preventative measures aimed at encouraging people to actively care for their health. Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Food is responsible for various educational programmes aimed at the development of countryside and its human resources; and at the transfer of knowledge and innovation in agriculture, forestry, food production, etc.

Another national-level body of relevance is the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education. This is a supporting institute founded by the state. It serves as the national institution dedicated to research and development; quality and education; guidance and validation; and promotional and informative activities in the field of adult education. Each year, the Institute publishes a catalogue of offerings (sl) of formal and non-formal adult education. The catalogue contains information about programmes that are available to adult learners as well as information about the providers of education programmes. In addition, the National Institute for Vocational Education and Training, the National Education Institute with the National School for Leadership in Education and the National Examination Centre also play a role in adult education and lifelong learning.

There are no public bodies at the sub-national level solely dedicated to the governance of adult education and training, but municipalities do oversee the implementation of adult education. They establish public institutions that provide educational programmes, and – in line with their annual plans – they provide the premises and the funding for educational programmes.