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EACEA National Policies Platform:Eurydice



Last update: 16 December 2024

Key Features of the Education System

Georgia's educational system has been a fundamental pillar in the country's development, and recent reforms and strategic actions continue to focus on improving accessibility, quality, and sustainability at every level. Georgia's education system reflects the country’s post-Soviet transition, with a strong focus on modernizing its structure and aligning with European standards. 

The principal legislation governing education in the country includes the Law on Early and Preschool Educationthe Law on General Educationthe Law on Vocational Education, and the Law on Higher Education.  The legislation is overseen and developed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth of Georgia

The 2022-2030 Unified National Strategy of Education and Science of Georgia emphasizes the in-depth instillation of knowledge regarding national values, protection of the environment, technological innovation, skills for independence, creativity, lifelong learning, communication, and civic responsibility. 

The Government of Georgia (GoG) has recognized education as a right and source of personal and professional development, social well-being, and sustainable development.  The 2017-2021 Education and Science Strategy marked a significant phase of comprehensive reforms in the country’s education system; the strategy set the stage for a more dynamic, accessible, and globally competitive education system through improvements in curriculum, quality assurance, teacher training, vocational education, inclusivity, research, and internationalization. These reforms have laid a solid foundation for further development and integration into the global educational landscape. The evaluation of the 2017-2021 strategy led to the development of the 2022-2030 Strategy of Education and Science, which emphasizes evidence-based policy making, inter-agency cooperation, and compliance with European standards, as well as integration with the country's broader "European State Building" program.

The GoG has committed itself to increasing the state funding of education to 6% of the GDP, with further development of a competitive and equitable education system in mind. Future reforms will address challenges brought to light by the COVID-19 pandemic—the so-called digital divide—and will further strengthen Georgia's integration into the European education space by pursuing strategic international cooperation and innovation-oriented policies.

Georgia’s education system is primarily centralized, with the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth overseeing the sector. The Ministry plays a crucial role in setting national policies, managing budgets, and enforcing educational standards. While the education system remains predominantly centralized, there is a growing shift towards decentralization, granting institutions more autonomy in certain areas, such as the school management level. 

This development is accompanied by the significant growth of the private education sector,  particularly at the secondary and tertiary levels. Despite this, the public sector remains the dominant education provider, reflecting the state’s commitment to ensuring broad access to education for all citizens.

Levels of the Education System

The Georgian education system is designed to support student development from early childhood through advanced studies, ensuring preparedness for future opportunities. It is structured into several levels, each with distinct goals, age groups and education objectives.

Early and Preschool Education System

Early and preschool education and care in Georgia are regulated by the Law of Georgia on Early and Preschool Education. Participation in preschool education, including the school readiness program, is voluntary. Service is provided by both the public and private sectors.  Public institutions for early and preschool education offer free education and catering services for children in accordance with the regulations established by Georgian legislation.

The system's beneficiaries, children from 0 to school age, are offered services in three key areas:

  • Early upbringing and education: Services are provided to children under two and their parents/legal representatives. This includes education and support for the parent/legal representative, services to childcare institutions, healthcare, catering, hygiene, safety, early intervention, and inclusive education.

  • Preschool education and upbringing: Services designed for children's comprehensive development from age two until they enter the first grade of primary general education. The school readiness program is a compulsory component.

  • School readiness program:  A state-standard-based educational program designed to ensure children achieve the necessary developmental and educational outcomes before entering formal schooling.

General Education System

General education in Georgia is governed by key legislation such as the Law on General Education and the Law On Enhancement of Education Quality. General education in Georgia is governed by key legislation such as the Law on General Education and the Law On Enhancement of Education Quality. Complete general education spans 12 years, with three levels: primary (grades I-VI), basic (grades VII-X), and secondary (grades XI-XII).  A child shall be admitted to the primary level of general education at the age of 6, provided the child has attained this age by the start of the academic year. A child who turns 6 between the day after the beginning of the academic year and December 31 shall have the right to be admitted to the primary educational level voluntarily, based on a decision made by the parent. This new regulation offers greater flexibility for parents in determining the appropriate time for their child to begin primary education. Primary and basic education are compulsory. Both public and private institutions can provide general education, following the National Curriculum developed by the Ministry of Education, Science, and Youth. After completing primary and basic education, students receive a basic general education certificate, which allows students to pursue further studies at the secondary education stage of general education institutions or basic vocational education programs of VET institutions; completing secondary education grants a full general education certificate, which allows students to pursue further studies at higher education institutions or Secondary/Higher vocational programs.

Vocational Education System

Vocational education in Georgia is regulated by laws such as the Law on Vocational Education and the Law On Enhancement of Education Quality. Vocational institutions offer vocational educational programs that lead to qualifications and state-recognized diplomas, short-cycle educational programs, vocational training and retraining programs, joint vocational educational program/short-cycle educational programs, Exchange vocational educational programs/short-cycle educational programs, and state language preparation programs/modules.  Vocational institutions must meet authorization standards to issue state-recognized vocational diplomas. Higher and general education institutions can provide vocational programs without additional authorization. Any legal entity can obtain the right to implement vocational training and retraining programs for adult population by applying to NCEQE and complying with certain standards.

Vocational education includes:

  • Basic vocational education programs corresponding to the 3rd level of the National Qualifications Framework (NQF).

  • Secondary vocational programs corresponding to the 4th level of the NQF.

  • Higher vocational programs corresponding to the 5th level of the NQF.

  • Vocational training and retraining programs- Training programs develop specific skills, with outcomes corresponding to the 2nd through 5th levels of the NQF. Retraining programs focus on acquiring new competencies or upgrading existing skills in the field.

Higher Education System

Georgia's higher education system is regulated by the Law on Higher Education and the Law On Education Quality Improvement. It consists of three levels: Bachelor's, Master's and Doctoral. Besides bachelor's, master's, and doctoral programs, higher education institutions implement short-cycle and one-level educational programs.

Types of institutions include:

  • Colleges offering only bachelor's programs.

  • Universities offering programs from bachelor's to doctoral levels, along with research activities.

  • other higher education institutions established by law; 

The status of a higher education institution and the right to conduct educational activities can only be granted through authorization, as outlined by the rules governing the authorization process. Authorization is the procedure through which an institution obtains the status of a higher education institution, ensuring that it meets the necessary standards to provide educational services and issue state-recognized qualifications. Accreditation is a mechanism for external evaluation of educational program compliance with standards. In accordance with amendments introduced to the Law of Georgia "On Education Quality Enhancement," the concept of cluster accreditation was defined, and since 2022, accreditation has become mandatory for all types and levels of higher educational programs. Before, accreditation was mandatory only for regulated Georgian-language training and doctoral educational programs.

The European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) guidelines in the higher education system of Georgia have been adopted at the national level by legislation.  Bachelor's degree program - includes at least 240 credits; Admission to bachelor's programs requires passing the Unified National Examinations. A higher education institution, in accordance with the rules established by order of the Minister of Education, Science, Culture and Sport of Georgia, is authorized to develop a master's educational program, which consists of no less than 60 ECTS credits. The legislative framework also permits institutions to design Bachelor's degree programs with a minimum of 180 credits.  Doctoral programs last at least three years, with a maximum of 60 ECTS credits in the educational component. 

Structure of the National Education System

Structure of the National Education System

Useful links

For more information on Georgia's education system, please visit: