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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 4 December 2024

Key Features of the Education System

Education in Albania is provided by both public and private institutions at all levels.

The Ministry of Education and Sport  [Ministria e Arsimit dhe Sportit ] is responsible for Pre-university Education and higher education.

The Ministry of Finance [Ministria e Financës]  is responsible  for Vocational Education and Training (VET). In this area it shares competences with Ministry of Education and Sport. Ministry of Education and Sport is merely responsible in relation to appointment of teachers for general subjects in VET high schools and coordination of the start and end of respective school years for this type of upper secondary education and the dates of final tests for matura so that it is in line with other types of high schools.

Higher education: According to the Constitution, the Government and Parliamentary Bodies determine the educational policy for tertiary education. They are responsible for drafting and approving laws, bylaws and other regulations and for carrying out the other activities in the field of tertiary education provided for by law. Article 57 of Albanian Constitution states that everyone has the right to access education and basic education is mandatory for all. The same article guarantees in principle the autonomy of higher education institutions. Academic freedom financial freedom and freedom to conduct research is guaranteed also by the law on higher education.

Stages of the Education System

In Albania the following forms of education can be distinguished:  Pre University education, Higher Education an Vocational Education and Training (VET).

​Obligatory education age in Albania is from 6 to 16 years old. It includes basic education and lower secondary education. Classification of education level in Albania is done based on codes 0,1,2,3 in reference to the "International Standards of education" approved by UNESCO General Conference in 1997. Based on this classification the following education forms can be distinguished in regard to pre-university education. 

  • Pre school education [Arsimi parashkollor] ISCED 0 starts from 0 to 6 years old in the Albanian education system. It is not obligatory. Institutions offering pre-school education are needles [çerdhet] and kindergartens [Kopshtet]. Needles depend by local governance units and serve to  children 0 to 3 years old. Kindergartens on the other hand are frequented by children 3 to 6 years old and are dependent by Ministry of Education, Sports and Youth. Kindergartens can be half boar and full board and organize their activities based on programmes developed by the Ministry.
  • Basic education [Arsimi Bazë]  ISCED 1starts at the age of 6 and ends at the age of 10 years old and is compulsory. 
  • lower secondary education [arsimi i mesëm i ulët] ISCED 2 composed by  four classes  (classes VI-IX). The pupils that are 16 years old but did not complete primary education can complete it in part-time schools. Basic education for pupils with limited abilities is organized in special schools, in special classes within normal schools or integrated in normal classes.
  • Upper secondary education [Arsimi i Mesëm i lartë]  ISCED 3is optional and starts at the age of 16 years old. Higher secondary education in Albania is composed by:
  • General Upper  Secondary education [Gjimnazet]. This type of higher secondary education leasts for three years and is composed by three classes. Pupils that are 23 years old but did not complete this type of education can follow it on part-time basis.
  • High schools [Shkollat e Mesme Profesionale] has a duration of two to four years.  It is structured at three levels based on  Albanian National Qualification Framework.
  • Oriented Education Schools [Shkolla të arsimit të orientuar] include art schools, sport schools, foreign languages schools and schools oriented in other education areas. Admission in these institutions is done based on specific criteria set by specific Decision of Council of Ministers.

All types of higher secondary education mentioned above are completed once the State Matura Exam is finished.  Matura exams include three common subjects namely Albanian Language and Literature, Math and one foreign language. They also incude subjects by choice which are defined by guidance of Minister of Education. Organization and development of national state matura exams are regulated by guidance of Minister.

Higher Education

  • Higher education institutions in Albania are both public and private. Currently, there are in total 40 higher education institutions 14 public and 26 private ones that operate in the territory of Albania. They operate in Tirana as well as in the main regions. Funding sources of public higher education institutions are: state budget, student tuition fees, income from services rendered or generated by third parties, donations, scientific activities, international projects, bilateral or multilateral agreements, funding from special funds.

Structure of the National Education System

Please refer to the Eurydice Data and Visuals for a display of the Structure of the National Education System

Useful Links and References

Website of Ministry of Education and  Sport

Website of Ministry of Finance