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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Distribution of responsibilities


8.Adult education and training

8.1Distribution of responsibilities

Last update: 21 January 2025


The Ministry of Economy, Culture and Innovation  is responsible for the following tasks: drafts, develops and implements policies for reforming and modernization of vocationa education and training; drafts the general criteria for the functioning of institutions that offer vocational education and training; defines the key criteria and procedures for employment of teaching personnel related to vocational education and training and their qualification and certifying; defines by specific bylaw act the procedures for hiring and employing of the teaching staff in vocational education related to vocational education subject; creates, reorganizes and closes VET institutions; defines in cooperation with the ministry responsible for education the by law acts and statute of VET institutions (providers’); cooperates with national licencing centers for licencing of of subjects that conduct VET activities; approves core vocational curricula for VET providers; participates in final evaluation and certification of participants in vocational training courses; supervises the activities of vocational education and training institutions.

 Ministry of Education   and Sport is responsible for the following tasks defines the general criteria for qualification and certifying of teaching personel in vocational education in comparison with the ministry responsible for social issues; drafts and enables policies of vocational development of professional development for teachers of general culture; conducts testing and certifying of pupils in vocational training schools in cooperation with Ministry responsible for social affairs; defines the curricula of general subjects; defines criteria for employment qualification and certifying of general culture teachers.

 The National Agency of Vocational Education Training and Qualifications (NAVETQ) is a subordinate institution to the Ministry of Social Welfare and Youth. The mission of NAVETQ is to create a unified national system of vocational qualifications based on the Albanian Qualification Framework (AQF) leaning on the European Qualification Framework (EQF). Since the very beginning, NAVETQ acted and acts as a public institution providing expertise in issues of VET development and lifelong learning. NAVETQ is responsible for the development of vocational qualifications and standards (from level 2 to level 5 of the AQF), for the development of frame curricula and assessment methodologies and instruments. As the responsible body, NAVETQ supports also the development of short term courses for adults offered by public Vocational Training centres. NAVETQ staff is specialized in VET, Vocational Qualifications, and Adult Learning and have been providing long standing experience working with projects implemented by international partners as the IIZ/DVV of Germany, Swiss contact of Switzerland, ILO and other projects as well. NAVETQ is also cooperating with private sector organizations in order to address the labour market needs in terms of vocational qualifications for the different economic sectors, as well as with experts/practitioners of the education and training field. Furthermore, NAVETQ works on a daily basis with teaching staff and other groups responsible for VET and Adult Learning provision and exchanges with other national and international institutions in these issues.

The National Employment Service offers job matching carreer guidance and qualification for job seekers.