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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Second-cycle programmes


7.Higher education

7.3Second-cycle programmes

Last update: 15 February 2024


Second cycle programs include “Master of Sciences”/”Master of Arts” diploma. Admission to “Master of Sciences”/”Master of Arts” study programs is subject to a Bachelor diploma or another equivalent foreign qualification recognized in the Republic of Albania and to the specific entry requirements of each single HEI. “Master of Sciences”/”Master of Arts” degrees are issued after the conclusion of a course lasting 2 years (when it comes after a Bachelor degree course) or 5 to 6 years (whenever it is an “Integrated Master of Sciences” program). Study programs of the second cycle of higher education refer to level 7 of the AQF.





Branches of Study

In Albania, the second cycle study programmes include:

  • ‘Master of Science’ [Master i Shkencave] and ‘Master of Arts’  [Master i Arteve] 
  • ‘Professional Master’ [Master Profesional].
  • Integrated Master of Sciences 

They correspond to level 7 of Albanian Framework of Qualifications and EQF 7.

“Master of Science”/”Master of Arts” study program that lasts 2 years foresee the accumulation of 120 ECTS upon its completion while an “Integrated Master of Science” program lasting 5 or 6 years foresee the accumulation of 300 or 360 ECTS.  A “Master of Science”/”Master of Arts” diploma should be obtained after the presentation of a diploma thesis. A “Master of Sciences”/”Master of Arts” diploma gives to the holder the right to access the labour market or/and continue the academic studies on third cycle study program.

The second cycle programs also include the “Professional Master” diploma. The admission to “Professional Master” study programs is subject to a “Bachelor” diploma or another equivalent foreign qualification recognized in the Republic of Albania and also to the specific entry requirements of each single HEI. “Professional Master” courses last 1 or 2 years and foresee the accumulation of 60 or 120 ECTS upon its completion. A “Professional Master” diploma gives to the holder the right to enter the labour market in both public and private sectors.

Admission Requirements

Admission to the second cycle of study programmes is possible for those candidates that have completed  a first cycle  study programme. The admissibility criteria are set by the basic unit, which offers the programme and may slightly change from one higher education instituion to the other. Integrated study programmes are excluded from the present rule. The main unit and ESC set the criteria for the latter. Higher education institutions may recognize the credits acquired in ‘Professional Master’ second cycle study programmes, with the aim of transferring them to ‘Master of Science’ study programmes. Higher education institutions send to ESC the list of enrolled students at the beginning of the academic year.

It is important to note that one of the admission criteria to a Master of Science degree is the knowledge by the candidate of one out of five foreign languages of the European Union (English, French, German, Italian and Spanish), certified by internationally recognized examinations.


The curricula are developed at the institutional level. Study programmes consist of compulsory and optional subjects. The standard instruction language is Albanian, but the higher education institutions may organize examinations, some parts or an entire study programme in a minority language or another foreign language, which has to be declared by the HEI in the application submitted for licensing.

Teaching Methods

Higher education teachers have to organize their lectures in compliance with the curriculum but the teaching methods they use are not prescribed.

Progression of Students

Students can move on to the next year of studies once they have completed their obligations in terms of obtaining the sufficient number of ECTS as provided in the regulation of each HEIs.

The student can pass a particular exam at any time within the dates/periods scheduled in advance by each HEI. Regulations of each HEI provide for further promotion specifications of students.


Idem with the bachelor section on employability.

Student Assessment

IDEM as bachelor cycle.


Professional Master, Master of Arts or Master of Sciences Diploma. The fist two programmes have a one year duration while the second has a two year duration.