Government of the Republic of Slovenia and ministries
Government of the Republic of Slovenia
Gregorčičeva 20-25, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 478 10 00
website:, e-mail:[at]
Ministry of Education
Masarykova cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 400 54 00, tel (Kotnikova 38): +386 (0)1 478 46 00
e-mail: gp.mvi[at]
Ministry of Higher Education, Science and Innovation
Masarykova cesta 16, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 478 46 00
e-mail: gp.mvzi[at]
Ministry of Culture
Maistrova ulica 10, 1000 Ljubljana
tel: 01 369 59 00
Ministry of Labour, Family, Social Affairs and Equal Opportunities
Štukljeva cesta 44, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 369 77 00
e-mail: gp.mddsz[at]
Ministry of Digital Transformation
Davčna ulica 1, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 555 58 00
e-mail: gp.mdpi[at]
Ministry of the Economy, Tourism and Sport
Kotnikova ulica 5, 1000 Ljubljana
tel: +386 (0)1 400 33 11
e-mail: gp.mgts[at]
Institutes and centres
National Education Institute Slovenia
Poljanska cesta 28, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 300 51 00
website: and, e-mail: info[at]
Academic and Research Network of Slovenia (ARNES)
Tehnološki park 18, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 479 88 77
website:, e-mail: helpdesk[at]
Slovenian Institute for Adult Education
Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 584 25 60
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training
Kajuhova 32U, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 586 42 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Centre for School and Outdoor Education
Frankopanska 9, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 234 86 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
The Centre of the Republic of Slovenia for Mobility and European Educational and Training Programmes (CMEPIUS)
Ob železnici 30a, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 620 94 50
website:, e-mail: info[at]
National Examination Centre
Kajuhova ulica 32 U, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel.: +386 (0)1 548 46 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia
Dimičeva 13, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 589 80 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Institute of Public Health of the Republic of Slovenia
Trubarjeva 2, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 244 14 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Public Scholarship, Development, Disability and Maintenance Fund of the Republic of Slovenia
Dunajska 20, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 434 10 81
website:, e-mail: gp[at]
Slovenian Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (SQAA)
Miklošičeva cesta 7, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 400 57 71
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Educational Research Institute (ERI)
Gerbičeva 62, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 420 12 40
website:, e-mail: pedagoski.institut[at]
Chamber of Craft and Small Business of Slovenia
Celovška cesta 71, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 583 05 00
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Slovenian School Museum
Plečnikov trg 1, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1/ 251 30 24
website:, e-mail: uprava[at]
Statistical Office of the Republic of Slovenia
Litostrojska cesta 54, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1/ 241 64 00
website:, e-mail: gp.surs[at]
Institute for the promotion of youth mobility
Dunajska cesta 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 430 47 47
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Institute of sport RS Planica
Dunajska cesta 22, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 434 23 90
website:, e-mail: info[at]
- List of kindergartens (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
Basic schools
- List of basic schools (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
Upper secondary schools and residence halls for students
- List of upper secondary schools (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
- List of residence halls for students (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
School Student organisation of Slovenia
Dunajska 51, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 280 68 01
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Short-cycle higher education institutions
- List of short-cycle higher education institutions (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
Higher education institutions
- The list of higher education institutes (sl) (Ministry of Education)
University of Ljubljana
Kongresni trg 12, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1 241 85 00
website:, e-mail: rektorat[at]
University of Maribor
Slomškov trg 15, SI-2000 Maribor, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)2 235 52 80
website:, e-mail: rektorat[at]
University of Primorska - Università del Litorale
Titov trg 4, SI-6000 Koper, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)5 611 76 37
website:, e-mail: info[at]
University of Nova Gorica
Vipavska 13, Rožna Dolina, SI-5000 Nova Gorica, Slovenija
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Special needs education schools
- List of basic schools for children with special needs (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
- List of institutes for children and youth with special needs (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
Music schools
- List of music schools (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
Adult education and training institutions
- List of adult education and training institutions (link to the portal of Ministry of Education)
- List of public adult education and training institutions
Slovenian Association of Folk High Schools
Ulica Ambrožiča Novljana 5, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)31 729 905
website:, e-mail: info[at]
Slovenian Third Age University
Poljanska cesta 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija
tel: +386 (0)1/ 433 20 90
website:, e-mail: univerza3[at]