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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach


12.Educational support and guidance

12.8Guidance and counselling in a lifelong learning approach

Last update: 27 November 2023

In the last part, you will read about information, counselling and guidance in lifelong learning.

Guidance and counselling for lifelong learning includes:

  • Information, counselling and guidance on programmes and activities of adult education
  • psychological counselling, and
  • career guidance.

All three aspects are intertwined and provided by competent professionals.

There are 14 information counselling centres for adult education in Slovenia. They were set up in the scope of development and professional activities of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (ACS). They pursue the activities within the Lifelong-learning Centres at informal universities. Their aim is to provide high quality, professional and comprehensive information together with counselling services on education, training and career guidance for all adults. They link up the centre’s information records with the providers of educational and counselling services for adults from the local environment into a network to ensure high quality, comprehensive and coordinated operation. The information and counselling activities are pursued by professional staff with a diploma in one of the following study programmes: pedagogy (preferably andragogy), psychology, social pedagogy, social work, sociology, organization and system management.

Professionals – consultants at the centre – pay special attention to vulnerable groups of adults in the local environment. Because they want to make counselling accessible to a wider circle of adults, they provide counselling outside their registered offices at Lifelong-learning spots (about 400 are present in Slovenia) or as part of mobile service.

Professional staff provide relevant information and counsel to individuals:

  • Before entering an education programme: candidates receive information about entrance requirements, types of education, etc. before they decide for the education programme and organisation.
  • during studies: learners receive information on how to organize learning activities, how to overcome learning difficulties, etc.
  • at the end of studies: graduates get help to assess their achievements and prospects for further education, etc.

The centres provide counselling in person, information and counselling by telephone, written counselling – by post or e-mail and in the information material.

In the scope of guidance and information about lifelong learning, one organises different projects and activities to support adult education, such as Independent learning centres Network (map, sl), Learning exchange, and so forth.

It is the responsibility of the Slovenian Institute for Adult Education (ACS) to provide counselling to education staff in adult education.

The Employment service of Slovenia has set up information and career guidance at the national as well as regional level. They provide appropriate information and guidance on employment opportunities, support career planning and education and training, help with applications for scholarships for unemployed persons, and other. Candidates may visit the online portal for e-counselling.

Guidance, counselling and information on career, career training and development are provided by adult education organizations and other institutions, such as the Institute of the Republic of Slovenia for Vocational Education and Training (CPI), Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia (GZS), Chamber of Craft and Small Business (OZS), and others.