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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice
Teaching and learning in single-structure education


5.Single-structure Primary and Lower Secondary Education

5.2Teaching and learning in single-structure education

Last update: 6 January 2025

Teaching and Learning

Curriculum, Subjects, Number of Hours

The drafting and implementation of the curricula is guaranteed by means of cooperation and coordination of all stakeholders. The key stakeholder in charge for the curricula drafting and monitoring is the Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university Education. In regard to curricula the key tasks amongst institutions are divided as follows:

At national level the Ministry of Education and Sports approves the core documents related to the curricula including the curricular framework the teaching subjects and teaching plan of the curricula plan of programmes for different subjects report between core curricula and curricula by choice classes. 

At local level local education units  are in charge to establish the number of classes to be opened based on needs at the specific location

At school level there is no school autonomy since the curricula implemented is that implemented by the Ministry responsible for education. 

The core curricula is the part of the curricula which is obligatory and the same for all students. 

The curricula by choice is focused on selecting subjects and professional models that are focused on student choice. 

The core curricula for pre-university education (including also basic education) is prepared at national level. On the other hand the number of subjects and hours per school year are defined by respective act of minister of education 

In regard to curricula of specific classes for specific subjects and specific levels of integrated basic and lower secondary education the Agency for Quality Assurance in Pre-university education is the key institution in charge for curricula preparation. Also the agency engages teachers, experts from the ministry or from other bodies or relevant external experts during preparation of respective currricula. Curricula for integrated basic and lower secondary education contain the so called core curricula composed of obligatory subject and the so called curricula by choice from which pupils can choose respective subjects of their interest.

To access specific programmes of basic education i.e. classes I-IV:

For lower secondary education please consult the following link:

Teaching Methods and Materials

The curricula in basic education as in all types of education for each class [klasë] is composed by the core curricula [kurrikula bërthamë], the curricula of subjects by choice [kurrikula e lëndëve me zgjedhje]. All curricula are drafted by relevant experts of the  National Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and approved by Ministry of Education and Sports .

Currently, the whole pre-university education system, including basic education has undergone a curricular reform and competence based curricula are sent for each level. Teaching methods vary at different levels. Teachers are free to chose the methods of teaching in their respective classes for as long as those are in line with what predicted in respective approved programmes and curricula. Recently attempts are being made to adapt ICT means and their use to different subjects. For this purpose schools are appointed by new labs with respective ICT means. Such labs are not meant to use only for ICT related subject but also for other project-based subjects.